When He Embarrasses Himself In Front Of You

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(I don't know why. But the Yoko at the bottom killed me)
After feeling the desk bounce, you immediately placed a scrolling in front of your red face. After dropping the cap of scroll holder, Pein leaned down from his desk to pick it, yet he hasn't raised back up yet after knocking his head. "You okay Pein?" you whispered. Prom smirked and said nothing when adjusting in his chair. He then deeply sighed when seeing you peek from behind the open scroll. "I'm not embarrassed," he mumbled. You cleared your throat and began to roll up the scroll. "I asked if you were okay. You just snitched on yourself," you grinned. Pein gave you an eye roll and another deep sigh, then shook his head when you cracked another snicker. "I'm going to punish you, if you don't stop laughing." "Okay! Okay."
"If you laugh, I'll sew your mouth shut," Kakuzu mumbled. You were sitting on the edge of the bed with puffed out cheeks. Kakuzu recently woke you up, and after he did he went yo go sit back in his chair. When he tried to sit, he ended up on the floor after missing it. You placed your hands to his mouth when he gave you narrowed eyes. You then reached for a pillow and placed it over your red face. "(Y/n)." "Not laughing!" you yelled into the pillow. Kakuzu groaned and rolled his eyes when adjusting himself in the chair, but you deeply sighed with a smirk when removing the pillow. "Embarrassed? Hm?" you mumbled. Kakuzu glanced at you, then back down with a grunt as you softly snickered. "Go back to bed," he mumbled.
"Please Deidara," you whispered. "Come with me to the kitchen." Deidara softly groaned, then sighed when playing down the clay he was molding. The base was completely empty, but you still wanted to drag Deidara along with you. "Okay." You smiled after kissing his cheek, then skipped out of the room as he smirked. "Why do you need me to go to the. Gah!" Deidara yelled. When you looked back, you seen Deidara closed the door on his hair, making you faintly laugh. Deidara gave you a glare when slowly opening the door and tilted his head forward. You then started to walk backwards as he blushed with embarrassment and a glare to you. "Your fault for closing the door," you said. Deidara gave you an eye roll, then tugged your hair when following you. "Your fault, un."
"You and Tobi are both energized today, you know that?" Obito gave a nod with a faintly chuckled when stepping in water puddles. Obito and you were on the way back to the base from the Land of Wind in the light rain. "I know. But you love it." Obito kissed your hand that he held in his. You smiled, then gave a light sigh only for your lips to part and for your hand to grip his tightly when he fell backwards after using both feet to jump and splash a puddle. Obito blushed lightly when looking up at you to see you give a head shake and a smile once more when pulling him up. "Awe, you okay?" Obito pulled down his mask and gave a small laugh and nod, seeing that his rear was soaked in muddy water, he placed both hands behind him. "Gah! Tobi fell!"
"Love, I don't." You placed your hands over your mouth and tried your best not to faintly laugh when witnessing Sasori look away from you. After he did, his forehead collided with the frame of his door, which was open. "You okay?" you whispered in a squeaky voice. Sasori took a step back, looked at you, then looked away with a nod. "As I was saying. I don't know what the leader wants," he continued with a sigh. Once he left his room, you slowly sneaked to the door to see Deidara also trying not to laugh and peeking out from his own room. "Was his cheeks red?" you whispered. Deidara slightly nodded and loudly cleared his throat. You took in a deep breath to keep yourself from laughing still, but you also felt bad for Sasori feeling embarrassed. "Bets that's a new emotion, hm?" Deidara whispered. You nodded slowly. "Agreed."
"It wasn't that funny." "We just got scared." You were sitting on your knees and faintly laughing as Zetsu stared down at you, his light side blushing deeply. When you stepped into the garden, Zetsu didn't notice you until you hugged him from behind. Soon after hugging him, he immediately sunk halfway into the ground after faintly screaming. "He got scared. Not me." "We share the same." You continued to laugh, then looked around for the hose. "Want me to spray you off?" Zetsu deeply sighed, then began to take off his pants after soaking them. "No. That's more embarrassing."
You laugh loudly after watching Hidan fall to the ground for his foot tangled up in a blanket when he tried to leave the bed. "Seems it's not time to get up yet. And you were saying clumsy ass?" "Shut up!" Hidan yelled. Hidan blushed deeply for his cheek was pressed against the floor with his arms laying flat at his sides and his knees holding up his rear. "Aww. Hidan. You're so cute when you're flustered," you said. Hidan woke you up so you two could go sacrificing, since you both slept the day away. When Hidan sat up, you laughed faintly and rolled back on you side, causing Hidan to give narrowed eyes and pull the blankets off your shirtless form. "Don't get made at me because you embarrass yourself!" "Don't call me cute!" You covered your bare chest, then rolled into your stomach and kept laughing as you both had a stare down.
"Where are you g-?" "I have to use the restroom nosey," Kisame mumbled. Kisame kissed your cheek, making you give an eye roll when watching him head towards the public bathrooms. Today you and Kisame had to make a devilry of orders to the Land of Fire. When he glanced back at you, you smiled when he pushed open the door and looked forward he realized he was in the women's room. "Oops." After backing out, Kisame seen you trying to hold back your laughter when staring at him just before he hid his blushing cheeks with an eye roll when going into the men's room. "How was it in there?" Kisame deeply sighed when walking past you and onto the main path once again. "Wonderful," he mumbled. You faintly laughed as you followed behind his embarrassed expression. "Kisa flustered." "I will drown you," he mumbled.
"I was thinking ab-." Your eyes widened after watching Itachi fall gently down the stairs when tripped when walking up. The two of we're making a report in the Land of Fire and swaying for Kisame to show up as well. "Are you alright?!" Itchai sat up, giving a nod faint red cheeks and a deep sigh when standing back up. "Yeah." You looked up and down him, then followed behind him while Itaci continued to headed towards the entrance. "No need to feel embarrassed. It's happe-." "I just fell down the stairs. How could I not be embarrassed?" Itachi pulled open the door for you, letting you in first as you as you faintly laughed. "It could of been worse." "Thanks (Y/n)."
You immediately tried to hold back your laugh with a shirt covering your mouth after hearing a loud thud echo from behind you. You were staring to get undressed and join Orochimaru for a shower since you and him both completed a day mission together. You hesitated to turn around, but you could hear Orochimaru softly cussing underneath his breath when getting into his feet. "You okay?" you whispered. Orochimaru gave a glance through the curtain, then deeply sighed. "Fantastic," he mumbled. You gave sealed lips and waiting to let out a soft laugh when he turned the water up higher.

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