When Another Memeber Flirts With You

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(Hello reader-chans! Okay so this scenario ties in when another member confesses his feelings to him. Shocking I know now that member is trying to flirt with you! *Gasp*)
You didn't feel like being stuck in Pein's office so you decided to explore the base since it was empty and he didn't mind if you did. As you sat in the living rooms you had a small smile on your face as you were reading until your
(e/c) eyes glanced down at Zetsu's who head was sticking out of the ground. "Hello (Y/n)." "Hey." You smiled and greeted him back before he came all the way out of the ground and handed you a small garden flower. "Awe, Zetsu thanks." "Thought you might like it." "Same, don't kill it." You giggled as you placed the flower's stem in the page as a book mark and stood up waving him off as he went back into the ground. "Hey Pein." Pein did a small grunt as you kissed his cheek and continued to read on the bed.
You were in the Akatsuki's base living room since Pein called for a meeting, Kakuzu remained in his room to count money since the meeting stared in five minutes and no one except you showed up. "Hey bitch." You narrowed your
(e/c) eyes at Hidan as he plopped down beside you groaning. "Where's the greedy fuck at?" You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. "In his room." Hidan did a smirk and put his arm in the couch behind you as he looked at you. "You wanna know something? You're really..well...pretty." You made a confused look at him then blushed turning your head to the side as he did a small laugh. "If I had you I'd be showing you the fuck off." You did a small smirk and blush before you stood up clearing your throat. "I guess I'll go get him now....Hey, the meeting is about to start Kuzu." Kakuzu gave a nod as he followed you out of the room with his arms crossed.
Deidara was in the bathroom taking a shower while you were in bed still, you stretched and decided to join him but before you opened the bathroom door Tobi stopped you by hugging and spinning you around. "Hello
(Y/n)-chan!" "Hey Tobi." He put you you down and stood in front of you with him scratching the back of his head. "Tobi wants to thank (Y/n)-chan for being nice to Tobi. And Tobi also thinks (Y/n)-chan is funny and pretty." You blushed and did a small 'awe' and smile as you pushed your (h/c) hair to the side. "Thank you Tobi and you're nice to me so of course I'd be nice to you." He did a cheer and ran out of the room as you shook your head and entered the bathroom, and joined Deidara in the shower, kissing his shoulder and wrapped your arms around him. "Hey Dei-Dei." "Hello, un."
You were outside the Akatsuki's base playing hide and seek with Tobi, it was you're turn to count so he ran off with his hands in the air. "I'm coming Tobi!" You pushed yourself off the side of the based and lightly yelped seeing Sasori behind you. "Oh, hey Sasori." He gave a nod and glanced around then back at you with his dark brown at eyes, staring into your (e/c) eyes. "Greetings. Now I'm here for a reason." You gave a confused look but with a smile before it faded as he grabbed your wrist. "Warning for you. There's an ivy vine that grows on this rock...You have very soft skin." You blushed slightly as you pulled your wrist slightly back with a smile and glanced down then back up. "Thanks, well I'm going to go find Tobi before he starts to worry." Sasori watched you walk away before going back into the base. "Tobi! You win!" You screamed as Tobi tapped on your shoulder. "You took a while
(Y/n)-chan. That means Tobi is the winner at hide and seek!"
You decided to take a break from making puppets so you went to go ask the leader of you had any mission. As you were walking down the hall you bumped into Orochimaru. "My bad." "No I'm sorry." He gave a smirk as you gave a smile, then he picked up a few strands of your (h/c) hair and looked into your (e/c) eyes. "You have soft hair, very pretty." You smiled and blushed and picked up a few of his dark strands of hair. "Says the guy with finer hair than me." He chuckled as you did the same, he leaned in close and took your hair ends with a smile. "Oh, I don't think so." You have a wary smile and stepped back clearing your throat. "Well I'm going to go help Sasori." He watched you walk into the room, as you shook your head with a sigh following after you laid your head on Sasori's back. "I wasn't able to talk to him." "I see."
You were on your way to Zetsu's garden but you planned on visiting Leader-sama's office first to see if you had any missions coming up. "Come in." You opened the door and then Leader's purple eyes glanced at you slightly widened before he stood up and approached you. "What can I do for you (Y/n)?" "Just seeing if I have any missions to go on Pein-sama." He gave a small nod, then shook his head with a small smirk as you gave a small smile back. "No, I haven't scheduled any yet for you. But I will soon for you are a independent member of the Akatsuki and. I could use your help." You smiled and gave a small blush and thank you to him with a bow. You walked to the door to see a small smile on his face as you have one back. "Ah!" You looked up to see Zetsu after you bumped into him, you have him a smile and hugged him kissing his chest. "Good news! I have no missions any time soon." "That's good my dear." "Yes. I agree."
Hidan was still asleep in bed since he got back from a mission the day before, you decided to hang on the Akatsuki's base living room until he woke up. You ended up watching Deidara make clay birds and show you how he does it. You smiled with interest but gave a weird look from time to time after watching his hand mouths eat clay. His blue eyes stared at you with a smile, your (e/c) eyes glanced up into his. "Um, sorry, it's just you look very fascinated and it makes me smile seeing you smile, yeah." You smiled and gave a small amount of blush on your cheeks as he did a small chuckle watching you stand up. "Well, um I'm going to go check on Hidan now." You have a small wave and went to his room, you smiled and kissed the back of Hidan's shoulder before you went into the bathroom.
Orochimaru was once again in the Leaders's office, instead of being cooped up in his room you decided to explore the base and be nosey and see what everyone was up to. "What are you doing?" You slightly jumped when you turned around to see Kakuzu standing behind you. "Uh oh! Just wandering around." He gave a grunt as you smiled he then lifted up your hand with his, making you blush slightly seeing one of his threaded stitch up a small cut you had a couple of days ago. "T-thanks." "It's better than spending money. But that's only on some I wouldn't mind." You gave a small smile as he grunted then you waved his off and went to Orochimaru, who was standing in front of the Leader out side of his office. "Hey." You kissed his cheek and held his arm causing Pein to walk office as he looked down at you the back up at Pein.

(Hello there hoped you enjoyed it, sorry if it made you feel bad or like if you were cheating on him but you weren't trust me anyway don't feel that way more to come soon! And sorry if these weren't flirting I don't get flirted with nor do I flirt so! O.0 XD)

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