Caught Making Out

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"(Y/n), give me it." You giggled sitting across from Pein as his desk as he held out his hand waiting for you to give him his pen back. "No, you've been too busy." You smiled as his purple eyes continued to stared at you before they closed with a sigh. "(Y/n), I apologize but." "Kiss me." He opened his eyes to see you in front of him, a small smirk grew on his lips as your lips pressed against his. He pulled you into his lap still not letting his lips off of yours as your fingers played with the ends of his orange hair. He kissed you more and deeper as you did the same before pulling away, with your (e/c) eyes widened at Zetsu's head that was out of the ground. "Is this a bad time." "Seems like it." The both of you watched Zetsu go back under ground till you both looked at each other. "Here's your pen." He looked down and took the pen from your hand then looked back up at your blushing cheeks. "Thanks."
You and Kakuzu were in his room counting money like usual, you kept getting distracted here and there since his mask was off and his bangs were out of his face. "Kuzu?" "Hm." He grunted as his green and red eyes looked up at your smiling face. "If I give you a dollar will you give me a kiss?" He smirked and did a small head nod and signaled you to come to him with his fingers. You held the dollar between your fingers as you pressed his lips on yours, he pulled back but you pushed your lips forward as he did a smirk afterwards. You kissed him deeply as he kissed you back the same, his hand slowly moving up your arm before the both of you pulled back as soon as the room door busted open. "Argh! That's fucken gross! And we have a damn meeting." Hidan left the room with a smirk as your wide (e/c) eyes stared at the door then at Kakuzu who was watching you leaned back with red cheeks. "You owe me more than a dollar." "Yeah, I know."
"Deidara, will you quit?" You moved to the side with a smile and giggle as you sat at Deidara's desk working on one of his clay birds while he took a break and played with your (h/c) hair instead. He laughed with a smirk as he kissed your cheek leaving you blushing as you turned and kissed his lips. The both of you smiled into the kiss when he kissed you deeper as you did the same back. Your arms wrapped around his neck and underneath his blonde hair not taking your lips off of his. He kissed you deeper as he rubbed your sides before pulling away quickly. "Eww! Deidara-senpai! (Y/n)-chan!" Your cheeks turned red after seeing Tobi leave the room with his arms in the air as Deidara sat back down on the bed and you turned to your desk. "Now will you quit?" He smiled as you did the same then he kissed your cheek. "Yeah. Now I have to go find Tobi, un."
Surprisingly it was just you and Tobi in the base, but instead of running around it the two of you just stayed in his room and played bored games. "Yay, hah! I win!" You giggled as you pointed at Tobi who was clapping and cheering. "Yay! (Y/n)-chan!" "Can I get a kiss from Obito?" You heard Obito's deep voice chuckle as he lifted up his mask and leaned in to kiss you, you smiled into the kiss as he did the same. His fingers went up into the ends of your (h/c) hair, which made you smile more and kiss him back as your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him more to you, as he lifted off the rest of his mask and he immediately went to your neck, putting his face into your hair as you watched the door open. "Tobi. (Y/n). We have a meeting." You gave a nod to Kakuzu as he walked away, Tobi put his mask back in and leaned up seeing your blushing cheeks and widened (e/c) eyes as Tobi giggled and pulled you to your feet quickly. "Come (Y/n)-chan!" "Okay, okay, I'm coming."
You were sitting on Sasori's lap with his chin on your shoulder as you and him worked on puppet, you smiled after he placed a kiss down. Your (e/c) eyes glanced at him seeing his dark brown eyes look at you back. "Yes love." "Nothing." You kissed his cheek as his eyes slightly widened as he sat down the tool and took your cheek in his hand. "Your skin is so soft." After he spoke the last word his lips are on yours when he tried to pull away you kissed him more, you put your arms around his neck as his hands went down to your shoulders, pulling you more and kissing deeper. You smiled before it disappeared after Sasori pushed you back the both of you watching Deidara stand in the door way. "Um, I'll come back later, yeah." Your cheeks turned red as you turned back to his desk as he did the same before you caught him looking at you. "What?" "Nothing love."
"(Y/n) what are you doing." "My dear?" You smiled as you watched Zetsu stare at you with his golden as eyes as you swam in the small pond up to the edge up to him. "What?" You giggled as he sat criss cross in front of you. "There's a meeting in." "Five minutes." You rolled your (e/c) eyes and sunk more into the water before leaning back up and pecking his lips. He smiled as his light side brung your chin up to him kissing you again. You smiled into the kiss and kissed him deeper, his arms went to your elbows as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His dark side pressed his lips deeper as you did the same, his light side tried to pull you up out of the water, not removing his lips before you pulled away in confusion. "I think I heard Tobi?" "My dear this is a secret." "Garden how did you hear him?" You smiled as he helped you out of the water and put your cloak over as you had red, blushing cheeks as he walked with both hearing Tobi yell your name in the distance. "The meeting!" "Oh." "I told you."
Hidan came back from his sacrifice while you were putting up clothes, surprisingly he wasn't bloody or in his curse form. "Fuck!" Your (e/c) eyes glanced behind you as he sat on the edge of the with his scythe to his forehead. "Uh oh." You chuckled as you sat next him, his eyes never opened up. "Fuck! Stupid fucken people!" You smiled and knew that he couldn't find sacrifices and that he was going to be pissed for the rest of the day. His dark violet eyes widened as he smirked feeling your kisses move from his neck to his cheek before he smashed his lips to yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he turned to face you, pulling you into his lap kissing you deeper. You smirked as you felt his tongue lick your lips still not breaking the kiss. Your fingers went up through his ends of his silver hair before you pulled away with him still trying to kiss you. "Pein is going to half to pay me for seeing this. Not that I wanted to anyway." Kakuzu walked away saying the last part as your cheeks blushed a dark red as he smirked and turned to you. "Old fucker. Now, let's get back to what were we doing." You rolled your eyes and stood up off the bed leaving him smirk less. "You were pouting about no sacrifices." "Shut up!"
"Hello my snake." You smiled as you lifted up your head from your book seeing Orochimaru walking over to you after shutting the door. "Hello." He gave a small smirk and short chuckle as he lifted up strands of your (h/c) hair, pulling himself to you. "Enjoy the meeting?" He chuckled remembering you didn't go then pecked your forehead before you put your lips to his. He tensed then kissed you back but deeper, you smirked into the kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck as he stood you up still not breaking the kiss. You felt the tip of his tongue slightly touch yours before you pushed him away and sat back on the bed with red blushing cheeks as you stared at the door with Orochimaru looking afterwards. "(Y/n). Come to my office." Pein walked away as you got up and followed him with Orochimaru chuckling. "Enjoy your meeting."

(Ooh! Busted! Hah hah anyway hoped you enjoyed this one sorry if the Zetsu one didn't make sense anyway hoped you enjoyed more to come soon! Gotta go to school now X/)

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