When He Saw Another Member Flirting With You

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(I'm the same way Hidan XD Okay this will all make sense just read it! It's his pov!)
After I heard (Y/n) leave the room I continued to do my paperwork for at least ten minutes or so. I began to get bored without her doing the paperwork with me or at least rambling on about something, which I don't mind that she does. I debated with myself before getting up to get her, I popped opened the door to see Zetsu and (Y/n). My eyes narrowed. 'How could he do that' I thought to myself, I watched (Y/n) twirl the flower Zetsu gave her in her fingers. I shut the door and went back to my desk, and after I picked up my pen (Y/n) came into the office saying 'hey' as she kissed my cheek. I gave a grunt, I was still thinking on why Zetsu could do something like that. 'What am I going to do?'
I wanted to stay and count my money, of course (Y/n) threw a little fit before she went to the meeting five minutes early. I heard the loud mouth join her in the living room, so I decided if he was there then the meeting was starting. I grunted and stood up as I entered the living room I saw how red (Y/n)'s cheeks were and only seeing Hidan in the room with her. She giggled and that's when I left the room. 'That idiot.' I groaned at him in my head as I sat down, seconds later (Y/n) came and got me with her cheeks a little pink. 'Damn it.' I grunted once more and followed her to the living room, still seeing that image of her and Hidan on the couch together.
I smiled seeing (Y/n) still sleeping, I decided to go ahead and shower figuring she would join me after she heard the shower water, yeah. As I got the water on, I stood under it for ten minutes, I smiled as I heard the door knob jiggle, but it disappeared when I heard Tobi and (Y/n) greet each other, un. As I peeked through the crack of the door I saw (Y/n) blushing cheeks and noticed how shy Tobi was, yeah. 'Tobi, un. What the hell, hm?" I felt my eyes narrow then loosen as I closed the door after hearing (Y/n) giggle, un. I stood in the shower for another minute then felt a small kiss from her on my shoulder as she wrapped her arms around me when I said hello back, yeah. 'How could he do that, making her blush, hm?'
Tobi and (Y/n) decided to play hide and seek, I chuckled seeing (y/n) sigh happily as she walked away to go count. Tobi hid some where easy so she could find him. Tobi was giggling until he stopped, pointing out that Sasori was with (Y/n), I took off half of my mask and watched Sasori grab her hand. 'Sasori.' "What is Sassori doing to (Y/n)-chan? She still hasn't found Tobi yet!" We both watched seeing
(Y/n) blush slightly as we started to walk towards the both of them, then we stopped after seeing her go out and find us and Sasori going back inside. Me and Tobi were both quiet, which was a surprise knowing Tobi felt what I felt. She gave us a smile after Tobi found her and said he won.
I figured (Y/n) was tired of watching me make puppet, that's why I believed was the reason she wanted to has Pein if she had any missions. As she left the room I had this weird feeling but I ignored it. I heard her small giggles, I got up and opened the door lightly just to see that Orochimaru grab the ends of (Y/n)'s hair, my eyes went narrowed as she grabbed his hair and as I heard the both chuckle. 'That damn snake.' After that I closed the door and went to sit down after a minute or so (Y/n)'s head was on my back. I had to many things and..emotions..I couldn't act like I normally was with her.
We both waited for (Y/n) to visit us in the garden. After a while she didn't show. So we decided to go check on her. We both went underground to the Akatsuki's base. But as we got there we checked her room first. She wasn't in there. So we went to Pein's office. Sure enough, she was in there. When we stuck our head out of the ground quietly, we saw a small smile on her face. My eyes narrowed and I was about to get up and eat him. I stopped him but yes, I did feel quite unpleasant to hear her do a small giggle now with blushing cheeks. After the went back underground and popped just back up in time for (Y/n) to bump into us. She screamed then laughed. She gave us a kiss, usually we would give her one back. I didn't feel like it.
I woke up fucken feeling great but
(Y/n) wasn't fucken there. I groaned with a smirking thinking she was in the shower. As I got up the fucken like was one but she wasn't in there. "Damit." I said to myself I went into the living but stopped with my fist clinched to see that blonde bastard making fucken goggly eyes at her. My eyes narrowed as a small giggle came out of her mouth as that fucken Barbie blushed. I walked back into the room and just laid on the bed before I end up killing that bastard. I heard (Y/n) walk into the room, I didn't bother to open my damn eyes or smirk when she kissed me and then went into the bathroom. "Fuck..."
As usual I was in Pein's office, I figured (Y/n) would go out looking for me so I tried to focus more on his words. We both stepped outside, which was unusual, but when we did my eyes locked on (Y/n), Kakuzu noticed me and put stitches into her hand. I felt my eyes narrow in suspicion. 'What is he doing?' When she turned around she had a light pink color across her cheeks before she rushed to me kissing my cheek. Kakuzu walked away and Pein gave us a disgusted look so I went back to focusing on Pein but couldn't.

(Okay so I hoped you enjoyed this so the next scenario I make will be tied into this! Hoped you like it was iffy to meh!)

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