When He Gives You A Piggyback Ride

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You and Pein had to go get more scrolls and once again after the second time he wasn't going to leave you outside, he did anyways. After he came out you smiled at him with your (e/c) eyes slightly narrowed as he didn't noticed. "My king." "Yes?" You jumped onto his back kissing his cheek, he stopped walking and tensed as he turned to look at you his purple eyes slightly widened. "You left me out there again so now carry me. Please?" He gave a small smirk, you knew you had to say please, so he nodded and held you help. "Thank you. I love you. I promise to do paperwork." "I love you and yes you will."
"Kuzu I'm tired!" You and Kakuzu were walking back to the base from a bounty, it's been a hour long break and not once has he stopped for a break. "You complain more than Hidan." You narrowed your (e/c) eyes at him, he kept walking as you slowed down after an idea, that might get you killed, popped into your head. "Carry me!" You jumped on his back wrapping your arms around his neck. He stopped walking and stood still then glanced at you and grunted. "Fine." "Really?! Wait what's the catch?" "You owe me the rest of your money." Kakuzu only let you have five precent of his bounty money. You smiled and hugged him and yelled 'fine' then he continued to walk. You would have to hold yourself cause he would walked standing up straight but you didn't complain.
"(Y/n), un. Get up please, yeah." You were still sleeping while Deidara tried to wake you so so he two of you could go to the village. "No." "Princess, un." You groaned again as you stared at him with a smile as he smiled back trying to wake you up. "Carry me." He gave a nod as he turned around, you jumped to his back, wrapping your arms around his neck underneath his blonde hair as he held you and started to walk out of the base. "Happy, un?" You nodded then gave his hair a tug. "Hey, un." You giggled as he gave a chuckle, seconds later the both of you started to run. "Wait Deidara-senpai!"
You and Tobi were both running from Deidara, since Tobi stole one of his clay birds, as the to of you keeping running he started to toss bombs. "(Y/n)-chan! Get on Tobi's back!" You did what he asked held you and you held him tightly, the both of you laughing till the both of you were out of the clear. "Did (Y/n)-chan enjoy Tobi's piggyback ride?!" You nodded as you slid off of him, he then turned and jumped on your back. "Tobi's turn (Y/n)-chan!"
Sasori was on a mission with you, you walking beside him as he was in one of his puppets body's. "Sasori, can you carry me?" His puppet turned to look at you. "Why love." Your (e/c) eyes stared at his puppet's face as you gave a small smile. "Please, because I want to be close to you." You sorta lied, you were tired of walking but you still wanted to be next to him since Leader-sama said this mission might be dangerous. "I see. You would be happy if I carried you, love." You nodded then he stopped, you got onto his puppet's back, it was always slouched so you just sat on top of it instead with a small smile as you kissed the top of its head. "I love you." "I love you. You get to help me make more puppets when we get back."
Once again you and Zetsu were in his garden tending once again you saw something move in the corner of your (e/c) eyes. You saw Zetsu beside moving his hands around do you just shrugged and went back to planting, you and the light side of  Zetsu made small talk before he stood up. "My dear we'll be back." You smiled and gave a nod before you screamed standing up, both Zetsu jumped a little as the watched you before you jumped onto his back making him tense as your arms wrapped around his neck. "Frog!" "Oh dear" "(Y/n)." You gripped tighter and he just did a small chuckle and sigh afterwards. "Let's take you to your room my dear." "Such a baby." He stared to walk back to the base, his light side trying to keep you from slipping off his back. "Thank you." You kissed his cheek as the light side of him smiled while other grunted.
You and Hidan were on your way back to the base from out doing rituals, like always, the two were arguing. "Will you shut up?!" "Make me!" You narrowed your (e/c) eyes trying your best not to smirk while his dark violet eyes stared at you. "You know you can't." "Oh yeah!" You smiled and jumped on his back as he moved around. "Get off of me damn it!" You tightened your grip as he tried swaying you off. "No! Now carry me!" He groaned and started to walk holding onto you, you kissed his ear then his cheeks with a smile while he rolled his eyes. "Thank you." "Yeah yeah. Don't push it." You giggled and bit his ear, his eyes widened then he tried to spin and face you and trying to get you off but you held onto him. "Damn it (Y/n)!"
You and Orochimaru were both on a mission together, you two were jumping tree limb to tree limb while getting chased by ninjas. You being a cluts, you almost slipped off one of the limbs before Orochimaru pulled you to his chest and leaned back against the tree. "Are you alright?" "Yeah, but i don't think I can go on." You whispered out of breath, he smirked and kissed your forehead head and grabbed yours arm pulling you behind him. "Get on." "Yay!" You smiled and got on his back as he smirked and shook his head and began to jump and run. You held your face close to his neck, your (h/c) hair getting tangled in his along the way. "You're such a snake for making me carry you." "I love you too."

(Random scenario I know but! I hoped you enjoyed it love ya! More to come soon!)

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