Skinny Dipping Gone Wrong

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"You seem frustrated." You gave a glance towards Pein with his fingertips clinched against your head after giving a small groan. "It's hot. I don't feel like doing this work cause the ink smears and..ugh." For once, since it was sometime in May, it was hot in the base. "Would you like to go to the springs then?" Pein stood up from his desk, you stared at him with a 'seriously?' expression before smirking. "Is there anyone in the base?" 'Sasori, Kakuzu, Orochimaru." Seconds later, you ended up pulling Pein out of the base, to the lake only for him to stare at you in confusion. "(Y/n). Wha-." Pein's eyes slightly widened seeing you strip into your undergarments before taking those off once in the water. "Aren't you going to join? My King." Pein did without hesitation, stripping off the last bit of clothing once in that water. "Relaxed?" You gave a nod when sinking into the water, Pein smirking as he took your hand and pulled you to him. "Are you relaxed?" "Are you two seriously naked?" You gasped and hid closer to and behind Pein after he glanced back to see Kisame giving a confused look. "I thought he was on a mission with Itachi." As Pein said that, you and were walking into the base in your undergarments and cloak over as Pein followed. "Thought. You, thought?"
Kakuzu gave a glance up after hearing you groan, only to look down when you crossed your arms when leaning against the bathroom doorway. "Kuzu. The waters not working and I neeeed to shoower." Kakuzu glanced up with a grunt, shuffling the bounty papers he scanned through. "Seems that's too bad (Y/n). You'll have to wait till tomorrow." You gave a light sigh, then smirked and grabbed a towel along with your hair products. "Where are you going?" "There's a lake outside." Kakuzu followed you outside, it was dark out too but he still gave a head shake with crossed arms when you undressed. "You're welcome to join me. But I bet you won't." As soon as you turned to him, Kakuzu lifted you up off the ground bridal style and carried you into the lake. You gave a small laugh when he released you, only for you to placed your arms around his neck and peck his lips. "Seems we should of made a wager, huh?" Kakuzu smirked, giving a light sigh before standing up straight and pulling you behind him. "Let's make one now. Five bucks on there's someone spying on us." You gave a confused look, about to speak before you watched his threads explode from his wrist, seeing his clinched fist towards the trees feets away. After hearing a scream and Kakuzu dragging a young village boy across the ground. "Ugh..I'll meet you in the room."
"The Hot Springs?!" Deidara chuckled when glancing back at you as you held him from behind. The two of you were on his clay bird, supposed to be heading back to the base but instead Deidara took a different route to make a pit stop. "Yay! Awe, I love you!" You hugged Deidara once more before rushing to one of the creators after landing. Surprisingly the springs were empty, making you smile at Deidara and strip. Deidara slightly blushed seeing you take off the last bit of clothing once in water. "Coming Dei-Dei? It's really warm. Well hot." Deidara smirked, stripping the way you did, then pulled you close once in the water with him. "Mhm, just like you, hm?" You blushed, but before you could kiss him, you and him both lowered a bit seeing many people walk by. "Hope you two don't mind that I join?" You and Deidara both gulped a bit when a husky guy with brown hair sat on the opposite side of the creator only to get out seconds later after glancing over to see your bra and Deidara's boxers. "How are we going to get back to the base now Deidara?" "Let's just...enjoy this while we can, un."
You were holding hands with Tobi as the two of you walked around the lake, it wasn't near the base, it was on the opposite side where the waterfall was at behind a larger rock. "I bet Tobi can skip rocks more than you (Y/n)-chan!" You gave an eye roll when he started to do so, you watched as you picked up a stone, but instead you tossed it. "It's not that deep there? Hey Tobi, I have something fun we could do." With that being said, you stripped out of your clothing and lowered yourself in the water. "Obito..join me please." Obito did so, he kept his mask on the top of his head though but held you close when going underneath the waterfall. "Anything you'd like." Seconds later, you and Obito ended up looking to the side in confusion after hearing groaning. Obito placed a hand over your eyes after you yelped when seeing Hidan peeing in the lake. "Nearly almost pissed myself." As you and Tobi walked back to the base, you were giving a blank expression as Tobi patted your head. "Awe (Y/n)-chan, do you want Tobi to erase your memory?" "Please.." "That's why Tobi picks the games!"
"I don't see the point of baths. Showers, slightly understandable in a way." Sasori was standing in the doorway of the bathroom, attaching a finger to a wrist as you wrapped a towel around you after stepping out of the bath. "Are you telling me you want to experience a bath Sasori?" Sasori glanced up at you just to see you smirking, he then glanced down with a light sigh and walk back to his desk. "Love, that tub isn't large enough." You gave an eye roll, putting your cloak on over your slip on clothes when Sasori sat back down. "I have an. Interesting idea." After saying that, you and Sasori headed towards the lake, it wasn't dark but it was sunset. Sasori watched you strip, he was holding the cloak in front of you before you stepped into the water. You blushed when watching Sasori strip, and when he joined you, you placed your arms around his neck as he held your sides. "This is what a bath feels like. Skin" Just before Sasori could kiss you, the both of you turned your heads only to see Deidara hop of his clay bird. "Dana?" "Will you get out of here brat?" Deidara placed his hands to his eyes and backed up quickly when Sasori stood up out of the water, you behind him, trying your best not to laugh. "And that's what it feels like when I get my bath interrupted." Sasori turned to you, lowering back into the water and taking your hand to pull you close. "Are you directing that to me love?" "Duh." "Interesting."
When arriving at the garden, you smirked seeing Zetsu not there. Shortly after double checking, you approached the pond, smiling at the coy fish that swam away right when you placed your hand into the water. Next you stripped down and relaxed into the pond with a light sigh. "My dear what are yo-." "You're skinny dipping." "In the pond?" "Without us." You smiled when facing Zetsu just to see his head sticking out of the ground before the rest of him came up. "I'm not stopping you to join me." The light side of Zetsu blushed as the dark side grunted before both stripping and sitting in the pond beside you. "How did this idea?" "Come to mind?" Just before you could speak, you gasped when a fish splashed up, smacking Zetsu. You scooted back and laugh, as he grunted, trying to use the vines to strike at the fish in the water. "Heh. You know they're trying to get (Y/n)?" You gave parted lips, blushing before wrapping your cloak around you when stepping out. "That wasn't necessary." "Neither are these damn fish."
"That was a lame stab and you know it." You gave an eye roll as Hidan smirked at you, the two of you walking back to base after doing a ritual. It was late, as you gave a head shake while heading to the lake, Hidan followed with an eyebrow raise. "What the hell are yo-." "This blood is starting to stick. Washing it off before not only Pein-s-. Ahh!" Hidan laughed after pushing you in by your butt and with his foot when you sat on your knees to wash off. "Hah, very funny." When Hidan looked back at you, he got a face full of your shirt. Hidan stripped into nothing soon after realizing you did, he then tackled you in water, kissing on your neck as you giggled. "Hidan stop. Where's our clothes?" You and Hidan looked back at the shore only to see all clothes missing, then hearing giggling. "That childish bastard!" Hidan grabbed his scythe, running out of the water as Tobi ran around the base. When Kakuzu stepped out, he took a step back in and slid shut the base door as you laughed, giving a head shake with a sigh. "And this why Hidan is an asshole."
You smiled after hearing a soft splash in the lake, you were on your way back to the base. It was dark outside and the only sound was that of crickets. "Nice try Kisa." You tossed a rock into the lake, then walked over to it while taking off your cloak. "Why you little brat?" You smirked when you sat down in front of Kisame, whom was in the water and holding the top of his head. "Oops." Kisame smirked and grabbed your ankle, causing you to try and pull back. "Join in....without your clothes." You blushed, about to speak before you glanced over after watching Kisame toss him swim trunks beside you. After stripping, you quickly got into the water, shivering as he held you close. "Damn it's cold." Kisame smirked again, kissing your cheek with a chuckle as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "You'll get used to i-. Ow!" Kisame soon pulled you to the side, making you give a confused look as he placed his hand behind him. "Did something bite you? Haha." You laughed a bit when he gave an eye roll, grabbing your cloak and putting it around you as you sat on land. "Don't know. Want to check?" You gave an eye roll with a laugh still, placing on your undergarments then your cloak. You held your clothes then picked up Kisame's shorts and tossed it to him. "No. Let's go back inside and I'll get you a band-aid." "I'm going to drown you."
"You're quiet." You glanced up at Itachi from your kunai, seeing him standing in the doorway as you were sitting back against the bed. "Hm? Oh, nothing. Just....bored I guess." Just when you glanced back down, Itachi lifted up your head with his fingertip pressed against your forehead. "Is that so?" You smiled a bit, giving a nod, making Itachi give a light sigh through his nose. "Can't have that then. Let's go." You followed Itachi outside the base, it was late too, you had a confused expression when seeing him stop in front of the large pond. "You could use a swim then." After watching Itachi strip into his boxers, you blushed and did the same. "I guess." You and Itachi were completely nude once in the water, he pulled you close after feeling your goosebumps. "This is nice." Itachi started to kiss at your neck, making you blush before he leaned back and looked up. You did the same only for rain water to make you look down, seconds later while swimming to get out, it started to hail. "Its best to be bored Itachi." Itachi smirked a bit when following you back to the room, each of you drenched. "Well if any ask why were soaked, we can blame it on the rain."
"Orochi, can't we just take your summoning snake? I don't feel like walking." Orochimaru gave a light smirk as you stopped walking, taking off your cloak. You and Orochimaru were on the way back to the base after visiting with Kabuto. "Where are you going?" You followed Orochimaru with a confused look seeing him walking in a different direction, you pushed past a bush after he did the same. Only to give parted lips towards a pond, then watched his cloak fall onto the ground. "You can complain or get in the water naked with me?" You did the second option without hesitation. You gave a relaxing sigh after sinking into the water, making Orochimaru smirk and pull you close from behind. "Better?" "Much better." You glanced around the forest, only to keep your eyes locked on a nailed board sign that read 'This pond is in memory of.' The word was hard to read for it was faded, you then looked at Orochimaru with parted lips as he smirked at you. "The person is long dead. Why not enjoy his memorial?" "Orochimaru!" You stepped out of the water and placed on your undergarments, only to gasp when a leaf ninja jumped down from the tree. "What are you two doing?!" "Seems we should of used the summoning snake?"

(Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon sorry if some are a bit iffy.)

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