Random Author Note

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(Yes, yes. I know XD sorry for slow updates I've been working on a book with one of these members XD)

(Well I got tagged by IvyDragoSlayer
XD these are fun so I don't mind doing it. Hope you enjoy this bit of information about your Author-Senpai \(^~^)/)

1. Do I like someone?
I'm too eww for these real human boys. Or they too eww for me? Both! But yes I'm currently crushing on a video game character. And madly in love with an anime character.

2. Do they like me back?
HIDAN BETTER!! I'll sacrifice that bastard!! (Not in a kinky way either. Okay maybe later.) and oh my precious Leslie!!! Of course he loves me...why wouldn't he..he's my precious. XD (The Evil Within.)

3. Middle Name?
Ann. (Even though most know already.)

4. Single or Taken?
I'm single. I probably will remain that. Not only am I crazy. I'm too fucktabulous to handle!!

5. Girl best friend?
Well...I have three. One like anime like me and I have no trouble with her. The other two!! Ugh!! Drama queens! Boy issues 24/7. But..I'm stuck with them. XD

6. Guy best friend?
Well I kinda have two. One is my close friend's brother and I'm more friends with him than her. The other like animes like me and we both perverts XD

7. Fav Otp?
No one!!! XD

8. Last person I texted?
My Mum. (Locked myself out of the house.)

9. Last song listened to?
Haunted by the Devil-ICP (I relate to that song a lot when it comes to my old house XD)

10. Battery percentage?
91% (just woke up like ten minutes ago.)

11. Lock screen?
Kinky. XD Hidan licking blood from the spear he stabs himself with.

 XD Hidan licking blood from the spear he stabs himself with

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12. Reason why I made Wattpad?
I love to write. I love to read. I wanted a way to put my writing out there. I wrote a lot on paper. I wrote everyday. Even when I don't publish I'm still writing. And wattpad made that so much easier for me.

13. Birth Date?
February 13, 2000. (Most already know so XD)

14. Tag people! (Don't get mad XD)

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