When You Return From Your Mission

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Pein been counting down the days till you came back from your mission and today was the day. He waited in from of his office door with his purple eyes staring at the door knob waiting for it to turn. After ten minutes it finally did, as you pulled it open and stepped in side with your (e/c) eyes at the ground. "Pein I'm." Before you could finish speaking you bumped into Pein you looked up at him with a smile before he pulled you into his chest in a tight hug. "I missed you." You hugged him back and smiled and blushed as you released you stared up into his eyes. "I missed you too Pein." He lifted up your chin and pulled you close to his lips kissing him deeply before he stopped as you spoke. "Can I see Nagato?" His eyes widened then they narrowed back and he gave a nod. Once he led you to Nagato's hideout you walked inside. It wasn't the first time you seen him so you weren't frightened at all. "I'm glad you're back (Y/n)." You smiled as you stepped up and to his hight, you carefully placed your arms around his neck and gently kissed his lips. "You're the reason why I came back." He smiled as he watched you leave and after you left you hugged Pein tightly again and kissed him deeper. "I'm not sending you in a mission like that again my Goddess. Now please, help me with my paperwork." You smiled and rolled your eyes as you took his hand as walked back to the base. "Only because you let me see Nagato."
Kakuzu wasn't in his room when you returned from your mission, he was in Leader-sama's office at the time. As you opened the door with a smile it turned into a frown and your eyes glanced around in confusion. "Don't tell me your on a bounty." You sighed and took off your cloak while you stared at his money pile before your
(e/c) eyes met his after his threads pulled you into a tight hug. "Thanks to you, I didn't get any money counted." You smiled and laughed a little before his lips were pressed to yours. "I missed you too Kuzu." He gave a small smirk as he lifted his mask back up over his stitched lips and hugged you again. "I didn't say that.Now help me count my money." You laughed again as he pulled you into his lap and handed you a stack of bills. "Only if you admit you missed me." He grunted and mumbled as he counted his money. "Speak up. I didn't hear you Kuzu." "I missed you. Now be quiet." He sighed while you grinned as you started to count money knowing he missed you and you and him both new that.
Deidara lost count of the days, he felt like it was forever since he last seen you. He spent days in his room working on his clay art, he didn't know when you would be back so he did what he's been doing working on his clay art in silence until he heard his room door creak open. "Go away Tobi, un." "We I missed you too Deidara." His head shot up from his sculpture, his blue eyes darted to you seeing you stand at the door way with your Akatsuki cloak on. Your (e/c) eyes stared at his smiling forming in his face as he got up and quickly pulled you into his arms. "I missed you so much (Y/n), yeah." You then smiled as you hugged him back before he held you in his arms and pulled you into the bed. "Did you sleep at all Deidara?" He exhaled as he rested his chin on top of your head, twirling his fingers through the ends of your
(h/c) hair with his eyes shut. "I couldn't, un." You smiled more as you kissed his cheek then his lips deeply. "I love you Deidara." "I love you too, yeah." He held you in his arms, you watched him sleep soundly and worried free until your eyes started to flutter shut as well, falling asleep to the comfort of him.
Tobi didn't know when you'll be back so he continued to follow around Deidara. "Tobi look, un. (Y/n)s back, un!" "Nice try Deidara-senpai! You can't fool Tobi again! Tobi loves his senpai!" "I love you too Tobi." Tobi turned to you with his hands pressed against his mask as you stood in the doorway of the Akatsuki's base before it closed shut and Tobi ran towards you as Deidara scurried away. "(Y/n)-chan! Tobi missed you so much!" You smiled as you collided with Tobi as he spun you off the grounds into his arms before he carried you to his room, pressing his mask against your cheek. "Tobi. Put me." Before you could finish speaking Obito's lips were pressed against yours as he leaned back against his room door, then took off the rest off his mask. "I missed you. So much." "I missed you too." He pulled you into a tight hug before his hand held your cheek. "You're not hurt are you?" You giggled and shook your head. "I told you. I'd be back safe." He smiled and hugged you again as he put his mask back on and grabbed your hand.
"(Y/n)-chan! Play games with Tobi!" You smiled and nodded as Tobi pulled you to the ground along with a bored game. You and him both missed his childish behavior.
Sassori succeeded at distracting himself with his puppets, he lost track of how many days you've been gone and when you would return. He sat his desk putting puppet parts together until his dark eyes widened feeling your hands rub against his back. "Hey Sassori. I'm back." He grabbed your hand and pulled you into his lap, placing his forehead on the back of your shoulder as his arms wrapped around your sides. It surprised you to see Sassori show you this much emotion. "Did you miss me?" You giggled as he lifted up your head, staring his dark brown eyes into your (e/c) ones. "Isn't it obvious love." You smiled as you lifted up his chin and pressed your lips softly to his then pulled back and wrapped you arms around his neck. "I missed you too." You turned back as he loosened his grip but then retighten his grip you when you tried to get up. "Stay." You did what he said and leaned against him as he went back to working on his puppets. "I enjoy your company." It surprised you more to see how much he did miss you, but it mostly flattered you. You watched him make his puppets with a smile until your eyes stared to close, listening to the sound you missed, him working on his puppets and the sound of his heart beat.
Zetsu was finally released from
Leader-sama's sight since it was the day you'd return back from your mission. You were on your way back to the Akatsuki's base, which was in sight from the distance. You couldn't wait to see Zetsu, he couldn't wait either. Zetsu suddenly sprung up in front of you causing you to jump back with a small gasp before he pulled you into a tight embrace. "Zetsu?!" You were happy and shocked to see him, but then smiled as you hugged him back. "I'm sorry my dear, I couldn't wait to see you." "We couldn't wait to see you." You smiled as you pulled back from his hug, seeing him smile as well. You both smiled more after he put another flower in your hair. "I love you." "I love you too." "Now come, you have a lot of work to do in the garden since. "Leader-sama held us captive." You smiled and rolled you eyes with a head shake as you stared to walk to the garden with Zetsu walking beside you his hand in yours.
Hidan didn't keep count of how many days you've been gone or when you would return, but every day you weren't back he was more of a jerk to everyone. "You stupid blonde bastard! How many fucken times do you have to say un?!" Hidan was too busy yelling at Deidara to hear the base's door open and shut. "Well some one is in a bitchy mood." His dark violet eyes widened as he turned his head to you seeing you walk up to him with a smirk before they narrowed and grabbed your wrist and pulled you to his room. "About time you fucken got back!" He slammed the door closed once the both of you enter his room, which then he let your wrist go. "Well sorry I." He silenced you by pulling you into a deep and tight hug. You smiled and shut your (e/c) eyes as you hugged him back. "I missed you so fucken much." You giggled and blushed as you pulled back and kissed his lips deeply as he did the same back to you. "I missed you too." He smirked as you hugged him, he rewrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder as he stroked your
(h/c) hair. "Thank you Jashin." You smiled as you heard him mumble to himself quietly pulled he pulled back kissing your forehead. "Let's go. I promised Jashin more sacrifices." He grabbed your hand and led you back out of the base. You just went along with it and smiled seeing how much you missed him and how much he missed you, and he knew that too.
Orochimaru was in Leader-sama's office waiting for you to get back. He was distracted about thoughts of you instead of listening to the Leader's word. He then snapped back into focus once he heard your voice enter the Leader's office. "Hey." He smiled seeing you enter then he quickly rushed over to you and hugged you tightly. "I missed you too." You smiled as you pulled back and kissed his cheek. His eyes stared into your (e/c) ones as you blushed he pulled you into a deep kiss before Pein interrupted. "Orochimaru. Now is not the time." You smiled as Orochimaru rolled his eyes and gave a small hiss. "I'll meet you back in the room." He nodded and watched you leave the office before he returned back to the Leader's orders, still not listening to his words and still thinking about you.

(Hello there! Hoped you enjoyed getting reunited with your lover! I know I did will writing it. Lol Anya more to come soon!)

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