When You're Cold

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You were in Pein's office as he gave an meeting in the Akatsuki's base den. Knowing Pein, his office was freezing, making you shiver as you finished up his paperwork. You thought his meeting was going to take long so you just curled up in his bed under the covers to try to make yourself warm up. Sadly it didn't work until you felt Pein's heavy, but warm cloak lay stretched over you. "I'm sorry it's cold in here." You gave a smile to him as you bundle into the cloak as he sat at his desk. "It's okay. I'll get use to it." You got off the bed still wearing his cloak around you as you continued to help him with his paperwork.
"Kakuzu it's freezing in here." "The heating is too expensive." You growled as you sat on the bedroom floor putting money into stack piles after Kakuzu counted and handed them to you. You started to gets goosebumps across your skin but shrugged it off as you clipped the bills together. Kakuzu sighed before taking off his cloak revealing his stitched, tan skin as he handed it to you. You smiled and took the cloak wrapping it around you quickly as Kakuzu grunted looking back down at his money. "Better?" "Way better. I love you." It took him a few seconds to respond after he stared at your (e/c) eyes staring back at his. "I love you too. Don't mess up the cloak. It costed money." You rolled your eyes and gave a playfully smile thinking of way to get him to cuddle you.
You've just came back from a mission drenched because of the pouring rain outside, unfortunately for you, you were already shivering bad enough so it didn't help when you entered the Akatsuki base. Instead of greeting Deidara with a hug you went straight to the shower to warm up. Of course Deidara noticed so he decided to follow you. As he got there you were already underneath the warm water,wishing Kakuzu wasn't so cheap so you could turn up the heat, but a pair of arms wrapped around your cold body pulling you back into a warm one. "Are you getting warmer beautiful, un?" You smiled and nodded your head as Deidara rested his head on you shoulder rubbing your sides. "That's good, un." You turned and faces him as his eyes stared down into your (e/c) ones. After the shower you and Deidara cuddled eachother in bed to keep you warm still.
You and Tobi were outside playing tag, well you were until he accidentally tripped you into the lake by the Akatsuki base. "(Y/n)-chan! Tobi so sorry! Oh please forgive Tobi!" You smiled as you rolled your (e/c) eyes, helping yourself out of the cold lake with your lips a dark purple. "Oh no! Tobi go get (Y/n)-chan blankets!" Tobi ran back to the base as you walked behind him holding your arms and shivering until about three or so Akatsuki cloaks were wrapped around you, noticing that Tobi still had his on. "Uh, Tobi these aren't." "Tobi un!!" "Hurry (Y/n)-chan!" Tobi picked up your wrapped self bridal style and ran leaving you confused but warm.
You and Sasori were on a mission together,which was a surprise because the two of of rarely had missions together, unfortunately for the both of you it started to rain down, hard but luckily the two of you used a house in the village you two have destroyed in the time being, until the rained stopped. "Are you still cold, love?" You nodded as you glanced your (e/c) eyes as him as you held his cloak around yours. Sasori came up with an idea, he sat behind you wrapped in yours and his cloak as he held you from behind. "Better?" You nodded with a smile as you leaned and kissed his cheek. "For a puppet you're really warm." You said huddling closer to him with a smile as your teeth stopped chattering.
You waited for Zetsu to get back in your room as he yelled at Tobi for spilling water on you that was supposed to spill on Deidara, but you happen to be at the wrong place and the wrong time. "How are you feeling my dear." "Are you warm yet?" You shook your head know as you sat in bed wrapped in your bedspread before Zetsu walked over to up placing his warm hands in your cheeks. "How's that?" You pressed his hands more against your cheeks with a smile. "You're so warm." You pulled him close to you and buried your face into his neck as he stood on the edge of the bed with a smile. "Well, we are in the sun a lot." His dark side spoke as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him.
You and Hidan were sitting in the couch together doing your own things, you reading a book, him playing with his Jashin necklace, even though you both didn't pay attention to each other you both shared a blanket because the living room was freezing. "Hidan it's cold and your hogging all the blankets you ass." You said to him putting down your book tugging the blanket off of him. "What the fuck ever. Now you know how I feel at night." He tugged the blankets roughly towards him causing you to have no inch of warmth. "Fine. Whatever, I don't care." You mumbled as you returned back to your book before he smirked, grabbing your wrist and pulling you on top of him in the process. "Well I fucken do." He kissed your forehead as he placed the blanket over the both of you. "Are you fucken happy now?" "Yes you asshole." You mumbled into his chest.

(Alright another one completed! Sorry if some are meh but..Hope you enjoyed more updates coming soon!)

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