When He's Jealous

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"Pein. Seriously, he just asked me if I saw anything I liked." You and Pein went to a village to take a break from the paperwork. After walking around the village you and Pein wandered around the Village's trade center for some things to buy. Recently you ran off to a table and a guy with pale skin and dark brown hair and eyes noticed you looking through his table of drawing while Pein was in search for you before seeing you smiling and nodding. "He was making you smile." "That doesn't mean you had to do that." Pein did his almighty push towards the guy after you walked away from the table. "I love you (Y/n)." You sighed as you kissed his cheek. "I love you too even when you're jealous." "Gods don't get jealous." You rolled your (e/c) eyes and took his hand with a smile and started to head back to the hideout.
You and Kakuzu were out turning in a bounty, as he was counting his cash to see if it was all there as you waited outside, a young boy with black hair and a green jump suit was lifting object ten times his own weight. You watched with your (e/c) eyes slightly widened before Kakuzu interrupted you with a clearing if the throat. "Oh, sorry, you ready?" He noticed you haven't glanced at him just keep your eyes on the boy until he said yes making you finally look at him. "Hang on a moment." You furrowed your brows before you saw Kakuzu threads stretch out towards the boy making him spooked and ended up dropping the weight on his foot. "Kakuzu!" You yelled as you followed behind him. He didn't respond. "You're muscles are more attractive." He grunted ignoring you as you smiled shaking your head.
You and Deidara were out testing out his new bomb spiders since you weren't aloud to do it near the base anymore. As he set off his bombs you sat back and watched until a boy with clear eyes and long brown hair training by himself in the same area. "(Y/n), un. You didn't watch, un." You looked back at him with a smile. "I'm sorry Dei. I just was wondering what he was doing by himself?" Deidara glanced his blue eyes up at the boy with his eyes narrowed until a smirk came across his face. "Watch this one, un." You watched as Deidara threw the spider bomb near the boy as your jaw dropped. Before you could stop him, he said 'katsu' and made the bomb exploded, sending the boy back. "Deidara!?" "I'm sorry un. I thought you were staring at his hair." You smiled and chuckle as you got up and pulled him by his neck to your lips. "I love you and your hair only Dei." He smiled as he kissed your lips deeply setting off more bombs around the guy, while still keeping your focus on him.
You and Tobi were told to go a village and be annoying over there instead of the base, which you didn't mind you got some alone time with Tobi and Obito since Deidara was always yelling at Tobi. You and Tobi decided to go to a small public park and hang out there, so you both did till Tobi cheered as someone was handing out dangos. As he went to go get one for each of you, a ball was rolled towards you before a boy with spiky, blonde hair came up to you. "Sorry about that. Thank you." You smiled as you handed him the ball, but before he could ask you to join. Tobi ran up in front of him waving his arms around. "(Y/n)-chan mine! All mine! Tobi only gets to play games with (Y/n)-chan!" The boy nodded and walked away as Tobi turned to face you. "Really Tobi? You could of played too." Your chin was pulled up to his mask that was just slid above his lips slightly. "You're mine." Obito's voice spoke before he kissed you deeply. You just smiled before Tobi waved his arms pulling you up from the ground. "(Y/n)-chan coming with Tobi for the dangos now!"
You and Deidara just got back from a mission together consisting with capturing a tailed beast. "Wow Deidara, I never knew your art was so interesting." Sasori's head shot up as he heard your voice and quickly followed it seeing you walking into the base with your arms crossed and a small smirk on your face as Deidara followed behind you smiling as he held up one of his clay birds. "(Y/n). You're back. Come to my room." You nodded as Deidara rolled his eyes stopping in the middle of his sentence as you followed Sassori into his room uncrossing your arms once you enter it. "Thank gosh. I thought he never was going to stop talking. Hello Sasori." You wrapped your arms around his neck as he stared into you (e/c) eyes as he gave tilted head at you. "What's wrong?" "He's interesting?" You stared to chuckle as you kissed his cheek walking back to his desk. "I was being sarcastic. Lying. So he would be quiet." Sasori's dark brow eyes widened as he sat at his desk and gave a simple 'oh' before returning back to work. "No need to be jealous Sasori." "I don't get jealous love." He replied quickly not looking up at you as you smiled and rolled your eyes playfully seeing you said that sarcastically as well.
You and Zetsu took a walk to the near by village to buy some more different types of plants for the garden. As you checked one side of the garden center, Zetsu checked the other. "Aww, you're so cute!" You squealed before Zetsu quickly made his was towards you. "Who are you calling cute?" His golden yellow eyes stared at you holding a small venues fly trap plant with a smile on your face as you held it in front of you. "Look how cute he is!" "What makes you think it's a he my dear?" You gave a confused look but quickly shook it off as you smiled again passing him the plant. "I'm going to look for another pot to put him in." After you walked away both Zetsu came to an agreement of getting rid of the small plant. "I can't believe someone would do that." You told yourself for the third time as you return back to base with a frown and Zetsu following behind you. "We know." You smiled and gave him a hug. "Oh well you're  still the cutest and my favorite plant ever." "Now I feel bad." "I don't."
You and Hidan were sent to the village to get groceries, well you were since Kakuzu only trust you with the money for some reason. Hidan just tagged along with you to find more victims for his sacrifices. As you were looking for groceries, Hidan tried to praise about Lord Jashin to everyone who walked by, until a boy with spiky brown hair and small fangs bumped into you, grabbing your shoulders so you wouldn't fall. "I'm so sorry. I'm in a rush." You gave a polite smile as you pushed your (h/c) to the side. "No it's okay it's my fault as well." He smiled and before he could speak Hidan pushed him to the ground. "Don't you dare touch my fucken girlfriend again! Or I will fucken sacrifice your ass!" You pulled Hidan by the arm to the side as he looked at you. "Hidan! He was just apologizing for bumping into me!" Hidan smirked and looked back at the boy who was now missing before he looked back at you kissing you in the cheek. "Oops. Well at least he got manners." You rolled your (e/c) eyes at him with a smile as you hooked your arm around his walking with him back to the base without the groceries. "I love you." "I love you too Baby."

(Hello once more. Hoped you enjoyed this Scenario. More updates to come soon. Night my fellows.)

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