Whenever He Trys To Wake You Up

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(Ooooh, once again the tables have turned XD)
Since Pein is awake before you, he doesn't mind if you sleep in late, but sometimes he'll get a little lonely doing paperwork by him self and wake you up, he wakes you up the same way if you had to go on a mission. He'll push your (h/c) to the side and call your name, then he'll start to call you by your nickname, and if you're not awake yet, which you usually aren't, he'll start to lightly nudge you with a kiss on the forehead. He'll do it repeatedly until you wake up, you'd eventually do but you'll end up falling back asleep and when you do, he'll just let you rest and help you with the paperwork later on.
Kakuzu doesn't mind if you sleep in late, it gives him time to think and count his money faster but after awhile he'll start to get annoyed just seeing you sleeping half of the day away. He'll call you by your first name, three times and if you're not up by then, you usually are since his voice is deep enough to wake you. You'll groan a couple of times and continue to try to sleep even after you sit up, and that's when his threads will hold up your head until you groan and get out of bed and he'd chuckle and tell you 'you should've gone to bed like I said.' And you'd narrow your eyes and go into the bathroom mumbling.
You and Deidara sleep all day so you wake up the same time as him, but if you have to get up for a mission Deidara would get up early to wake you up. He'd move your (h/c) hair behind your neck and ear and whisper your name and if you still continued to sleep he'd whisper your nickname. Then he'll start to kiss your ear and up to your cheek then your lips. You'd smile yourself awake and once you opened your eyes he'd kiss you again then grab your hand and start to lift you up. Sometimes you'd go along with him and you're ready to get up, put most of the time you'd groan and he'd chuckle as you'd try to pull him back into bed with you and that's when he'll start to tickle your sides to get you out of bed with a few neck kisses. But he always tries to wake you up with a smile and he succeededs.
Whenever Tobi wakes up he wakes you up, no matter what time it is. But whenever he tries to pull you out of bed or press his mask against your face that's when you'll groan and he'll leave you alone but try to wake you up ten minutes later. When no one is in the base, Obito usually takes his mask off and if you're still asleep he'll lay next to you and pull you close to him, he'll whisper your name till you wake up, then he'll call you by your nickname and rub your shoulders, you usually groan and he'll chuckle and tell you to wake up but you always end up continuing to sleep.
Since Sasori never sleeps he'll watch you sleep for the last five minutes before he has to wake you up. He'll usually call you 'love' like always but he knows that won't work, which it doesn't most of the time. Then he'll began to run your shoulders and slightly shake you until you at least open one eye or groan, then he'll try to pull you up with his chakra strings. You'd smile and wake up and get out of bed but once he pulls you into his lap you slowly start to fall back asleep, he knows you do and he'll just let you sleep until it starts to get too quiet, he'll try to wake you up once more by kissing your shoulder and slightly shaking you awake, which you usually are by then.
Once Zetsu realized you slept late and you haven't returned to his garden yet that's when he goes to wakes you. His light side would argue with dark side once they entered your room. The dark side of him will call your name while his light side would try to stop him but eventually gives in once the dark side of him starts to shake you awake softly. You'd groan with a smile and try to pull him in bed with you but he'll pull you right back out of bed but give you soft neck kisses in return until you smile and giggle and walk you to his garden.
Hidan will complain if you're still asleep after he wakes up then he'll smirk and check you out while you sleep before trying to wake you up. He'll whisper your name then your nickname and if that won't work he'll start cussing and shaking you awake softly. You usually wake up to that but groan and roll away from him and then he'll rip off the covers and lay on top of you and kiss up your neck. You'll crack a smile and that's when he'll bite your neck telling you to 'get your ass up.' You'll wake up and sit in bed but you'd usually try to push him away but that's when he'll grab you and pull you close and kiss on you till you're fully awake.
Orochimaru is always awake way before you, he'll sit there quietly once he returns back to his room from Pein-sama's office. He'll smirk and watch you and move your (h/c) hair out of your face, but when it's time to wake up he'll call you your nickname then your real name. You usually wake up or at least give a small groan to that since he whispers in your ear. But once you open your eyes he'll press his lips to yours then pull you in for a hug and tell you its time to get up. You usually wake up and sit there still sleepy with him but if you fall back asleep he'll just let you sleep until you are needed.

(Hello there! Once again just came up with this and decided to put it together. Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon X))

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