When He Apologies/Nearly Dies Protecting You

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(Seeing Sasori like that brought so much sadness to me. Awe!!!! >~<)
When you and Kisame arrived into the village of the land of Fire, the both of you were then held at weapon point. Kisame smirked, waiting for the signal to attack, but soon after he did, most of the guards went after you. You killed at least three of them with one jutsu. But as you prepared to make another hand signal, you were pulled to the ground by a shadow jutsu. "The Akatsuki. What gives you a reason to come here of the Land of Fire?" You tried to break free, seconds later you seen a women unroll a scroll, smirking at you after she marked it with her blood. "Star blade shower!" When she jumped in the air, releasing about hundreds of ninja stars, you gasped when Pein stepping in front of you. At first he did his 'Almighty Push' behind you. But before he could do it behind him, stars stabbed into his back. When he fell onto his knees, you whimpered and started to removed the blades as he leaned against you, doing the same with his arm. "Pein." Pein laid on his back, staring up at you when you moved his head into your lap. "(Y/n)...leave. That's an order..." You gave head shake, stroking his orange hair with watery eyes as he stared up at you. "No." Pein shut his eyes, he then slowly lifted his hand up and placed his on your cheek. "Forgive me...I have caused you pain....too much pain....I need you. I, Nagato, need you in my life." When Pein drug his bloody fingers down your cheek, you sniffled and held his hand and close to your heart. "I don't want to live without you....I'm willing to give up my life...for you to live yours knowing that I. That I...love yo-." When Pein's head tilted to the side, you pressed your forehead against his, causing you to drop tears onto his cheek. "I love you Pein...what's a Goddess without her God.."
Kakuzu gave a grunt soon after feeling the katana go through one of his hearts as you stared up at him. When he turned and tried to punch the masked ninja, it turned out to be a shadow clone. Before all this you and Pein ended up taking a different route to the village, it was longer an across a dessert. But when arriving there, you both were ambushed, as for Pein, he ended up distracting them, as you you took a few runs back in order to preform a justu that required range between the opponent and the user. But before you could make a hand signal, a shadow casted over you. It was Kakuzu's. You scooted back when he fell to his knees, the heart turning into ink once out of his body, it was the second one that he'd lost. "Kakuzu!" You hugged him tightly, only to release when feeling half of his weight lean down on you. "Why are you here?" "For you.." Kakuzu sat back, he ended up falling onto his back, causing you to scoot to his side, about to speak before he took and held your hand to his actual heart. "(Y/n)...I apologize for earlier." You gave a small smile, he then pulled off his mask and handed it to you. "K-." "Sh. I know what I did was wrong. I shouldn't treat someone just as valuable and rare to find like that. Forgive me...even if it will be the last thing you ever do..." Kakuzu shut his eyes with a deep sigh, you smiled and kissed his hand that still held yours before watching the Leader bend down beside the two of you and placed his fingers to his neck. "He's in a coma apparently. Head back to the base at once. I'll take it from here." "Yes Leader..thank you.."
"Thank you!" You hopped off of the snakes head before it went under ground with Orochimaru still on it. You ran through the forest, panting as you jumped through the tree tops. "Where are you Deidara?" You jumped down only to get ambushed by three Leaf ninjas, whom all were holding weapons to you. "You must be with that blonde hair boy." You gave narrowed eyes towards a girl with light brown hair, you then were held by your head with a blade to your neck with by a boy with purple face paint. "Either give us answers or." "Let her go." You looked up only to see Deidara missing an arm, his eyes narrowed as he slowly approached the each of you. "You can rip me from limb to limb...but you will...not touch her, un. Katsu!" You flinched behind the tree, feeling the force of the explosion fly past you. When it was cleared, you stood up and ran towards Deidara, whom was laying in a creator on his side. "Deidara!" You slid down on your knees to him, turning him on to his back only to see his face and chest covered in bruises and scrapes. "Dei-." "I'm sorry...(Y/n)." You gave a light sigh through your nose when he brought his hand to his lips, kissing it softly with his eyes fluttering shut. "What I did was wrong, un. I messed up everything, yeah. I hope you'll forgive me, un. I don't want to live without you, un." You wiped a tear that was on his cheek with his closed, you kissed his hand mouth before turning towards Orochimaru, whom was giving you an eyebrow raise. "Is he dead?" "No...thank gosh."
"You can go one and find Tobi. I have found me some new sacrifices." You gave an eye roll and walked into the village of the Hidden Leaf yourself, looking around for Tobi with a concerned expression. "Tobi?" You walked through the empty park, giving a light sigh when it finding him. But when you turned your back to head out, you gasped when seeing a blade being pointed at you. "Take one more step and I won't hesitate to slice your throat." You didn't move, instead, you placed your hand behind your under your cloak and behind your back, ready to attack. "Akatsuki." You gave narrowed eyes, you took one step and threw the blade when jumping back. The ninja with the bandage across his nose soon then jumped as well. But just as you landed, you looked down to see a girl with pink hair bring her fist to you. You were then grabbed and pulled behind Tobi, you watched the punch send him flying backwards, causing you to vanish and follow him. "Tobi!" You gasped seeing his mask was spilt down the middle when seeing him crashed through a building. You sat on your knees, holding his hand with confused eyes. "Why didn't you let her go through you?!" Obito smirked, opening up his eyes at you felt yourself about to cry. "It would of impacted you...(Y/n). You mean more to me than any other person...I'm scared to lose you...I'm scared that one day I'll watch you die....you're everything I think about, want...n-need." You kissed Obito's forehead, then the mask of Tobi's. But when you leaned back up, Obito closed his eye, just for you to pull your head into the crease of your neck and hug him tightly with tears. "I forgive you."
You jumped off the clay bird soon after it landed, Deidara called your name but you kept running through the sands that surrounded the village of Suna. You were shocked when arriving there, seeing many people run for cover, some injured. You followed, what look like guards, only to find Sasori there, his chakra strings controlling puppets that were killing off the ninjas. "Sasori!" You stared at Sasori, his lips were parted as yours were the same. "She's with him! She's part of the Akatsuki!" You dodged counter attacks when making your way to him, but after Deidara dropped a few bombs in the village. One of ninjas aimed a katana right for you. "(Y/n)!" Sasori pushed himself in front of you, causing him to grunt soon after the katana sliced off one of his fingers when going through his side. You pulled back, gasping when watching Sasori fall onto his back with blood running down the corner of his mouth. "Sasori!" You sat on your knees, eyes watering as you held his head on your lap, staring at the blade. But before you could remove it, Sasori placed his hand on yours, making you stare at him as he stared at you. "(Y/n)...my love. I have never felt this much grief before." You held his hand to your cheek when he placed it on you, causing your tears to drop onto his hand and run down his arm. "I'm..very sorry....This is my p-punishment...I'm becoming impatient with myself....I should of apologized sooner and made things right wit-with..you." You smiled slightly, stroking his hair as his eyes shut, causing you to sniffle. "I love you, no matter what..please forgive me..love..my heart...hurts..." "I love you..and I forgive you."
You and Tobi both ran through the forest, you knew the one place Zetsu could be at other than his garden. The park in the Hidden Leaf, where you and Zetsu first met in fact. When arriving there, there was no one in sight, your heart started to race in panic. "That's not good." "Wh-." After turning towards Tobi, you watched Leaf ninja try and punch through him only to fall in a puddle of water. You then jumped back and slid across the wet grass after another tried to slice you with ninja stars. "Why can't the Akatsuki come to the park strangers?" You took multiple steps back only to have your back up against a tree before it's branches locked around you, a sensei with a metal frame around his face then held a blade to your throat. "Explain what you're doing here at once." You tried to pull back, you even tried to kick him but no use. "Don't touch h-." You gasped after watching Zetsu be pelted with ninja stars, but that didn't stop him, he battled against the sensei just before falling into a puddle. From there, Tobi took over as if it was a game. "Zetsu!" You were freed and ran to him, turning him over on his back just for your hands and lap to be covered in blood. "My dear...please get out of here why you can." "I'm sorry." You stroked his green hair with a small smile when both of his hands cupped your cheeks. "Smile for me. Please...forgive us..." "We love you...so much..." "More than life it's self.." When Zetsu's eyes shut, you kissed his forehead with a sniffle. "I love you too Zetsu.."
When you arrived there with Kakuzu in the Hidden Leaf, he went into the collections office as you strolled through the village. You gasped when you felt yourself not being able to move, you looked down only to find that you were caught in a shadow stitch justu. "Another Akatsuki member. Tell me where your parter is." You looked behind you to see a boy with spiky hair, the one holding you hostage, and a man with a beard and cigarette. "Over my dead body." "Fair enough." You flinched when the sensei ran up to you, making his blades light up blue with his chakra. "Get the hell away from her!" You gasped when Hidan stepped in front of you, but that wasn't the reason. You and Kakuzu both watched his body drop to the ground and his head roll across the ground. You felt yourself become free but Kakuzu was handling the ninjas. You stared at Hidan's body that had a long slice going up his side that oozed blood, then over at his head. "Hidan.." "Come here." You did so, sitting on your knees as you pulled him close to you. "I-I'm so sorry. You don't have to forgive me...shit I wouldn't blame you. Slap me for all I care, bash my brains in if you want...no matter what..I'll always love you.." You smiled, flicking his forehead just to make him smirk, before his eyes shut. You watched his blood drip from his mouth and onto ground before looking at Kakuzu, whom was behind you with Hidan's body. "Grab his head and let's go. I have money that needs counting."
After Zetsu found Kisame walking towards the Hidden Mist, a village Kisame lived in before joining the Akatsuki. You tried rushing after him but you ended up getting ambushed when you ran across the lake to cut him off. You were surrounded by a sensei and four ninja students, he pulled out his numb chucks and smirked at you. "The Akatsuki." You gave narrowed eyes, getting ready to fight. But just as you ran across the water, you were soon pulled down just before the kunai that was thrown at you from the side could slice against you. Kisame pulled you to the shore, causing you to watch him go back to fight. But ten minutes later, you ended up fighting by his side and eventually dragging him to shore. Kisame laid on his stomach as you fell to your knees and panted, watching the blood from Kisame's wounds leak onto your skin when you tried to patch them. "I'm sorry I hurt you in a way I couldn't ever image myself doing. But just know...Shark bait...I love you...I really...really. Do." You smiled when he kissed your head with a struggle, he managed to lay his head in your lap just before he started to give light breathes soon after his eyes shut. "I love you too Kisame." When you glanced up, you watched Zetsu come up out of the ground and grab Kisame's feet. "Wonder why he calls you shark bait?" "Will you shut up?"
"Sasori, I know you're not patient but please wait here just in case anything happens." You ran off with out receiving a response from Sasori, you jumped through the branches, searching for him before a ninja star threw you off balance. You landed on the ground, on your back but quickly got into your feet and pulled out a kunai. You gave narrowed eyes towards a ninja in an Anbu black ops mask whom was slowly walking around you with a katana raised up. "Looking for your partner huh? I'm afraid he's long gone." You turned your back into to throw the kunai into the back of another black ops, making him fall back against the tree but when you turned, you gasped seeing not only the blade head for you, but Itachi with out his cloak as well. You gave parted lips soon after feeling and watching Itachi cough up blood when the blade stabbed through his back. But before it could go any deeper, you seen Sasori's chakra strings around the ninja, giving him a blank stare. "You'll make a fine puppet." You looked back at Itachi only to see him fall to the ground, causing you to do the same but on your knees with a shaking gasp. "Itachi!" You placed his head on your lap, pushing his bangs to the side as his eyes fluttered open. "Please...forgive me (Y/n)....what I did...wasn't right..out of all the things I've done in my life. Raising my hand up to you was the most regretful..." Itachi poked your forehead, his hand did drop but you caught it before it hit the ground, then kissed it with watery eyes. "I forgive you."
You and Itachi ended up getting ambushed when entering the forest. You and him even split up soon after the two of you attacked. As you dodged flying while jumping through branches, you were paring attention to the ninja running underneath you. But just as he jumped in the air with a blade aimed for your forehead. Orochimaru ended up taking the stab wound to the lower stomach, causing the shadow clone to fade and for you to watch Orochimaru roll across the ground. "Orochi!" You fell to your knees when running after him, but Orochimaru pulled the blade out and smirked at your with blood oozing from his lips and side. "I'm sorry for all the things I've said to hurt you...I'm sorry that I let you down when I raised my hand to you...I'm sorry that me loving you have caused you this pain." Just before you could speak after Orochimaru pecked your hand, his head dropped into your palm, causing you to sniffle as Itachi stepped up behind you. "He's alive. I know that for sure (Y/n). But we need to get him back to the base." "Okay..thank you and...I forgive you Orochimaru."

(Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon. Yes another Scenario will follow! Sorry to keep you waiting and if it was a bit iffy.)

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