When He Accidentally Hurts You

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"Pein, you okay?" you asked with a smile. Pein was behind you, brushing your hair after taking the brush from your hand. It was late, and you and Pein were getting ready to call it a night. Pein smirked, nodding as his fingers stroked down your (h/c) hair. "Of course," he whispered. You smiled, but it soon changed into a parted expression after a thud echoed. Pein widened eyes and tried his best to hold back a grin. "Ow," you mumbled. Pein accidentally hit the side of the brush against your head, making you take it from him. "Are you okay?" Pein asked. As much as you wanted to glare at him, you couldn't help but you faintly laugh while holding the side of your head. "Get out," you smiled. Pein rolled his eyes before kissing where the brush bumped you. "I'm sorry." "Out."
Kakuzu's eyes widened after hearing a thumping sound and after shutting the door to his room. After a bit of waiting, he decided to pull open the door to see if he'd knock anything down. Unfortunately, it was a someone. After arriving, in which you did before Kakuzu, to the base, you went to check in with the leader. Surprisingly, he wasn't there. Instead of pondering, you headed back to the bedroom you and Kakuzu shared. When Kakuzu pulled open the door, you were glaring up at him with a palm pressed against your forehead. "You shut me out!" you shouted. Kakuzu smirked and deeply sighed underneath his mask. He then squatted down and removed your hand from your head. "You're fine. It's just a mark." Again, you glared. "You hit me with the door!" "You hit the door," he mumbled. After rolling your eyes, Kakuzu pulled you to your feet and into his chest before kissing your forehead.
"Anything? Dei-Dei?" you asked. Today, Pein-sama sent you and Deidara on a mission to look for a hidden scroll that contained information about one of the tailed beast. While walking through the forest and scanning the area, Deidara was no where in sight. "Deidara?" As soon as you called his name, you froze in position after feeling the back of your head get hit with something. When you looked down, it was a thin stick. Also, when you turned to see Deidara, you narrowed your eyes to him. Deidara was staring at you with widened eyes and parted lips. "Beautiful! I'm so sorry, un!" You continued to glare at him while holding the back of your head. "You hit me with a stick!" you shouted. Deidara smirked and tugged your hand to him. Once he did, you were in his arms and Deidara was hugging you tightly. "I'm sorry, un," Deidara whispered again. You rolled your eyes, then started to smile when Deidara began to kiss at your forehead and cheeks repeatedly.
"Tobi! You poked me in the eye!" you shouted with a hand over your left eye. Today, you and Tobi weren't doing much. Sadly, the base was full of members and you and Obito couldn't escape them. Unfortunately, Pein-sama held a meeting out of the random. This meant that everyone was scattered around and cramped together in the living room. You weren't feeling this meeting, which is why you were slouching next to Tobi on the couch. As Pein was talking about missions, Tobi kept trying to push stands of hair out of your face. Tobi chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck. "Heha, sorry (Y/n)-chan," Tobi mumbled. You groaned, then sighed deeply after he pulled you close to him. As for they others, they didn't say much or do much. Pein only sighed, but kept glancing your way for you had one eye open.
"Hm? Interesting, I don't recall leaving a love mark on your shin," Sasori mumbled. You glanced down at where Sasori was pointing, then slightly furrowed your brows. You had a bruise on your shin that was a perfect circle. You were taking a relaxing bath while Sasori sat on the outside of the tub. "That's a bruise, not a mark," you said softly. Sasori slightly glared while looking at you next. "From, love?" As you thought back, you then parted your lips when your eyes met his. "Um. You." Sasori's expression then changed. His eyes widened and his lips gapped when looking at the bruise. "Love, I would never do anything harmful to y-." "Sasori, relax. It was an accident," you smiled. You then leaned out of the tub and culled his cheeks, which made his eyes stare into yours. "I wouldn't stop messing with you, so you gently tapped me on the shin with that hammer-thingy." After kissing him on the lips, Sasori nodded and you returned back to your bath. "Sasori? What are you doing?" Shortly after, Sasori dropped his cloak to the ground after getting on his knees. "Joining you for a bath. I will leave love marks as an apology." "Sasori," you sighed.
"No, please, My Dear. Don't cry." "It was an accident." You stared up at Zetsu with watery eyes and an aggravated expression while sitting on the grass. Zetsu and you were on the way back to the base, so you two could report to Pein-sama before going to his secret garden. Since it was late, the both of you were yawning and getting tired. Unfortunately, when Zetsu yawned, he stretched and accidentally caused his hand to swing back and hit you. It took you and him by surprise on how forcibly that arm stretch was. The light side of Zetsu placed a hand to your cheek while the other side held your wrist. "We're sorry," they both whispered. "He's more sorry since it was his arm." "Shut up! I think she knows tha-." After placing a hand over Zetsu's mouth, you kissed his forehead. "It's okay. I forgive you," you mumbled. After the light side of him smiled, he pecked your cheek and pulled you into a tight hug. "Again, we're sorry." "He is more." "Again! I thi-." "Zetsu. Shut it."
"Hidan," you softly groaned. "You're laying on all the blankets." It was late, and you had a mission early in the morning with Kisame. You were finally asleep until you woke up to the chilling air a few minutes ago. When trying to wrap yourself warm, you realized that Hidan was lying on all of the sheets. Hidan groaned before leaning himself and tugging at the sheets. When he was tugging, his hand slipped and his knuckles collided with your forehead. "Hidan!" you said in a groan. Hidan sat up in bed while smirking, even faintly laughing, while pulling you close. "Baby, I'm sorry," Hidan chuckled. You groaned, trying to roll you on him. "No you're not," you mumbled. Once Hidan pulled you to him, he kissed your forehead repeatedly. "Am too, asshole. You just have a big he-. Ow!" After pulling the tip of Hidan's ear, you then sighed and wrapped yourself in blankets. "If I have a bruise, then you're sleeping on the floor with no covers." Hidan rolled eyes while spooning you. "I'll make it up."
"Kisame, stop," you mumbled while shoving his shoulders. Kisame didn't. Instead, he smirked and continued to softly bite while kissing at your left shoulder. "I'm serious, stop," you mumbled again. In the beginning, you and Kisame were enjoying and treading one another in a playful way. Now, since he was above you, Kisame was staring to get a bit too rough. "Kisame!" you whined. Shortly after you pushed him off, you sat up and looked your shoulder that was pricked in multiple areas. "Oops," he chuckled. You glared while wiping the blood. "Oops? Seriously? I asked you to stop," you mumbled. Kisame rolled his eyes, but grabbed your wrist and held you back down when you tried to walk away. "It was an accident," he mumbled. When you rolled your eyes, Kisame began to kiss at the bite mark. "I'm. Sorry. So. Sorry," he mumbled within each kiss. You blushed, then accepted his kissing once he pulled you over him. "Bad shark," you mumbled with a smile. "So so so so so sorry."
Your lips parted after looking at your arm. Itachi's did as well when watching blood leak from the slice. "Itachi!" you whined. Today, you and Itachi were outside the base training long-distance combat with the use of blades. When you were distracted, Itachi threw a star, which sliced the bare part of your shoulder, accidentally. Itachi faintly sighed while walking over to you. "Let me see," he mumbled. You glared while showing him your arm, which made him kiss your forehead. "It was an accident. I didn't expect you to move," he whispered. You rolled your eyes, then watched him used a ripped part of his cloak to wrap your wound. Once it was patched, Itachi poked your forehead before pulling you into a tight hug. "I'm sorry," he whispered. You couldn't help but to smile. After another sigh, you accepted his hug and kissed his neck crease. "It's okay. I forgive you." "I didn't expect you to." "Itachi. Enough."
"My feelings. Orochi that hurt," you mumbled. Orochimaru rolled his eyes, trying to pull you close but you slapped his hand away. You and Orochimaru were both in bed for it was late. You wanted to get some sleep for you had a mission early in the morning tomorrow. Orochimaru was sitting in front of you, but you turned your back to him. "Seriously, I didn't mean it like that." You groaned, bundling yourself up. "My feeling are hurt," you mumbled. Orochimaru sighed, then tugged the blanket out of your face when scooting closer to you. "You said I'm not attractive." Orochimaru sighed. "I said that wasn't attractive. Not that you're not," he mumbled. You smirked when he kissed your forehead and tugged you onto his lap. "Honesty, you're mine and it's going to stay that way," he said. You rolled your eyes, but you nuzzled yourself into his arms with another groan. "I'm sorry for my words." "It's okay. I'm just tired," you sighed. "Like always."

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