When He Turns Neko

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"(Y/n)..please stop." Pein gave quick and faint sigh as you giggled when flicking his left cat like ear that matched his hair color. Instead of being surprised when coming back to his room after a mission to see him sit cat ears and a tail, you were thrilled to tease him. "I can't. It's so cute." When seeing his tail sway side to side, you knew Pein was enjoying getting this much attention from you. You smirked, scratching behind his ear, kissing his forehead in the process. As for Pein, he continued to write mission reports in scrolls, slightly smirking when hearing you giggle. "Okay that's enough. I need to concentrate." You let him do so, and he let you sit in his lap, your legs around his sides as your chin rested on his shoulder as do you could watch his tail sway.
You gave a confused look towards Kakuzu held your wrist back to you when you tried to reach for his mask. "Kakuzu. I'm not kissing you through your mask." "Then you don't get a kiss at all." You moved to the side from the doorway, which you stood at and waited for Kakuzu to get back from his bounty you didn't feel like going on. As you smirked with furrowed brows, Kakuzu headed towards the bathroom. "Well that's too bad then. Hah!" After reaching and pulling off Kakuzu's mask, you gave a parted smile to his cat ears as he deeply sighed. When Kakuzu counted money, you cuddled him close to you, stroking his hair and scratching behind his ear. You giggled and smiled, and as for Kakuzu, he stayed quiet, smirked, and tried to keep his tail from swaying.
"Deidara?!" Deidara froze in position when turning his head only to see you standing in the doorway with widened eyes and parted lips. You stared at the shredded bedspread that covered the bedroom floor, but when you saw Deidara's cat like eyes and ears on the top of his head droop, you smiled. "I'm sorry, un. I have claws and..I'm sorry yeah." Deidara stood up for he was crouched on the ground, but when he went over to you, you pulled him into a tight embrace. "Awe Kitty Dei-Dei." Deidara gave an eye roll, then started to purr when you scratched his back that wasn't covered by his cloak. "I could get used to this, un." You gave an eye roll next, then smirked with a head shake when pulling back from the hug, only to make Deidara say 'Ow' when you pulled his tail. "I can too but you're gonna have to clean this up. Don't don't give me those sad eyes." "I tried, un."
"(Y/n)." You looked up only to see Deidara clinching the back of Tobi's Akatsuki coat while holding him off the ground like a cat. You were shocked to see Tobi was part cat for he had a tail that swaying and cat ears that were droopy. "Keep him in here, un. He's making a bigger mess than he already does, yeah." You smiled with a nod, Deidara did back but after dropping Tobi, whom soon after jumped on the bed and started purring. "Tobi?!" When Tobi started to rub his mask against your chest, Obito started to chuckle a bit. "Trying to cuddle you My Angel." You gave an eye roll, scratching behind Tobi's ear with a smile. "Good excuse, cats get away with everything." The rest of the day, you spent in bed cuddling with Obito, making Tobi chase things around the room, and trying to get Tobi to stay inside the bedroom, which didn't last.
You gave sealed lips on trying to to crack a smile when seeing Sasori with cat ears and a tail that matched the color of his hair, even his dark brown eyes were that of a cat. While Sasori worked on an antidote, you tied a string through on of the wrist joint's ball. "I'm busy love." When Sasori continued to watch you dangle the ball in front of him, you smiled seeing his tail start to sway and ears twitch. "Awe, Sasori. It'll make me happier." You nudged him with the ball against his shoulder, making him sigh but with the edges of his lips curled. You had to work on puppets but it was worth for Sasori would let you scratch behind his ear, stroke his hair, he also would try to keep your hand on his head for you to pet it. You knew Sasori wouldn't admit it but, he enjoyed being neko for a day, making him not rush on the antidote.
You gave sealed lips, trying to not smile, when scratching a stick against the ground in the grass. After Zetsu came back from a mission, he hid for he was embarrassed of the white cat ear and tail that was attached to him. "Zeeeeetsu." While you continued to move the stick around, the light side of Zetsu started to smile as the other grunted. "Not falling for it." "Awe, come on. Look how happy she looks." You smiled when Zetsu walked over to you, he wasn't wearing his cloak so you blushed to that. "Hehehe." Throughout the day, you were surprised to find the dark side of Zetsu trying to play with you as his light dude purred and tried to cuddle with you. But either way, you were happy, along with Zetsu.
You gave a groan when walking around the forest behind the base in search for Hidan after Kakuzu told you about the incident he got into. "Hidan! I swear I won't call you cute!" You giggled when stopping, clinching your kunai just in case anyone else was wandering the forest. Hidan smirked, he licked the blood from his cheek and smirked his fangs, twitches his left cat ear, and swayed his tail when looking down at you from a branch. "Ah! Hidan!" You gasped soon after some dropped down next to you, you then giggled when staring at him and blushing on how attractive he looked. "You look so." "Don't." You smiled with blush when Hidan growled, stepping up to you. "Hot." Hidan and you walked back to the base but until arriving there, you'd tease him by pulling his tail, stroking his hair and pulling his ear where he cussed at you or threatened you. But all in the end, Hidan enjoyed cuddling with you and just being a cat, which he won't admit to you.
"Kisameow." Kisame gave a deep sigh when you giggled and tugged his cat like ear repeatedly. "Stop." You gave a grin, kissing his cheek multiple times, then placed your chin on his shoulder with a sigh. "But you're purfect." Kisame was carrying you on his back when returning back to the nearest village. The two were ambushed by ninjas from villages over, and sadly for Kisame but happy for you. Kisame was shot by one of the darts that made him grow cat ears and a tail. Kisame gave a deep sigh as you chuckled, glancing back at his fluffy cat tail that was swaying them up at his ears that you tugged again. "Awe, does Kisa Kitty wanna a fish snack?" The whole way back to the base and even when arriving there, you teased Kisame with puns, by tugging his ear or tail, and trying to get him to play like a cat. Kisame actually didn't mind, at times he'd threaten to scratch you but seeing you giggle and smile made him let you do your thing.
You rubbed your cheek with your eyes squinted and closed for you were still half asleep in bed. You felt as if a strand of your hair kept brushing against your chin and cheek but when you tried grabbing it you ended up hearing a throat clear. "Itachi?" You sat up in bed with parted lips and widened eyes when seeing a cat like tait away, and Itachi was laying on his side, back to you, with his cat ears twitching as he sighed. "Don't pull the tail." You blushed, giggling too when holding Itach from behind with your chin on his shoulder. "Sorry." You and Itachi remained in bed most of the day, and to keep you entertained, he would sway his tail and touch your nose, causing you to try and catch it. At times, you'd blush when hearing Itachi purr when you would stroke his hair or scratch behind his ear.
"Seems you're enjoying this more than me?" You smiled, giving a head nod as you messed with Orochimaru's cat ears when standing behind him as he sat in his chair in his hideout. "Hehe I am." Orochimaru gave an eye roll, then deeply sighed while trying to keep his tail from swaying. "You wouldn't have anything with me bring this way now would you?" "Um..no..maybe." After hearing a growl you hugged him tightly when kissing his cheek. "But you look cute." Since you were responsible for Orochimaru being neko, he acted as if he was a cat to keep you busy with him. He would purr or growl, at everything you did, he would play with your hair and make you pet him and stroke his hair. You enjoyed it, you never spent time much time with Orochimaru at the base so it was worth the hassle of taking care of him.

(Hope you enjoy this more to come soon so sorry for slow updates and if these are a bit iffy.)

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