When You're Sick

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You were in Pein's office doing paperwork as usual, well you couldn't because you were shivering and your nose started to run. Pein noticed this and asked if you were okay and you simply gave him a nod saying you probably have a cold. Of course he didn't believe and placed a hand on your forehead, his purple eyes widening slowly. "You're very warm." He stood up from his desk and took your hand, pulling you up, you became dizzy as you laid in bed. "I'm sorry, I'll find some way to make it warm in here." You smiled as he pulled the blankets over you, you smiled more when he ended up sitting by you, running his fingers through your (h/c) hair till you fell asleep and he returned back to his work, checking on you every now and then.
You and Kakuzu were out on a bounty mission, as he collected and counted his money you waited out side. He was taking longer than usual so you decided to go and get him, as you enter the enterance  of the bathroom you stated to feel light headed and your stomach began to turn. "(Y/n)." You glanced your (e/c) eyes up at him then glanced down and leaned forward resting your head against his chest as he gave a confused look, glancing around then back at you. "Kuzu, I don't feel so good." You mumbled he placed a hand on your forehead and sighed handing you his briefcase. You grabbed it with a confused look before he picked you up bridal style and started to walk back towards the base. "Get some rest, you have a fever. I'll see if Sassori can help you once we get there." You gave a small smile as you buried your head into his chest with your eyes fluttering till they shut completely.
You and Deidara were coming back from a mission in his clay birds as you were gliding through mid air, him holding you from behind you started to feel dizzy. "Dei-Dei, I don't feel good." He looked at you with his blue eyes and gave you a reassuring smile. "We're almost there, un." You gave a nod, as soon as you entered the base you ran straight into the bathroom and started to throw up. Deidara held back your (h/c) hair back shortly after. As you stopped he took off yours and his cloak and crawled into bed with you. "Deidara, I don't want to get you sick." He nuzzled into your neck with his hair down, as he mumbled. "Don't worry about that, un. I want you to get better with me by you, yeah."
Tobi was in the Leaders's office as you sat in bed shivering. You couldn't understand why you were so cold, as you tried to get up off the bed you suddenly became weak. You fell to your knees trying to balance your against the bed just as Tobi busted through the room. "(Y/n)-chan! Tobi is back. (Y/n)-chan what's wrong? Tobi thinks you don't look so happy!" You shook your head as you stood back up, lightly coughing as Tobi made his way over to you putting his hand on your forehead. "You're warm, but you're freezing. I think you have a fever." Obito's deep voice soothed you as helped kept your balance. "I really don't feel good, and I'm so cold." Obito decided to lead you to the bathroom, as he shut the door he took off his mask, which that made you smile, as he started a warm bath for you. "Here. Relax, this should warm you up." He looked away as you got undressed and got into the tub with your back towards him. He stayed in the bathroom with you until you were able to get out and lay in bed with him.
This time you weren't in Sassori's room helping him make puppets, instead you were sitting the bathroom against the door with your (e/c) eyes watery and swollen and your nose running as you lightly coughed. Of course Sassori was curious on why you were talking so long so he went to go check on you. "Love are you alright?" You opened the door with a nod as you looked at him with a calm smile. His dark brown eyes studied you. "You don't seem alright. Come. Lay down, I'll find an antidote." He took you by the hand and led you to the bed, as you got comfortable he gave you a kissed on the forehead and went back to the desk. As you watched him you could tell he was working harder than usual before you fell asleep. Every now and then Sassori would check on you, putting a hand over your heart that to see if you were still breathing.
You were in Zetsu's garden watering the plants as he was tending to the others on the other side. All of a sudden you started to lose balance and you started to shiver as your (e/c) eyes were becoming droopy. "Zetsu. I don't feel so good." Zetsu quickly walked over to you placing his hand on your forehead head lightly. "You're hot." "Yes my dear, you have a fever. Come on, let's get you to the hideout." You nodded as you started to sniffed as he picked you up bridal style and walked backed to the base. "Zetsu, I don't want to get you sick if I am." "It's alright my dear. I don't mind at all." "I do." You gave a small smile as Zetsu sat on your bed beside you, petting your (h/c) hair.
You were in bed all day while Hidan was on a mission, you were feeling dizzy every time you stood up, you had a running nose and your (e/c) eyes were swollen. "Hey babe! I'm back did you miss...what the fuck is wrong with you?" You rolled off your side and looked at Hidan with a pale face. "I don't feel good..now please..shut up." He rolled his eyes with a head nod. "Tch. Alright fine." He made he was to the bed and crawled under the blankets with you. "Hidan. I don't want to get you sick." You said rolling back to the side as he rolled his eyes wrapping his arms around you and spooned you, holding you close. "Don't even start on that shit." He kissed the back of your head, you smiled thinking to yourself how you should get sick more often.

(Hello there! Another scenario finished! Hoped you enjoyed this scenario! More to come soon!)

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