When You Play With His Hair

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You brushed your (h/c) hair after you stepped out of the shower, you left the bathroom to see Pein was still at his desk and gave him a frown. "You didn't shower with me." His purple eyes looked up at you slightly widened before he sighed and looked back down. "I'm sorry I had a lot on my mind." You gave a nod then smiled and went over to him and pecked his check. "It's okay. I understand." You sealed your lips as you stood behind him then started to brush up his orange spikes. "My Goddess why are y-." "Please. My King." He gave a sigh and looked back down, you smiled with a chuckle and started to brush his hair down, his spikes kept going up but you managed to make them stay down. "Awe! You looked like Nagato." He stared at his desk with his hands in his lap before looking up at you with sparkles in your eyes. "My Goddess. Can you f-." You gave a groan, which made him smirk as you started to brush his hair back up. After you returned his hair to normal you put back the brush and sat as the desk smiling at him. "Happy now?" "Yep." "As long as you are my Queen."
"Ugh!" Kakuzu glanced up from his money counting to see you coming out of the bathroom, then looked down once you looked at him. "What is it now?" "My hair. I hate it." He gave a deep sigh then an eye roll as you sat on the end of the bed. "Why?" "I'm just having a bad hair day. It's a girl thing." He gave a grunt causing you to look up at him with narrowed (e/c) eyes watching him task of his mask. "Really? Do you forget that easily?" You smirked seeing his dark hair then smiled and stood up off the bed, grabbing the brush. "Sit down." "Please! I won't bother you!" "That's a lie." "If you love me!" His eyes loosened, he then rolled them and gave a deep sigh. You smiled and ran up and behind him, you giggled as he narrowed his eyes at you as you played with his strands. "Quiet or I won't let you." You sealed your lips as you tried to curl his hair with the end of the brush before running to the bathroom. He gave another sigh after feeling you put clips in his hair. "Take it out. Now." You smiled and giggled at the three clipped up ponytails you gave him, when you took them out and went to go put them back he spanked you. "What was that for?!" "The next time you use the 'if you love me' thing again. You won't be allowed to go on a spending spree in the village." You smiled with a sigh through your nose then gave a nod and pressed your forehead to his. "Fine. Love you." "Love you."
You smiled still seeing Deidara asleep next to you, he faced you with his blonde hair stringed across cheeks as he breathed through his nose. "Deidara." You pushed his hair to the side and smiled more you then lifted up a strand feeling how soft it was. "I love your hair." You then got up out of bed and got back into it seconds later behind him. You gave a small giggle as you ran your fingers through his blonde hair and started to braid it. You saw him slightly move his arm and you froze with sealed lips, you then smiled and continued to braid his hair, once you were finished you got up to get a clip but right when you did, Deidara woke up. "Morning Beautiful, un. Up already, hm?" You smiled and gave a nod, he smiled back then gave a confused look and felt the top of his head and stroked down. "Your hair was so soft I had to." You went and sat on the bed on your knees as he pulled out the braids and untangled his hair. "I don't mind, un. Just no braids, yeah." You giggled as he kissed your nose but when he did, you were already braiding his bangs. He removed his hair from you then pulled you to him and started to kiss your neck as you giggled. "I said no braids, un."
You giggled as you and Tobi played a board game, he cheered as you did the same after you won for the first time at the game. "Tobi proud of (Y/n)-chan!" He pulled you close then pressed his mask to your cheek and rubbed against it. You giggled then pulled back and kissed his mask, he started to pick up the game pieces as you watched before glancing up and moving behind him. "(Y/n)-chan? Whatcha doing?!" You smiled as your fingers ran through Obito's hair. "I wanna play hairstylist!" He giggled he gave you a thumbs up and stared out into the hallway, you got up as he did so then sat back down behind him. You started to make small ponytails in his hair, he would try to feel them and pull them out but you would hit his hand. "I'm almost done Tobi." You heard him giggle as you added about the fifteenth hair tie into his hair, you pecked his mask and stood up. "Finished." "Let Tobi see!" Tobi got up and ran to the bathroom, he then started to laugh as you did the same before he shut the bathroom door with you on the inside and took of his mask. "You like?" He gave a chuckle then pecked your lips, you then started to take the bands out of his hair once you pulled back. "I think you look better like this." You ruffled his hair as he chuckled then put his mask back on once you opened the door and picked and spun you around. "Tobi turn!"
You sat at Sasori's desk next to him as the two of you worked on puppets, you were more focused than he was and he noticed it and found it odd seeing that you weren't glancing or even talking to him. "Love." "Hm? Yes?" You looked up at him with a smile, he continued to stared down at his puppets, putting them together before taking a glance at you. "I see that your focused more than usual." You smiled and gave a nod with a small chuckle and sigh before standing up and going behind him. Your rubbed his cloaked back as he gave a glanced to you. "Yeah. I'm sorry Sasori." You kissed his cheek but before he could speak he lifted up his head to feel your fingers running through his red hair. "Love. Why must you." "I'm just playing with your hair, like when you do the same to my skin but to your hair." He gave a nod then looked down, you began to pull his hair back from his forehead with both hands as he continued to work. "Interesting and does this make you happy?" You blushed and smiled then pecked his cheek as you repeated the same thing with his hair. "Of course. As long as I'm with you I'm happy." You then put a hair band in his air, his dark brown eyes stared into your (e/c) ones as you gave him a smile seeing his whole forehead. "Please take it down love." You smiled and gave an eye roll with a sigh and did so, after you fixed his hair to the way it was he pulled you into his lap before you could sit in your spot. "If you agree to not being so focused I'll let you do this more often." You smiled then gave a quick head nod but before you could touch his hair you giggled. "I'll just get focused on your hair then instead of helping you." "Love."
"Why not? I don't seem to mind." "Because, she's acting childish about it and it's getting on my nerves." You gave a small frown with a sigh as you looked down, after the light side of Zetsu spent ten minutes putting flowers in your hair you at least wanted to mess with his. "She already does run her fingers through our hair when we're love making." You blushed a deep red with a smile as you looked back at him, the kissed the dark side of his cheek. "True." "Fine." You smiled as you sat behind him, he opened up his fly trap for you to kiss the top of his head. "Thank you." His dark side grunted as he light side chuckled with a smile, you then ran your fingers up through the ends of his hair and started to place left over flowers in his hair. "Flower boy." "Watch it." You giggled as you sat back seeing flower stems twirled up in his green hair. "I'm finished." "Looks wonderful my dear." "Eh." You smiled as thy faced him, you then pecked his forehead before his lips and dusted out all of the flowers. "There. Happy." "My dear." "I didn't say you had to take them out." You gasped slightly then smiled and hugged him. "Awe! I love you." "I love you."
You woke up and rubbed your eyes to see Hidan already up and in the bathroom combing back his hair, he glanced at you seeing you in his hoodie and smirked. "About time you got up." You narrowed your eyes then smiled. "Hidan!" His dark violet eyes slightly widened as he looked at you. "What? Damn." "Let my play with your hair. Please?" He gave a smirk then an eye roll. "No." he looked back over at you still leaning into the mirror seeing you with a sad face. "Geez fuck. Okay. Don't give me that damn look." You smiled as he handed you his comb and sat on the edge of the bed, you smiled and scooted up close to him sitting up on your knees and started to comb back his hair. "Mhm." You smiled seeing him enjoy it then gave a smirk and started to comb it another way. "Hey, don't fucken do that." You tighten the grip on his hair then kissed his ear. "Just trust me." He gave a groan and sigh and held his chin up with his palm. "Shit." You ruffled up his hair with a smile then combed it down, his hair touched a little past the tip of his eyebrows when you looked at him. "Awe! You look cute!" He growled at you then tried to move away. "Don't call me that shit." "Okay I won't!" You combed back his hair to the way he usually has it but forgot a strand and started to giggle when he gave narrow eyes at you. "Now you're a unic-." He kisses you deeply, you then slid the strand back and cupped his cheeks afterwards. "Now you look hot." He 'Tch'ed then kissed you again. "Now that's more fucken like it."
You were getting ready for you and Kisame to go to the village to pick up scrolls for Pein-sama this time. You brushed your hair and tried to style it before Kisame came and took it from you and messed up your hair in the process. "Kisa!" He chuckled and spiked up his hair before putting on his head band. "You're fine." You gave him narrowed eyes then an eye roll before turning back to the mirror. "Shark bait?" "Hm?" "Would you like to do the same to mine?" You smiled and took it the brush from him just before he went to the bed and took of his head band. "Happy now?" You smiled and pecked his cheek as you brushed his hair, you then gave a small chuckle when you did. "Now you're Hidan." "No." You chuckled then started to brush it more and returned his hair back to his spikes before clamping then all together with your hair band. "Go into the village like that." He gave you narrowed eyes and a smirk after he saw his hair then took it out and spiked his hair putting on his head band and went over to your chuckling form. "How about no? And let's go." You smiled as he took your hand and led you out of the base, you smirked and jumped up putting a clip in his hair before he picked you up bridal style. "Do you want to be thrown into the lake?"
"Why don't you move over my snake?" You have an eye roll then moved behind Orochimaru instead of on his lap like he wanted. Pein-sama was hosting a meeting and you and Orochimaru took up half of the couch, which made Hidan complain. You laid your head on the back of Orochimaru, he took a glance at you and gave you a chuckle as Pein started the meeting. You played with the ends of Orochi's dark hair and combed your fingers through it, you then gave a smile and pulled as his hair back. Orochimaru gave you a confused eyes but kept his focus on Pein-sama and asked him questions. Hidan looked at you then gave a smirk and a head shake and Orochimaru noticed this. You finished making a fish spin braid just as the meeting finished. "Did you do what I think you did?" You smiled as the two of you went back to his room, he felt the braid then pulled it out. "Well aren't you a snake?" You blushed and helped him de tangle it with a shoulder shrug. "Maybe."

(Sorry of some are iffy but I hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon once again that you for the request X))

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