When You Reference To A Vine

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(Answer: My love for Hidan XD)
"Pein, everyone is ready for you to announce the new task," you said. Pein was still rolling up scrolls as you gathered everyone up in the den for a meeting. "Alright," he mumbled. Once closing his door, you stood in your usual spot next to the hallway, only to watch Tobi and Deidara shoving one another. "Get off!" "But Deidara!" Pein stepped outside of his room and deeply sighed, which made the two go quiet. Everyone else went quiet too, but just stared towards Pein and you. "I have discover-." A popping sound caused every to look over at Deidara and Tobi. Tobi was holding the back of his head, in which Deidara slapped. "Smack that bitch," you whispered with a faint chuckle following after. All eyes then went to you, even Pein's. You sealed your lips and slowly began to walk backwards and towards his room when hearing Hidan, Kisame, and even Kakuzu began to faintly laugh. "As I was saying," Pein deeply sighed after hearing the click of his room door shut.
A bounty was on the loose and running through the forest with you and Kakuzu on the hunt for him. As he jumped through trees with you throwing blades repeatedly at him, you were starting to get to get frustrated. Kakuzu was just walking behind you while flipping through the booklet of bounties, knowing that ninja was in there. Once the bounty jumped on the ground, you clenched your teeth and narrowed your eyes. "Give me your fucking money!" you yelled when throwing the blade. After the blade struck through his shoulder, causing him to slide against the dirt, Kakuzu looked at you with a surprised expression. "Law and Order, special victims unit!" you yelled with a grin. Kakuzu cleared his throat, then began to drag the bounty across the ground. "Not going to question you." "It's better not to."
"Hello?" you asked. After you stepped inside the base, you seen Deidara and the others no where in sight. You then grinned when hearing the shower running after a long pause into Deidara's room. "Hello? Hello?" you asked repeatedly. You started to drop articles of clothing while walking towards the bathroom. Once you snuck inside, in only underwear, you pulled open the shower curtain with one eye open. "Hi, I'm a Jehovah witness and." When Deidara gave you a glare, you ended your sentence with a laughter. Deidara stopped scrubbing the bubbles out of his longs, blond hair and pulled the curtain back towards the wall. "Really, hm?"
"Uh? (Y/n)-chan?" Tobi mumbled with a head tilt. You were on the floor in his room with your head pressed to the ground as you laughed loudly. You were nearly in the point of tears and Obito could hear it in the small squeals. Once he closed the door and sat on his knees, in front of you and all the craft products you were in the middle of cleaning up. Before Tobi went to talk to the leader, he was making crafts as you showered. Of course, you nearly tripped on the mess and decided to clean it. "You okay? What's wrong?" Obito asked when lifted up his mask. You only shook your head while holding your side, you then took in a deep breath. "Hello, I'm squidward," you mumbled. Obito gave a confused look to the tape stretching around his head and flattening down your nose. You started laughing all over again to the deepness of your voice, making Obito pat your back when you laid your head back to the ground. "Just laugh it out. I'll find you help soon," Obito smirked.
You were walking back to the base with Deidara and Sasori after a mission into the Land of Lightning. Sasori was holding your hand, then brought your knuckles up to his lips and he kissed you deeply. You blushed when he began to repeat his soft pecking. "Gross," Deidara mumbled with crossed arms. You rolled your eyes, making Sasori glare at Deidara. "The affection I am giving her, brat, is nothing for you to comment on," Sasori mumbled. "He's an adult virgin," you mumbled in song. Sasori glanced at you, catching your attention. When he slightly smirked, you then started to faintly laugh. "Love. I have a belief on your statement." You laughed again, making Deidara narrow his eyes. "Just. A. Vine," he mumbled.
Like most days, you were in Zetsu's secret garden. While he was out in a mission, you decided to tend to his plants and even vegetables and fruits he was growing. You started to dig at the soil with your bare hands when trying to dig out a root. Once you pulled it out of the ground, you dusted the root off with a large grin. "A potato flew around my room." "What?" You jolted when seeing Zetsu come out of the ground and stare down at you, making you faintly laugh with blushing cheeks. "Are you okay?" "Touched a poisonous plant again?" You rolled your eyes and sighed. "No! I got it from a vine!" "Potatoes don't grow on vines." "Or fly."
"Hidan," you whispered in his ear. Hidan softly groaned, but kept his eyes shut. It was past noon and he was still also, sadly you were due to an early mission you have to get up for. After getting back to the base, you dropped your coat and sat on Hidan's lower back and began to rub your hands up and down from his shoulder. "Get off," he mumbled. You tugged a few strands of his hair, but he only grunted and groaned. "But I want to whisper something sexy in your ear," you mumbled. A smirk creeped up on Hidan's face when letting you brush his hair back. You then pressed your lips with a large grin. "It's free real estate"," you mumbled. As you faintly laughed, Hidan groaned deeply. He then rolled over onto his back with you still wrapped around him. Now Hidan was smushing you with his body as you kept laughing. "Hidan! Get off!" "That was an asshole move." "That free real estate got you awake though," you laughed.
"Will you hurry?" Kisame groaned. You were in a hut and changing into your swim suit. Kisame surprised you with a visit to the hot springs when on the way back to the base. The mission was stressful, and Kisame knew for he could hear that tone of aggravation in your voice. You were surprised when the bag he was carrying was actually your and his swimsuit and snacks for this occasion. "Okay, okay," you mumbled. Once out of the hut, Kisame lifted you up and started to walk with you to one of the boiling creators. He then peeked down at you when hearing you faintly laugh. "Two bros chillin' in the hot springs. Five feet apart because they're not gay!" you yelled. Kisame shook his head and smirked after kissing the temple of your head.
You went into the kitchen to get a snack, as you did so you kept laughing at the spoons in the drawer you opened. After hearing footsteps shuffling too you, you immediately placed the round parts of the spoons over your eyes and held the handles. "Oh! Itachi! I didn't see you there. I was, um, just too busy blocking out the haters," you said with a grin. When you took the spoons off your eyes, you took a step back after seeing that it was Deidara. You then looked over at the table only to see Itachi with his hand over his eyes in a disappointed gesture. You blushed deeply out of embarrassment, even though you were trying not to laugh to his deep sigh and Deidara's faint chuckling. "I bet you didn't see that one coming, hm?" Deidara asked Itachi. Itachi shook his head and gave you a peek when you sat next you with a large grin. "I wish I could say I did," he smirked.
You went with Orochimaru to his hideout since you didn't want to be stuck at the base. While Orochimaru was working on an experiment, you were sitting against the wall and watching Kabuto scribbling down in scrolls. "Damnit." "Watch your profanity," you said in a soft voice. Kabuto glared at you, and Orochimaru faintly smirked and laugh. "You heard the woman," Orochimaru mumbled. You faintly laughed when hearing Kabuto groan, you then went quiet when he looked at you. Orochimaru was about to speak before bumping his knee on a table. "Shit." "Watch your profanity!" Kabuto and you yelled.

(Yes, I am back. Thank you all for making me so happy on returning. It truly means a lot to me. I have plenty of fresh ideas and I'll start them as soon as I can. You all mean the world to me. You have made me want to become an author on wattpad and beyond this site. I love you all! Legitimately love you all!!! This is my happy place. This is the place I can go to without getting turned on. I came here to write what I love. That was taken away, but I have it back!!!)

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