What About You Frightens Him

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(Requested! I'm going to do what about me frightens people XD)
You wouldn't think you getting proved wrong would frighten Pein, but it does. Just for a tease and to get you to have a bit of an attitude with him, Pein will try to argue with you. However, it doesn't last long most of the time. Although, during the serious discussions and when you get proven wrong, Pein will easily try to change the topic as soon as he can.
Kakuzu won't admit it, but you know when you stare off and become quiet in distraction causes him to feel tensed and uneasy. He will try to catch your attention by making a smart comment, but at times that doesn't always work. To be honest, Kakuzu feels threatened when you stare off and go completely dazed from your thoughts. He knows what you're capable of, so he doesn't push your buttons while you're in that state.
In all honesty, Deidara is afraid of your jealous side. He wouldn't think you'd have one when you know how much he cares for and loves you. Although, he seems to get proven wrong when random village girls run up to him and get all flirty. Deidara, of course, makes them leave him alone. Just during the times, he blushes out of flattery causes him to feel frightened about doing so.
You are always in a playful and good mood when you are around Obito. He always sees you smiling or laughing uncontrollably about something so ridiculous. With that being said, there's no doubt that when you are angry causes him to feel a bit frightened by you. Obito, or Tobi when around others, will try to calm you down when you are beyond mad, but that doesn't mean he's a bit shaken up when trying to do so.
Believe it or not, but having you get frustrated rather makes Sasori feel a bit tense and unsure of how to act around you. When you can't defend an enemy, complete a puppet part or anything that causes you to get frustrated, Sasori tries not to make a comment or add his advice in. For some reason, you being frustrated makes him want to give you space rather than comfort it. However, Sasori will calm you as much as he can unless you say otherwise.
As much as Zetsu has done this to you, you wouldn't think to wake you up would frighten him. Well, mainly the light-side of him. The look you give him will make him regret waking up, especially if it's with his talking to the other side of him. The dark-side of Zetsu won't argue with you on why he woke you up, but he will make comments. Overall, waking you up rather frightens Zetsu, so he just waits until you do so on your own.
Hidan makes you mad all the time, wakes you on purpose, and doesn't find your crazy side a bit terrifyingly all. However, when you are hangry that is a different story. It's like you completely go overboard when not being able to find something to eat. In all honesty, Hidan doesn't understand why you get over the top pissed off just because you are in the mood for something to eat. However, he doesn't say anything besides suggesting what food could calm your nerves.
Kisame will argue with you for fun, and the same goes for annoying you too. He has seen you get mad before and yell at the top of your lungs, but none of that phases him at all. Although, your silence does. When you are quiet during a situation that requires you to speak your mind, Kisame feels the slightest bit of unsure fear. He doesn't add his two-cents in or tries to pick on you to make you say something. He'll simply just be quiet with you, yet stand clear and observant.
Itachi states that he isn't afraid of hardly anything, but when you end up crying out of anger, his words become lies. Having you cry doesn't make Itachi feel right at all. He does get worried and relaxes his serious side just to comfort you. However, when you cry out of anger, Itachi will remain tense and try to carefully calm the situation.
Your competitive side frightens Orochimaru and he will admit that. Sometimes, you and Orochimaru will make bets on how many enemies attack the two of you can take on. Although that always end up in a competitive battle. For some reason, Orochimaru senses a side of you becomes triggered and causes you to go overwhelmed on being in the lead. With that being said, Orochimaru will just let you have the win to not witness that.

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