When He Writes You A Love Letter

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Ever since you woke you've been looking for Pein, you didn't want to think that he left for his mission with out telling you bye at least. You sat at his desk and shuffles papers feeling a little down that he did leave. You sighed and make a stack of papers neatly before your (e/c) eyes glanced over to a folded piece of paper that have your name on it. You smirked seeing if it was one of your mission assignments, but when you opened it you smiled. It was a letter from him, a love letter actually.
'My Goddess, I apologize but I had to leave early, I didn't want to wake you. I love you, so much. You are my world, your smile is what I look forward to everyone. I'll be back soon I promise. Please if you can help me with my paper work. I love you my Goddess.'
You smiled and blushed then rolled your eyes and did what he asked, you were already helping him but it didn't bother you. You folded up the note and placed it in your personal desk drawer with a smile and a small giggle. "I love you too Pein."
While Kakuzu was out trying to murder Hidan from walking in on the two of you the other day, not to mention him tell the rest of the Akatsuki. You were going through and making piles of his money in neat stacks so the room wouldn't look so cluttered. Your (e/c) eyes narrowed slightly to see a folded piece of paper, like a recite, underneath one of the stacks. You opened it and your eyes went wide eyed as you read it.
'If you found this that means you touched my money. Knew you would. I'm probably on a mission or I'm out killing Hidan. Either way just know that I love you. I don't say that often. But when I do I mean it. All my hearts beat for you. And no one will get in my way..not even money...can stop me from being with you.'
You smiled and blushed as a few giggles escaped your lips, you folded back the little love letter he wrote you before your eyes darted to the door seeing him standing there. "Good. Deidara, pay up." You rolled your eyes with a smile as Deidara complained.
"(Y/n)-chan! (Y/n)-chan!" You stopped working on your clay bird for Deidara to see Tobi running into Deidara's room with his arms in the air holding up a piece of paper. "What is it Tobi?" You giggled, pushing your (h/c) hair to the air with a smile. "Deidara-senpai wanted Tobi to give this to you!" You smiled as you took the note with a confused looking in your (e/c) eyes. You opened it as Tobi skipped out of the room and a light pink shade hit your cheeks.
'If your reading this, that means Tobi did what I asked, yeah. I just want to tell you I love you and I know you're busy my princess, un. I'll check on your beautiful self later, just to see if you're alright, yeah. Love you, un.'
You smiled more, folding up the love letter from Deidara, your (e/c) eyes then glanced up to see Tobi's head sticking out of the doorway, and after you giggled Deidara did the same with blushing cheeks. "I didn't want to bother you and you blow me up, yeah."
Surprisingly you woke up on your own instead of waking up to either Tobi pulling you out of bed or Deidara waking you up to calm Tobi down. You smiled but with a weird expression to see Tobi on m the ground coloring before he turned to see you. "Morning (Y/n)-chan! Look what Tobi made you!" You smiled as he handed you the folded paper with hearts all over it white the words 'Tobi loves
(Y/n)-chan!' When you opened it your heart melted as you smiled and blushed more. 'I love you. Me and Tobi both do. So so very much (Y/n). Every time I'm quite I love to stare at your smiling face. Tobi loves (Y/n)-chan too!'
When your (e/c) eyes glanced up half of Obito's face was showing with a smile, you kissed his lips and when he pulled back he placed his mask back on. "Tobi made Deidara-senpai a letter too!" You giggled seeing him run out of the room as you held the letter close to you.
You and Sassori were working on puppets together, as you digged through the drawers for a specific puppet piece he asked for, you found a folded note. Your (e/c) eyes narrowed with curiosity, you glanced up at him still seeing him working then back down at, what appears to be a letter.
'Love, if your reading this then you found. I better not be in the room with you. But since I always am. Just know I love you. I have feelings and feel emotions to you. Your soft skin and sweet smile. I'm glad you're mine. Puppet or not.'
Your cheeks blushed red, when you glanced up at Sassori your cheek grew more red seeing his dark brown eyes staring at you. "I-I." You were speechless honestly but you smiled when he took your hand and kissed it then returned back to his work. "Awe, Sassori." He gave a small smile as you pressed your lips to his cheek and re read the letter over again.
"It won't take long." "Yes my dear I do agree." You smiled and rolled your (e/c) eyes as you wondered around the garden. Zetsu had sent you to find the new flower he planted, why? You didn't know why but if you didn't he was going to spray you with the water hose, and you remember what happened the last time he did that. You smiled and rolled your eyes once more until they locked in a (f/c) flower that had a note next to it.
'My dear we hope you like this flower. It reminded us of you. Some how. We love you so much. I agree. My dear we know you've been down lately. And you won't tell us why but instead you still smile. Just know that your smile is our smile. I also agree to that. I love you. And I love you. Don't bring this up. Don't listen to him.'
You giggled and blushed more as you folded up the note when you turned around Zetsu was there behind you. "Did it work?" You giggled again and smiled and kissed his chest with a nod. "It did." "Told you." "Eh."
Hidan was out on another killing spree, so this have you time to clean his room again. As you were putting clothes back then making the bed you found a note with your name on it inside his pillow case. Your (e/c) eyes narrow in confusion as you opened the letter and scanned through it thinking he was to scared to tell you something that he have done.
'So you know I'm not good with this shit but if you found this you must've been cleaning the damn room or some other shit that made you find this.
(Y/n) I'm an ass I know that, I can be a fucken idiot and jerk at times. But..I'm thankful that Jashin made us two happen. I love you, like so fucken much and your just so hot and beautiful just...I love you and I always will.'
You giggled and blushed before Hidan walked in groaning and cursing under his breath as you turned and faced him. "How cute." "Shut the fuck up." You blushed as you folded the note, then you wrapped your arms around him and stared into his dark violet eyes. "What made you write this?" "I-I thought you were gonna leave me one day so I just fucken wrote that." You kissed his lips deeply as he did the same. "You're so cute." "Stop!"
You and Orochimaru were in his room, he held you close to him and stroked your (h/c) hair as you smiled and tried to fall asleep, that was until the Leader can and got him. You rolled your (e/c) eyes as he removed himself from you, seeing you frown as you laid in bed. "Now, don't be sad my snake. Here." You glanced up at him to see him handing you a folded piece of paper as his eyes were shut, then left the room as you took it and opened it.
'My sweet snake. I've been meaning to tell you how much you mean to me but never get the time. Just know my darling I love you. I always will. On every mission I go on. Your on my mind, including when I'm in that Leader's office. (Y/n), my beautiful, precious creation life has given me. I love you.'
You blushed a dark red as you folded the note and sat on the bed wit an uncontrollable smile. "Oh Orochimaru, you're the sky snake." "Indeed I am." You smiled as you looked up to de him in front of you, he pushed your hair to the side and kissed your cheek.

(Sorry this took so long but I'm still publishing on scenario a day I'm going to try to do more but I hope you enjoyed this more to come soon!)

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