When He Makes Another Memeber Jealous

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(Remember the member that had feelings for you?!? Well your lover makes him jealous by showing him that you're his...basically XD)
You were in the base's living room waiting for Pein to give a meeting. You smiled as you talked with Tobi before Zetsu came up out of the ground behind you. "Hello." "Hey Zetsu." You turned around with a smile and he smiled back before Pein cleared his throat and you went to go stand by him. As the meeting went on Pein and Zetsu made eye contact, then glanced down to see you smiling towards Zetsu. You blushed slightly once Pein wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close to him and kissed the side of your head. You gave a confused look seeing how Pein never did this before. Pein narrowed his eyes at Zetsu just before he went into the ground and Pein walked you to his office. "Some one was being affectionate." "Was I?"
You sighed as you left Pein's office, Kakuzu was still in the room but when you walked in Hidan was sitting on the edge of the bed, both looked your way. "Hey Hidan." Hidan gave you a smirk and a nod as you entered the room, Kakuzu's eyes narrowed and before you could walk past them Kakuzu's threads pulled you into his lap. Hidan looked away once you looked at him and Kakuzu grunted. "You were saying Hidan?" Hidan rolled his eyes and stood up as you made a confused look at him. "Never mind." After he left the house room Kakuzu grunted and continued to hold you in his lap before you removed yourself. "What was that about?" "Nothing. Why ask?" "Nothing it just, you never show affection in front of anyone." He grunted as you stood in the bathroom door way. "I'll pay you not to question." "Okay?!"
You and Deidara was sitting on the couch making and teasing each other with clay birds. "Dei-Dei that's cheating you have art skill." Deidara chuckle with a light pink on his cheeks before the base door opened and Tobi skipped into the living room. "Hello Deidara senpai and (Y/n)-chan!" You smiled as you waved to Tobi. "Making clay birds?! Fun!" You smiled and before you could get up off the couch Deidara pulled you into his lap and started to kiss your cheek repeatedly. "Deidara stop." Tobi stayed quiet before he stood up. "We'll see ya (Y/n)-chan!" You smiled as Deidara continued to hold you in his lap. "Deidara let me go." "Sorry un." You giggled as you stood up and he glanced to the side seeing Tobi out of sight.
You sat in the living with Deidara and Sasori, the two of them were arguing until you came in the room telling them to shut up. A couple of minutes past of you sitting in the living, you sat next to Sasori watching him make his puppets and Deidara making a clay bird. "I think both of you are talented." "Well. It's strange if you to think that's art." "Sasori I'm interested in your art too." Sasori looked up at you, you gave a nod before you looked at Tobi. "(Y/n)-chan! Tobi misses you! And Tobi loves you!" Tobi pulled you up off the couch into a tight hug and spun you around pressing his face mask to you. Sasori got up and left the room while Deidara focused on his clay. "Tobi! You're making me dizzy!" He giggled and put you down then pulled you onto the couch and hugged you tightly. "Tobi sorry!" "I love you too."
You and Sasori sat in the living room waiting for the meeting to start, Sasori would be in his room but you dragged him into the living room. You smiled as you sat next to him and made small talk before Orochimaru came into the living room with a couple of other members behind him. "Love sit on my lap so others can sit and not complain." You gave a confused looked seeing that Sasori was willing to let other people have room on the couch. You did and he put his arms around you kissing your shoulder as he glanced up at Orochimaru who had narrowed eyes. "Love, move your hair." You pushed your (h/c) to the side and he kissed your cheek. You blushed with a smile. Orochimaru shut his eyes then stood up but before he could leave the room Pein-sama started the meeting.
You walked beside Zetsu back to the base, the two of you had each other's fingers intertwined with the other's as you both smiled. "You really need a bathroom in the garden." "Gross." You giggled as the two of you stepped into the Akatsuki's base's living room. "I'm serious Zetsu I'm constantly having to run back here to pee." "I'm sorry my dear." "Control your bladder." You rolled your eyes then bumped into Pein-sama. "Ah, sorry Pein-sama." You gave a small head bow as he gave a nod, Zetsu pulled you close to him so Pein could get by, then started to kiss your cheek. "Zetsu you can let go now." "But my dear." "You complain we don't show you affection." Pein's eyes slightly narrowed as he grabbed his door knob. "Do that in private not in the hallway. Zetsu." Both sides of Zetsu smirked slightly as you leaned up off of him and went to the bathroom. "Yeah Zetsu. Private." "Sorry my dear." "Heh. I'm not." "Me either."
You rolled your eyes as you entered the kitchen with Hidan following behind you. "Can't we go later?" Hidan wanted to go out and sacrifice but it was hot outside and you didn't want to go yet. "Fine geez. Damn you complain more than me." You giggled as you took a drink but then he took the cup from you and drank the rest of it. "Hidan?!" He chuckled and pulled you close by your waist, seconds later Deidara came into the kitchen just as the two of you were walking out. Hidan smirked while Deidara narrowed his eyes at him, then Hidan picked you up and laid on the couch with you. "Hidan get off of me you ass!" "Why the fuck should I? You won't go sacrificing with me even though we have to." You rolled you eyes as you tried to leave Hidan's grip, Deidara glanced at you as he entered the living, Hidan noticed and started to kiss on you while looking at him. "Hidan?!" Deidara left the room and Hidan let you with a chuckle. "Got that bastard." "What?" "Nothing damn let's go kill people already."
You smiled as you and Kisame sat next to the lake, he was in the water but you sat on the edge of it. "No I don't want to get in." "Why not? I won't attack you." He chuckled as you gave a smirk, you then glanced over to see Zetsu coming out of the ground. "Hey look it's Zetsu." Kisame glanced up and that's when Zetsu looked over as the base door opened. "Come on get in the water." You looked back at Kisame and shook your head, he smirked and grabbed your wrist, you pulled back and Kisame stared at Zetsu with a smirk then started to kiss up your wrist. "Kisame I'm not getting in." Zetsu narrowed his eyes and stepped into the base and that's when he let you go and went in the water. "You win." "That's what I thought." "Watch it."
You stepped into the base with Orochimaru out of the ran as the two of you came back from a mission, you had a small cut on your cheek and you insisted on going to Kakuzu to stitch it up but he wasn't in his room so you went into the kitchen. "My snake what are doing?" "Looking for a band aid." He gave a smirked and pulled you chin to him. "So that star did get you?" You gave a nod, Orochimaru glanced to the side to see Kakuzu step out of Pein-sama's office and Orochimaru kissed your cheek. "It's just a small cut, it'll heal but." You gave a small smile as Orochimaru placed a band aid on your cheek. You hugged him tightly and he narrowed his eyes at Kakuzu who did the same back to him with a grunt. "I'm such a snake." "Hm?" "Nothing." He pecked your stroked your hair as he pecked your forehead.

(Alright so! Hoped you enjoyed this! More to come soon! *cheesy smile* luv ya reader-chans!)

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