When He Leaves For a Long Mission

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Pein has been preparing to leave for a two month long mission to a village for a tailed beast. "(Y/n), I have to go now." You gave a small smile as you stood up from his desk and hugged him tightly. He tensed but then relaxed and wrapped both arms around your side. "I'll be back." He kissed your forehead and lifted up your chin, staring into your sad (e/c) eyes and gave a small smile before he kissed you deeply then pulled away as you gave a small smile. "I love you my Goddess." "I love you too Pein." He kissed your forehead before he left and as the base closed he smiled and walked away.
You were in Kakuzu's room organizing his money while we was getting ready to leave for his two month bounty mission until he came into the room. "(Y/n). I have to go. Don't spend my money." You chuckled as you walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his neck and he placed his hands on your sides. "I won't but I'll miss you. And I love you." You pulled down his mask and kissed his lips as he kissed back before he pulled it up. "I love you." You smiled as he let you go and you did the same, you watched him leave the base with out looking back at you, but he did glance his green and red eyes behind him before the door closed.
"(Y/n), un. I have to go, yeah." You opened your (e/c) eyes open seeing Deidara's blonde bangs before looking up at his small smile. You were still sleeping when he got ready for his two month mission in the search for a tailed beast. "I know. I love you." He kissed your forehead then your lips deeply. "And I love you, un. I'll miss you, yeah." You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into the bed slightly. "I'll miss you to gorgeous." He giggled before he gave you one last kiss and left the base with a small smile not wanting to frown while you did the same after you heard the base door shut.
"Tobi doesn't want to leave (Y/n)-chan!" You smiled and blush, almost wanting to tear up as Tobi hugged you tightly not wanting to let go and go in his two month mission with Deidara. "I don't want you to go either!" You pressed his forehead to his mask before he set you down and kissed your lips deeply. You smiled as you lifted up the mask more to see Obito's face, he gave a small smile and lowered his mask back down. "I love you." "I love you." "Tobi loves (Y/n)-chan! Tobi be a good boy for (Y/n)-chan!" You smiled as Tobi hugged you again before Deidara grabbed and pulled him out just before the base for shut Tobi was waving at you.
You were in Sassori's room watching him out on his cloak, eyeing his puppet body before your (e/c) eyes met his dark brown ones. "I'll see you soon love." You smiled as you stood up from his bed and walked over to him as he pulled your hand towards him. Sassori was leaving for a two month mission to the village he grew up in a child with his nana. "I love you." You wrapped your arms around his neck quickly as he jolted back slightly tensed before relaxing, closing in the hug before pulling away, lowering your hands back down. "I love you love." He kissed your forehead, which made you smile, as he left the room then the base.
As you stood up dusting off your hands from touching soil you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. "I have to go." "Now." You gave a small frown as you turned and face Zetsu who was giving you a small smile back. Zetsu had a two month mission with
Leader-sama. "I know." You leaned up and kissed his lips as he kissed you back before he pulled away and held your hands. "Don't kill the plants." "Don't listen to him. We'll be back soon." You have him one last kiss before he disappeared into the ground.
Hidan was getting ready to leave for a two month mission with Kakuzu as you were laying in bed reading a book. "Hey! I have to go now!" You looked up and watched Hidan enter the room with your (e/c) eyes. "I know that." "Well?" You smiled as you got off from the bed before he pulled you into a tight hug with hands on your waist before the reached down and squeezed your butt, you gasp and pushed him as he laughed. "Hey now. I'll be gone for two months." You rolled your eyes as you walked with him to the base door as Kakuzu watched. "Hurry up." "Shut the fuck up old man!" Hidan turned to you and kissed your lips deeply as you did the same before you pulled back slightly after feeling his tounge touch yours. "I love you." "I fucken love you too." You smiled as he smirked while you stared into his dark violet eyes as he did the same before Kakuzu dragged him out of the base.
You waited for Orochimaru to get out of Leader-sama's office before he left for his to month mission with him. As he left the office you hugged him tightly as he stroked your (h/c) hair. "I'll be back soon." "I love you." He gave a small chuckle and kissed your forehead and lifted up your chin. "I love you." After one last kissed he walked with the leader. But for the base door shut he gave a small nod.

(Hello there! Hope you enjoyed it more to come soon!)

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