When You Turn Chibi

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  Pein didn't really treat you any differently, sure he didn't trust you with his paper work and you couldn't blame him, but that you wanted to do it in the first place. He would sit at his desk and watch you do the same heart doodles over and over with a smile. "Stop making fun of me." "I'm not
(Y/n)." You rolled your (e/c) eyes as Pein shook his head slightly seeing you were still stubborn. "I love you." "I love you too." You replied with a smile as you crawled into his lap and hugged him tightly. He of course thought it was awkward but once he got use to it he didn't mind. You on the other hand loved it, Pein was more affectionate, he would give you small kisses on the forehead here and there, and talk more to you, he would always stop you from leaving the office by saying he wants to cuddle, but that was because he didn't trust Tobi with you.
Kakuzu didn't pay much attention to you as he did while you were the normal you. But you on the other hand would take his money or climb on him and take off his mask at every chance you got. Kakuzu wasn't surprised, you always acted that way, now that you had the form to go with it, he was getting annoyed. "(Y/n). Stop now before I get more mad." You stared at him with your (e/c) eyes with a frown. "Kuzu." He sighed knowing how tough he was he couldn't resist your face, he handed you some dollar bills and returned back to counting as you sat happily by him. "I wuv you." "Love you too." You giggled as Kakuzu shook his head thinking how did he fall for you. But even he was happy he did.
Deidara still treated you the same, he would still be protective of you since Tobi was trying to treat you like a doll and try to carry you around but thankfully his senpai was always there.
You smiled and blushed as Deidara brushed your (h/l) (h/c) hair while you sat in his lap and played with clay. "I love you, un." "I love you too." Seconds later Deidara started to chuckle, you turned to look at him with your (e/c) eyes narrowed. "I'm sorry, un. I can't help it, you're adorable, un." He pinched your cheeks and kissed your forehead before you pulled his bangs and walked out of the room before Tobi snatched you. "Senpai! Tobi has (Y/n)-chan!" Deidara's eyes widened as he got out of the bed and tried to chase Tobi, he knew if he didn't you'd be mad and when he did you still be mad so either way he knew you'd get your revenge on him but he didn't mind. He just didn't want Tobi to crush you to death.
Tobi treated you like you treated him when he was chibi, unlike him, you didn't like it, you didn't know why but you just didn't have any energy.
"(Y/n)-chan! Tobi wants to play!" You would shake your head 'no' till you eventually gave in, you would mainly play hide and seek, which you enjoyed since you could hide easier now.
"(Y/n)-chan!" "She's not in here, un." You giggled as you hid behind Deidara since he knew how to get away from Tobi, you would eventually feel bad and come out of hiding. But as soon as you did, a part of you wished you didn't. Tobi would squeeze you to death and spin you around till Pein or some other member would come and pry you away from him. "Like taking candy from a baby." Kakuzu would always chuckle since mainly he was able to save you from Tobi's crushing hugs.
Sasori would try to talk you into being a puppet ever since you turned chibi. But like always you refused, which he knew you would do. As you watched Sasori make puppet he would notice you here and there your attention expand would shorten. "Love, you're not leaving the room." He would always catch you trying to leave the room for he knew Deidara would try to let you play with his clay birds. "Sasori!" He stared at you with his dark brown eyes and sighed knowing what had to be done. Every twenty minutes or so he would put on a puppet show as you smiled and laughed seeing a playful side of Sasori, which was odd. After that Sasori would hold you in his lap and let you help make puppets so you wouldn't run off plus, he liked the look in your (e/c) eyes when you watched him make puppets. You didn't enjoy being chibi but at the same time you did because Sasori gave you more attention. But you did miss kissing on him with out the feeling of being awkward.
When you turned chibi, Zetsu didn't know what to do so he just let you help him in the garden as usual, except this time he would carry you from place to place. "Zetsu I can walk." "I know my dear but." "You'll get eaten." You knew that was true for Zetsu had other venues fly traps in his garden. You'd help water the plants and pull weeds, even though the dark side of Zetsu would laugh at your chibi hands trying to pull the grass, the light side of Zetsu would try to stop him and cheer you on. They were both sweet to you, which is a surprise that the dark side of Zetsu wasn't as mean as he was to you, they would put flowers in you hair here and there and give you small kisses on the hand. "Zetsu why are you so nice?" "I'm always nice my dear." "She's talking about me idiot. I don't want to yell at you and make you cry since you're." "More sensitive than usual." You smiled at his words knowing how much the both of the cared for you even if you still acted like they way you used to be.
"Haha, you're so cute when you're fucken mad!" Hidan bursted out laughing as you stared your (e/c) eyes narrowed at him. Ever since you turned chibi he's been teasing you constantly. When you couldn't reach something he would hold it higher from you, when you would try to punch him it would turn into a tap. He was more of a jackass than he was when you were you. "Shut up!" You yelled at him making him laugh more. "Ah man. I think I like you better like this." You narrowed your eyes again before you smirked, you then jumped up into the bed as Hidan stared at you confused on the other side of it. "Uh? What the fuck are you?" Before he could finish speaking your foot left his area and his hands replaced it. "You bitch." You thought he'd get mad but instead he chuckled. "I'll get you back." He kissed your cheek as you crossed your arms and smiled knowing that he still thought it was cute that you were mad. And if he got mad at you would've cried and he didn't want to deal with that then get in trouble when you were back to normal.

(Hello reader-chan! Sorry if these were a bit iffy. Hoped you enjoyed this anyways more to come soon!)

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