When He Thinks Perverted

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(I'm going to assuming many were waiting for this table to turn. XD oh Jashin. Let's the perverted thoughts flow as if they hadn't been after seeing that picture •-•.)
Pein peeked open his eyes only to see you still asleep. He smiled slightly and kissed the back of your head before sitting up and placing the sheets over you for they were down at your side. "Ngh..more." Pein's eyes slightly widened as he paused when trying to get out of bed slowly. He then glanced at you, seeing you still curled up a bit and our eyes still shut. "(Y/n)?" You gave a light puff of air through your nose, opening your eyes just so you could shut them again when tugging the blanket more on you. "More blankets. It's cold in here." Pein then glanced down, shaking his head with a smirk while making his way towards his desk to grab his cloak. "I saw that. Don't think perverted. It's too early." Pein placed his cloak over you then kissed the side of your head with the same expression as you blushed with a smile. "Seems you're already thinking that way if you knew what I meant." "Shut it. I...Shhh. Go do paperwork."
As you and Kakuzu walked through the Hidden Mist trade center before returning back to the base, Kakuzu stopped and picked up a electric heat blanket. "Seems we could use this." You gave an eye roll, pulling the blanket from his hand with furrowed brows. "Tch. I get you heated up faster than this." Kakuzu gave a grunt and a smirk that was hidden by his mask when watching you give narrowed eyes towards the blanket while shoving it back onto the stand. "That you can. But no need to say that in public." You gave a confused look at first when watching him walk past you, you then gave pasted lips that formed into an open smirk. "Oh, look whose having pervy thoughts today." "You bet I am?"
"Hey Beautiful." You gave a three second smile before it faded when Deidara sat down at his desk while you sat on the edge of the bed, trying to scratch off dried up clay. "Can you get this off please? It's driving me crazy." Deidara chuckled, you were about to speak when looking at the door it left open when coming back from Sasori's room after mission talking. "What did you do, hm?" "Will you shush and just lick it?" Deidara's eyes slightly widened, making him give a small smirk up at you before looking down when you glanced at him after he took your hand and licked the clay off. "That's not what you said last night, un." You gave parted lips with a gasp and widened eyes, tugging Deidara's bangs with a head shake. "Don't say that. The door is open." Deidara chuckled, leaning up to your ear as his fingers interlocked with yours. "You didn't pull my hair either last night, un." "Deidara! Stop being a perv-." "Sh, the door is open, yeah."
You gave a small frown while sitting next to Tobi, whom had bugged you repeatedly for you to play a game with him before he had to leave on his mission tomorrow early in the morning. As you moved pieces of the game around, you gave a light sigh and placed the box lid on shortly after as Tobi faced you. "Seems we're missing two balls. Dammit, I actually wanted to play." After hearing Obito chuckle, you gave furrowed brows towards him out of confusion before giving parted lips when realizing what you said. "Heh, why didn't you just ask. I got them." You gave an eye roll, trying not to crack a smile as you stood up, giving a head shake when a light sigh. "At least Tobi isn't perverted." "Then why does he make you play twister?" You stopped on the doorway with light pink cheeks, widened eyes, and parted lips as Obito chuckled still. "Remind me. Who's the pervert again?"
You gave slight widened eyes when Sasori placed his hand on your knee. You were wearing sleepwear shorts for it was warm in his room and you and him were about to lay in bed together after he finished his puppet. Sasori stared at your thighs for five minutes, seeing you uncross then cross your legs before doing what he did. "I can't help but find interest when it comes to your human body." You blushed deeply, feeling his wooden fingers travel up from your knee to your thigh. You gave slight narrowed eyes towards Sasori when he glanced up at you, the edges of his lips were about to curl into a smirk before you pushed his hand away. "You can be such a perverted puppet at times." Sasori placed his arm back onto the desk and took his carving tool in his hand as the other held the model's shoulder blade. "I wasn't being perverted love. Thinking and doing are two different things. I was thinking in that way." You gave an eye roll, slouching in your chair when a grunt. "Same thing." "(Y/n). My patience level for you is a bit higher. Don't make it not be that way."
"Eeeew. It's dirty." You tossed the garden tool that was covered in mud outside of the shed. You were in Zetsu's garden, he gave you permission to plant new flower seeds Kakuzu picked up from the village since they were free and had no use for them. "What's the matter my dear?" "What are you complaining that's dirty?" You glanced back towards Zetsu, whom was standing out side of the shed as you looked for a mini shovel. "That hoe." You heard the dark side of Zetsu grunt, causing the light side of him to give a smirk when picking up the tool you mentioned. "We like it dirty." "Especially this hoe." You gave parted lips after hearing this both of them laugh, they chuckled but still it surprised that they did together when thinking like that. "Zestu?! You I understand! But you!" You pointed at the light side of Zetsu who had light pink cheeks when smiling at you. "You are the sweet one." "I'm sorry my dear." "Tch. Pervert." "You're the biggest one here." You gave and eye roll, going back into the shed as the two of them bickered.
"Fuck!" You groaned when holding the front part of your hand with your left palm as you clinched your eyes shut and hunched over. You were sitting on the edge of the bed, cleaning your kunai for it was covered in your victim's blood. Since Hidan got you the weapon, you always kept it clean and sharp, sharp enough that you sliced your own hand. "The hell you shouting about?" When Hidan stepped in the doorway of his room, he seen blood dripping down the back of your hand, making him cross his arms and chuckle. "Nothing, just. Sliced myself accidentally." Hidan was about to speak before he bit his lip when watching you lick up the cut. "Heh, I think I found a way to spice things up in bed?" You gave a confused look when standing up and holding your hand, then gave parted lips and playful narrowed eyes. "You are such a perv at times you know that?" "Tch, and? Don't deny you don't like it when I think like that." "Shut the fuck up." "Make me." "I'm going to stab you!" "That's my line." "Ugh!"
You and Kisame were at a village's beach, somewhere you requested to go to before heading back to the base and before the village gets destroyed by Pein-sama. As you sat in the sand, Kisame sat beside you after leaving the waters, giving a relaxing sigh when watching you draw swirls in the sand. "Something on your mind shark bait?" You blushed, giving a nod after he pecked your cheek before watching you write the words 'You, me, and' in the sand. Kisame then gave slight widened eyes and a grin seeing you write the 'Se', causing him to chuckle a bit. "Oops. Forgot to put 'The'." Kisame then gave an eye roll when the word ended up being 'Sea'. "What? You asked what was on my mind? You, me, and how peaceful the sea is." Kisame chuckled a bit, pulling you close by your waist as he watched the waves, you still staring at him before hitting his chest. "You thought I was going to put 'Sex', didn't you?" "Glad we have the same idea before heading back to the base."
"Ooh. I forgot. Since you have a sharingan, you can see through me." Itachi shut his eyes but still smirked towards your frustrated self when you sat on the edge of the bed with crossed arms after tossing your cloak and ninja stars to the side. Before returning back to the base from a near by village, you and Itachi were ambushed. But before you could strike, Itachi knew what moves you were going to use and handle it himself without a word. "Shame I can't see through your clothes though." You couldn't help but blush when Itachi stood up from his chair with a mumble, making his way towards the doorway before stopping with a smirk when you threw a ninja star that went past him and into the wall. "Are you thinking perverted Itachi?" You gave a small laugh when Itachi poked your forehead when walking back over to you. "Is there something wrong with that? If so. I can be that way and express my thoughts to you." You blushed, smiling too while looking down after he pecked your cheek. "I'll take that as a yes then."
"(Y/n). I already told you it won't fit." "We'll make it fit Kabuto!" Orochimaru' eyes slightly widened after hearing you yell. Instead of being at the base today for all the members where there, Orochimaru and you went to the place he does experiments in. Only for you to wonder around and help Kabuto to keep out of Orochimaru's way. "What was that I over heard?" You and Kabuto looked behind the both of you to see Orochimaru standing in the door way. As Kabuto held a test tube, you held the holder for it but apparently the tube wasn't the right size. "Seems my mind went wise where." You gave widened eyes with a smirk and a small laugh towards Orochimaru when he was holding the bridge of his nose with his eyes shut as Kabuto gave a deep sigh. "Orochi, you're such a perv." "Bet he learned it from you (Y/n)." "Shut up!"

(Hoped you enjoyed this! More to come soon and so sorry for slow updates and if some are a bit iffy XD)

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