When He's sick

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You were walking with Pein to go visit Nagato, you noticed how Pein was walking slightly slower than normal but you didn't think nothing of it. As you kissed Pein on the cheek you went side with a smile before it faded slightly as he coughed trying to great you. "Nagato.." he gave you a small smile as you hugged him gently and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "Are you feeling okay?" He gave a nod with a slight chuckle. "Yes it's just that Pein might have a cold." Your (e/c) eyes glanced towards the door slightly narrowed before the loosened as you waved goodbye to Nagato. Once you were out you and Pein went back to the office, him coughing slightly more as he stepped in the room. "Told you it was too cold in here." He smirked slightly as he pulled you into his lap and rested his head on the side of your shoulder. "I know." You kissed his forehead and pulled him closer to you, he ended up falling asleep on you but you didn't mind. You continued to do the paperwork till he woke up and brung you to the bed with you to sleep , which you didn't mind as well.
You tried not to stare at Kakuzu when he counted his money, he had his mask off and you could tell his nose was red and he gave small coughs here and there. "I'm not sick. Don't even think about it." You gave a small smile as you got out of bed and went to go sit in his lap, surprisingly, he let you. But you immediately put your hand to his forehead feeling how warm he was before pushing your hand away slowly. "Kuzu, you are sick." "I'm not." "Yes." "(Y/n)." You rolled your eyes as you got up off his lap and as soon as you did he stared to cough as he watched you stare at him with a smirk. "Yes you are." He grunted as struggled his shoulders and continued to count his money as you stared at him. "And?" You narrowed your eyes as you turned towards the bed and once you did he cleared his throat. "And you need to get better." You threw a blanket over him you were about to leave the room but iis threads wrapped around your arm pulling you to his lap. "You got me sick I believe." You rolled you eyes abs pulled the blankets over the both of you and you kissed his cheek as he grunted and continued to count his money.
You were sitting at Deidara's desk while he was out on a hour mission. You knew he was on his way back so you decided to stay up and wait for him. Your (e/c) eyes narrowed in confusion after you seen Deidara walk in to the room with a red nose and cheeks giving small sniffles. "Hey, un." "You okay Dei?" He gave a small nod and went in for a hug. "Yeah." You were about to speak but he ran to the bathroom and stared to throw up. You held his blonde hair back and felt his forehead. "Deidara come lay down." He nodded and took off his cloak and shirt and laid in bed. You pulled blankets over him and placed a wet rag on his forehead, you were about to leave the room but he lightly pulled you to him. You smiled and sat on the end of the bed rubbing your thumb over his hand till he fell asleep and you did the same.
You looked everywhere for Tobi, around and outside the base but you couldn't find him. "Tobi." You slightly yelled as you walked into his room, you finally found him but in the bathroom hearing Obito groan. "Obito?" You locked the bedroom door as Obito opened the bathroom door, his cheeks red and his nose running. "You okay?" He shook his head as you felt his forehead was warm. "I think I'm sick.." You gave a small smile as you helped him up to the bed, taking off his cloak before he laid in bed. "I love you..my angel." You smiled and kissed his forehead as you rubbed his back as his face was buried into your side. "I love you too. And Tobi." He gave a smile smile till he fell asleep, you placed his mask on and left the room but when you came back Tobi was dangling from the bed "(Y/n)-chan can you rub Tobi's tummy. Tobi don't feel good." You did what he asked with a smile as he snored.
You were working on your puppets while Sasori did the same. As you tinkered around your (e/c) eyes slightly narrowed in confusion as you heard Sasori try to clear his throat. You focused again before he started to cough a couple of times. "You okay?" His dark brown eyes glanced up at you then back down at his work with a nod. "I believe so love." You gave a nod on agreement before you heard him cough more. He watched you as you placed a hand on his head. "You're warm surprising. I think you might be getting sick." "That's impossible love." He watched you get up and put his cloak over his bare, wooden body. "Love, I'm not sick. There's no need." You ignored him and kissed forehead and went back to making puppet, checking on him every now and then as he coughed lightly.
You were on your way to Zetsu's garden after you got finished talking with Leader-sama. You smile as you stepped in his garden but then it faded seeing Zetsu sitting back against the garden shed. "Zetsu." "My dear I believe." "You got us sick." "No you didn't." You placed your hand on his forehead and feeling the light side of his cheek. "You do have a fever." "Told you." You helped him up and brung him to your room so you could check on him every now and then while you attend the meeting. After ten minutes of checking up on him he was finally asleep, you damped a rag on him every now and then and kept putting covers over him until you eventually fell asleep on his chest.
You were sitting on the couch trying to talk to have a discussion with Kakuzu before you heard Hidan groan your name. You rolled your eyes as you watched him shuffle into the living. "You bitch. You got me sick." Kakuzu chuckled as he left the room with a 'have fun' mumbled while Hidan sniffled and sat on the couch resting his head in your lap. "Hidan I was sick like a month ago." "Eh. Shut up. It's your damn fault and that medicine won't fucken work. Now make me feel better." You smirked as you stood up, leaving Hidan in confusion before you came back with a blanket. After you put the blanket over him and laid his head back in your lap you started to comb back his silver hair with your finger tips. "Mhm..much better." You did a small laugh as you continued until he fell asleep but then woke him up by slipping cough medicine down his throat. "Ugh, what the fuck? (Y/n)!"
You stepped into Orochimaru's after visiting with Pein-sama. Your smile faded slightly as your (e/c) eyes narrowed slightly in confusion to see Orochimaru sitting in his chair with his dark hair covering most of his face. "Orichi? You okay?" He looked up at you with a 'hm' before he smirked, pusheonh his hair out of his face. "I'm alright." "Orichi?" He smirked as he pulled you onto his lap before he covered his mouth to cough, that's when you put your hand on his forehead and felt how warm he was. "I'm fine." "No you're not.." He looked up into your eyes seeing how worried you are then pulled your chin towards him. He pecked you lips and pulled you to his chest, you wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his chest as he gave another cough then shortly fell asleep as you did the same.

(Hello there! Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon! XD)

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