When He Walks In On You

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You finally took a break from helping Pein with paper work, so you decided to enjoy some relaxing time to yourself, so you took a nice, relaxing bath. After you started the water and added in (Y/f/s/b) (Your favorite scented bubbles) you hopped in and soak your (h/c) hair in the water. Within a few peaceful minutes of the bath Pein called your name from outside of the bathroom door. "I'm relaxing Pein!" There was no response from him, so you assumed he left you alone till the bathroom door swung open, causing you to crouch as low as you could in the bubbles while Pein stared at you. "(Y/n), I need your help when you're done." "Okay! I will! Now get out! Now!" He nodded and left the bathroom forgetting to close the door. "Pein! Close the damn door!" "My apologies." He left closing the door as you grunted returning to your bath.
Kakazu was on a mission, this gave you some free time from counting money. Your (h/c) hair hung over your shoulders as you jammed out to (y/f/b) (Your favorite band) in his room while you laid on his bed reading a magazine. "Achoo!" You sneezed on your magazine while making a disgusted face as you saw your snot all over the magazine. You closed the magazine and placed it back where it was before you turned around seeing Kakazu stare at you. "(Y/n), that's gross." "Did you want me to wipe my nose all over your money." "No. I don't." "Okay then." You smirked giving him a welcome back hug before you left the room, leaving him confused on what you both just discussed.
Deidara was arguing with Sassori about different forms of art and how his is the best. So you decide to leave them be and went to Deidara's room and wait for him there, but that all changed when you saw a bunch of Deidara's hair scrunchies on his desk and decided to play with them. When Deidara's returned his blue eyes widened seeing how you managed to give you hair weird styles. "(Y/n), what are you doing un?" You jumped from being startled by Deidara's voice and quick took out all the hair bands handing it to him as you walked past him. " Nothing, just seeing if they'd fit me." You gave a quick excuse, leaving Deidara confused before he heard Sassori ask you a question about art.
Tobi was too busy pestering Deidara to finish a game of tag, which you didn't mind it gave you some time to yourself. So you decided to go take a shower to wash all the sweat off of your body. As soon as you entered the bathroom you stripped down into you (b/c) (bra color) and matching underwear before the bathroom door swung open making you cover your chest with your shirt you had in your hands as Tobi hid behind you. "(Y/n)-chan! Deidara-senpai is trying to hurt Tobi!" "Tobi get out now!" Suddenly Obito's voice mumbled in your ear. "But Tobi's a good boy." You pushed them both out of the bathroom and slammed and locked the door as Tobi started to bang on the door. "(Y/n)-chan!"
Sasori was in Pein's office at the moment so you decide to entertain yourself with some of Sasori's small puppets. You decided to act childish and play with the puppet replica's of you and him both made for each other, that was until he entered the room without an expression but you could tell in his voice he was confused. "(Y/n), what are you doing?" "I'm making the me and you puppets love each other like we do." Sasori took the puppets away from you after you made them kiss and pulled you close to him hugging you softly. "Sometimes I wonder about you love."
Zetsu was in his garden, like usual, so you decided to go see him, when you got there Zetsu was no where to be found. You thought it'd be a nice thought to water Zetsu's plants since it came to that time of their watering. But unfortunately the hose decided to backfire on you and you from head to toe. "(Y/n) my dear why are you." "Shirtless." The dark side spoke seeing you in your (b/c) (bra color) bra. "I got wet." You replied covering your chest with a small pinch of pink on you (s/c) cheeks. "Oh. Here." The light side of Zetsu spoke opening his cloak and shielding you inside. "You're clumsy. Aren't you?" You gave a small smile and nod and you covered the cloak more over you.
Hidan was out with Kakazu, you were waiting for him but you really had to go to the bathroom so you did. As soon as you pulled down you (c/s/p) (color of shorts/pants) and began to use the restroom Hidan came busting through the door closing it behind him as he leaned against it panting. "Hidan! What the hell!" "Shut up!" "Hidan, I know you're in there. Get out now, unless you want to get beat by your girlfriend." Kakazu' voice spoke behind the door as you narrowed your (e/c) eyes at him waiting for him to leave. "Fuck!" Hidan swung open the door as Kakazu watched him walk out giving you a slight nod before walking away. "Next time, I'm locking the damn door."

(Hello again! Sorry if these scenarios suck, i tried using different topics. I hoped you enjoyed, more updates coming soon. I take requests by the way.)

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