When You Have A Nightmare

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You were laying in bed with Pein, the two of you decided to take a break from the paper work and spend time with each other, but ended up sleeping instead. As Pein held you in his arms you began to move around, waking him up eventually. He looked at you with his sleepy, purple eyes as you tossed and turned making whining sounds. "(Y/n)? (Y/n). Wake up." Pein's voice woke you as your (e/c) eyes shot opened you closed your self into Pein's arms. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" "I-I had a nightmare..." You stuttered as he pulled you up close to his bare chest and petted your (h/c) hair. "It's okay. I'm here to take all your pain away. Don't be upset my Goddess. I'm here." You smiled as you leaned up, then he kisses you on your forehead and pulled you down to him. "I love you." "I love you too my Goddess." You smiled as you fell asleep with him holding you tightly in his arms as he still ran his fingers through your hair softly.
You fell asleep before Kakuzu did when counting money, he went to bed soon after as well but woke up thirty minutes later hearing you softy cry and sniffing. "(Y/n)?" You felt him pull you close from behind as he moved your (h/c) hair out of your face seeing your (e/c) eyes open. "Yeah. Just had a nightmare." He gave a fake smirk as he made you turn and face him, he then gave you a small peck on the forehead with his stitched lips. "I see." You made the next move by wrapping your arms around him as he pulled you closer. "I'm here." You gave a small smile as you lifted your self up and gave him a kiss on the cheek before returning back down to his chest. "I love you Kuzu." "And I love you."
Deidara woke up in the middle of the night freezing since he only wore pants to bed, once he tried to pull you close he didn't find you, he sat up quickly only to see the bathroom light on. He waited about ten minutes or so before he got up to check on you. "(Y/n), un?" He opened the door only to find you sitting up in fetal position. "What's wrong, hm?" He bent down beside you and pulled you into his chest. "I had a nightmare." He gave a smile and carried you back to bed. "It's okay, un." You smiled as well as he held you in his arms to his chest, kissing you softly. "I love you, un." You were sound asleep, he just chuckled and rested his chin on top of your head.
You and Tobi both fell asleep on the couch since you two were watching a movie before that. You laid beside Tobi as be held your side with his face buried into your side and the seat of the couch, well before he fell off the couch. "(Y/n)-chan. You made Tobi fall off." He tried to whisper the best he could while he nudged your shoulders and side. "(Y/n)-chan? Why are you crying?" He lifted you up and softy shook you, you opened your (e/c) eyes only to see Tobi's mask in front of you. "I'm sorry Tobi. I just had a bad dream." He pulled you into a tight hug, petting your (h/c) hair as he pressed his mask to your cheek. "(Y/n)-chan! Don't cry! Tobi here!" You smiled as you hugged him back then felt Obito's lips on your forehead. "I'll always be here to protect you." After those words you fell back to sleep as Tobi did the same, holding you into his chest.
Sassori never slept, he would always keep and eye on you while you slept and he worked on his puppets. "Love. Wake up." He lightly shook you awake after hearing you whining and sniffling and moving around on the bed. "Love." Your (e/c) eyes shot open as you immediately wrapped your arms around Sassori's shirtless wooden body. He tensed then relaxed as he put his arms around you. "I had a nightmare." He gave a simple nod as he pulled your chin up to him and kissed your forehead. "Love. It's over now." You have a small smile as you looked up at him. "Lay with me please?" He nodded as he pulled you close to him and leaned back against the bed frame with your heat in his heart canteen till your eyes fluttered closed while Sassori rubbed your soft skin on your back. "I love you." "I love you love."
You were already in bed and asleep when Zetsu came to check on you from his garden. His head was out of the ground as he whispered to himself. "She's asleep. Let's go." "No. Just." Before he could finish speaking he came all the way up out of the ground and walked over your bed. You were tossing and turning and whining before you started to breath heavily, that's when he woke you up. "(Y/n) my dear." "Wake up." Your (e/c) eyes fluttered open and as soon as you saw Zetsu you pulled him close to you. "I had a nightmare." You felt Zetsu rub up and down your back as he pulled you tighter and kissed your forehead. "I'm sorry my dear. I'm here." "Go back to sleep." You smiled seeing that the dark side of Zetsu didn't want you to worry about anything. He laid on the bed with you with your head on his chest as he stroked your (h/c) hair. "I love you." "I love you too."
You went to bed soon after you got back from your mission, Hidan was already asleep when you got back to the base so you knew you were going to get a goodnight's rest. Hidan woke up to your tossing and turning, he stared at you with his half open dark violet eyes before they widened as you shot up breathing heavily. "Whoa, fuck. (Y/n) what the hell?" You started to breath slightly slower as you looked at him with your (e/c) eyes watering. "Nothing. Just had a nightmare." He gave a small chuckle as he scooted next to you and pulled you down to his chest, stroking your (h/c) hair. "Hey, don't worry about that shit. You'll be okay. Just go back to sleep." He kissed your forehead, which made you smile slightly as your eyes fluttered back close. "I love you." "I love you too
Orochimaru got back from a mission late, he went straight to your bedroom to sleep next to you but as he crawled into bed you were no where to be found. He looked around for a couple of minutes before he tensed feeling arms around his waist. "(Y/n)?" He heard you sniffling and felt your warm forehead on the back of his shoulder. "I had a nightmare." He then smirked and turned around pulling you into a tight embrace into his chest. "I'm here now." You smiled as you hugged him tighter hug, he then pulled you into the bed and on his lap as he petted your (h/c) hair as he placed his lips on your forehead. "Go back to sleep." You smiles again as your (e/c) eyes started to flutter shut before they closed permanently. "I love you."

(Hello there! Hope you enjoyed this scenario more to come soon! Sorry I took so long!)

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