Your Worst Bad Habit To Him

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(So, I'm going to use my bad habits for these XD)
You may not admit to it, but Pein knows you have a bad habit of mocking orders. After being told what to do by anyone, you always mock their request under your breath when doing what they asked. Even if you agree to doing whatever they say without hesitation, you still mock them. Pein doesn't know why you do so, but he does know that this bad habit gets on his nerves.
'Hm? Huh? What? What did you say?' These responses from you drives Kakuzu insane. After anything question he ask or anything he tells you, even though you clearly heard him, you give him those responses. This bad habit of yours always makes Kakuzu heavy sigh or groan. At times, he won't even ask you or inform you about anything until you give him your attention. You don't do it on purpose, but Kakuzu thinks you do just to get on his nerves. Reason why is because after you say 'What?' after hearing what he said, you'll laugh and tell him your actual response.
Deidara adores so much about you that your habits hardly bother him. However, there is one habit of yours that he sorta gets annoyed with. You have a bad habit of daydreaming or even zoning out during a conversation. At times, he'll laugh and snap you out of it without having a problem of repeating himself. Most days, he'll call you out on it and make you repeat what he said when you're in denial. Deidara knows you do this with everyone, but he's the one that gets most annoyed when trying to keep the conversation going.
Obito cares a lot about you and shows you that he does every day. This is why your habit of putting your health last causes him to get quiet aggravated and aggressive towards you. As much as you say 'I'm fine' or 'It's just cold', Obito will make you go on bed rest. Whenever you get injured on a mission and try to brush it off, Obito will immediately get you back to the base for recovery. Whenever you are sick, he'll force you to stay in bed until yo are healthy. He knows you are strong, but he can't stand if when you put your health last. No matter how much you say that it isn't a bad habit, he still disagrees.
You don't know why this bad habit of yours bothers Sasori so much, but he can't stand it to the point he fixes it for it. Sasori can't stand it when you slouch. You argue with him on how it's not a bad habit, but he always disagrees. At times when your waiting or relaxing, whether or not you are sitting or standing, you tend to slouch. Whenever Sasori sees you doing so, he'll use his chakra strings to make you sit or stand up straight. Until you admit to doing it on your own, he'll hold you up for minutes to hours.
Surprisingly, to both sides of Zetsu, this bad habit of yours triggers him. Taking a bite of something and putting it back on the plate makes him disgusted. Even though Zetsu always kisses you and you always have your lips on him, it bothers him. He doesn't eat much of the foods you eat, but seeing you take a bite of something and putting it back without touching it again causes him to call you out on it. To be honest, you don't see this as a bad habit, so you do it on purpose to get on his nerves.
No habit of yours ticks Hidan off more than you being indecisive. Over every little thing from not knowing what to wear, what to eat, or what to do, causes Hidan to snap. Most of the time he'll make the decisions for you, and when he tries he only gets told to back off. You can't help but to admit to this habit, and that you sometimes use this habit of yours to make him mad on purpose so he'll stop bugging you. Either way, when you're being indecisive over something so simple, it always ends up with Hidan being in a pissed-off mood.
As much as you would think Kisame should love this habit of yours, he hates it. Whenever you are just the slightest bit cold or bored, or need to think, it seems like a bath or shower is always the answer to your problems. At times, he'll either join you or even sit on the outside of the tub. Now, when you take at the most of three baths almost every other day, Kisame gets very annoyed. He doesn't know why you do it or why he always resort to the tub, but he knows this is a bad habit you won't admit to.
Nothing aggravates Itachi more than your lip smacking. When being told 'no' or what to do that you don't approve of, you'll make your lips and give him or anyone a glare. He can't stand it and often calls you out on it, but you don't admit to it. At times, when you smack your lips at him and roll your eyes, Itachi will often sign and to the task himself.
For some reason, Orochimaru can't stand it when you constantly have to pop your bones. I don't know why this bad habit of yours bothers him so much, but it just does. Once you pop a bone in you finger, like you have to pop everything else from your toes, to your back, to your neck, and even to your knees. It drives him crazy, and when you do so he'll leave the room until you are finished.

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