When He Turns Chibi

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You and Pein both didn't know what happened to him. You loved it because you were able to spend time with him. He still did paperwork here and there but most of the time he would sleep in your arms. You smiled at his sleepy form, knowing that he'll be doing way more paper work the next day. But you didn't mind. "I love you." He would always tell you this and kiss your cheek every time he would sit on your lap watching you do the paper work he begged you to do. "I love you too." He would smile and so would you, your
(e/c) eyes would stare into his purple ones, still making you blush, if only you could kiss him repeatedly, but you knew better knowing he was still Pein and you knew how affectionate he could be.
"Don't or I'll take all the money from you." You constantly would stare at Kakuzu and try to pick him up but he was still the person he was. "Oh yeah?" You would tease him here and there by taking his money but you would give it back knowing he would get his revenge and he was still frightening, even if he was chibi. But he wouldn't mind whenever you would pull him close, he acted like he did, but you knew he didn't. "Times up let me go." You would pay Kakuzu so you could hug him and kiss on him and give him more attention. But you could tell he didn't mind, Hidan would roll his eyes every now and then seeing Kakuzu just sit there and count money while you were up on him. But whenever you would try to leave the room his threaded would pull you back telling you you can't leave his side until he's not like this anymore. You rolled your (e/c) eyes but with a smile seeing he was still protective as always.
To be honest, Deidara loved being that way, you on the other did too but he was just so clingy. He would try to climbed up you and kiss you and play with your hair, never letting you leave his side, but that didn't fool you. Deidara would still act like the flirt he was, being as tall as your waist he would always find away to touch your butt with his mouth hands but you knew what he was doing. "Deidara stop!" "What, un? I'm not doing anything, yeah." You didn't let him have his clay since he was trying to blow up some of the other members you picked on him more than usual. "I love you, un." You would smile and pick him up and snuggle him to death, he loved it. "I love you too." You loved it too but when you would stare into his blue eyes with your (e/c) ones who wished he could be the bigger person even though it wouldn't change much.
You didn't pay no attention to Tobi being that way, he already acted like a child but now child size. He was harder to keep up with and had way more energy. "Tobi stop! I'll give you candy!" "(Y/n)-chan! Tobi wants candy!" That caught his attention finally after an around or so of running. You would pick up Tobi and basically try to squeeze all his energy out, he didn't mind it and neither did Obit. When it was just the two of you, you would blush more than he did seeing his face unmasked and the body be had. "I'm sorry that this happened. " you rolled your (e/c) eyes and pulled him close to you, he didn't really mind it side he was still getting love from you. "I still love you." He would smile but whenever someone would come in he would hide his face in your (h/c) hair till the left after you would tell him 'He's asleep.' But Tobi would always spring back to play and run around making all the other members annoyed but you just smiled and watched like he was your own child.
It surprised you that Sasori was what he was, but then it didn't surprise you that he would still work on his puppets. "Love, do you think I'm..still attractive to you?" You giggled as you rolled your (e/c) eyes. You knew Sasori was worried that you might leave him for being that way but you told him countless times you wouldn't, no matter what he was. "Of course." You said with a smile, then you sat next to Sasori, since his chair could now fit two people, and watched him work. "Do you want me to help you." "No love. Can you hold this." Since Sasori was his height he had trouble moving the large puppet he worked on. You thought it was adorable seeing him like that, he accepted your affection more that way, he would try to get you to leave the room so he could work in peace but where ever you went you would take him with you. Because you knew he would get jealous and he couldn't really do anything about that plus he was so much more huggable than he was before.
Your (e/c) eyes stared wide eyed as you watched Zetsu shoot out of the ground you didn't know what to think. "Don't stare at us. We'll still eat you." "Come on now. Don't be like that. I'm sorry my dear we don't know how this." "Happened." As time went by you were treating Zetsu like he was, you were putting flower crowns on him, which only his dark side was bothered by it. You'd giggle seeing him try to lift up a watering full of water that weighed more than him. You would pick him up here and there and squeeze the two more together ever once in a while and his trap would try to clamp on you here and there. "(Y/n). This isn't fun. Stop now." "Would you leave her be, you complain she doesn't show us enough affection." "I do not." You held Zetsu close to you as you kissed his chibi cheeks on both sides while he sat there in flower crowns. "You know I love you." "I love you too."
Honestly, you could care less on why Hidan was as tall as a toddler. But you couldn't help it you thought he acted cute before but now you didn't know what to say. "Don't you fucken dare!" As you chased Hidan around you finally got him and picked him up. "You're so cute." You mumbled as you held him up, him crossing his arms and staring his narrowed dark violet ones into your (e/c) ones. You pulled Hidan close to you seeing it was much easier to hug him more now, he tried to get out of your grip but once his face was in your chest he didn't mind it at all, he started to like being this way. He smirked as he hugged you back. "This is nice." He mumbled you then pulled him away and started to laugh before you kissed his cheek. "You're still an asshole." You placed him on the ground and started to walk away as he got shocked and started to follow you. "What the hell (Y/n)?! I want more hugs! Come here and give me more fucken attention!"

(Hello there! I know there are a lot of these but thought I might as well write one sorry if they sucked but. Hoped you enjoyed it more to come soon I take requests X))

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