When He Proposes

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(Awe! Chans! No not ending scenarios just want to do this one X) enjoy! Rings with be at the bottom...very very bottom.)
"Okay." You smiled as you stood up from the desk after Pein invited you to go with him to the village. You gave him a peck on the cheek before leaving his office with his hand in yours, you gave a narrowed eyed smile seeing about three of the Akatsuki members give you a small smirk or smile. He grabbed your hand and walked with you, he stayed silent as you did the same, you then gave a confused look after you stepped into a different route path. "Pein?" "We're going to a new village today." You smiled and gave a nod going a long with him, once the walk got deeper you began to give confused glances and your heat began to race slightly. "Pein. Where are we going?" "You'll see soon my Goddess." Once the two of you approached the entrance you saw it was the village you grew up in and first met Pein, the village was new looking, as if it was getting rebuilt. "W-why are we here?" You smiled and looked around, he gave you a smirk then pulled your hand to make you face him. You stared into his purple eyes, he gave you a smile then pushed back your (h/c) air as your eyes began to narrow in confusion. "My Goddess. This is where I first met you, our first date here was destroying this place." You gave a smile with a small shade of pink on your cheek as you glanced away then at him. "Now." Your eyes widened as your lips parted seeing him pull out a small black box, opening it up. "This is the place where I ask you to be my Queen and Goddess permanently." You placed your hands to your mouth seeing a orange and silver diamond ring. "Will you marry m-." "Yes!" You hugged him tightly, he smirked and hugged you back, just as tight. When you pulled away with small tears in your eyes he gave you a smile and slipped on the ring before pressing his lips to yours. "I love you." "I love you Pein." He smirked then held your hand, you then smiled and looked back at the village. "Are you going to destroy this one on our honeymoon?" He took your hand and led you through the village. "No." You smiled with a confused look and held onto his arm and looked around. "You are my Goddess."
You gave a weird face then groaned with a smile. "If I end up killing the person do I get the reward?" Kakuzu gave you a look then a deep sigh as he threw over his mask, leaving his cloak off as you stood up off the bed. "We'll see." Kakuzu invited you on a bounty mission since you haven't been on one in a while he claims. "The forest?" He gave a nod as you looked up at you, the two of you walked through walked through, you base small talk while he stayed silent, you then saw a familiar split in half tree. "Hey! I know where we are." He smirked under his mask, just as you looked around you turned back around to see him holding onto his mask. "Well. Might as well get this done with." You gave a confused look as you walked up to him, you then felt a tap on your shoulder, you turned around to see Kakuzu's threads holding a small black box before it dropped in your hands. You opened it with narrowed (e/c) eyes before they widened seeing a silver diamond ring with a green emerald. "Kakuzu.." "You don't have to say yes. I know I'm selfish and greedy. But when it comes to you. A monster like me is very lucky to have some one like you." Your cheeks were red, you closer the box with the ring on your finger and turned around and hugged him tightly. "Yes!" He chuckled then lifted up your chin and pecked his lips. "I surprised you took me here to ask me." "Well. I did meet you here. And smashed Hidan through that tree when he insulted you." You blushed more and hugged him tightly as he tightened his grip around you with a smirk. "You're expensive." You giggled as he interlocked his fingers with yours and walked back to the base with you. "But. You're worth it."
You giggled as Deidara gave you small and soft hand bites on your sides as you laid on the bed and he stood beside it. "Okay okay! Deidara I'll go." He pecked your nose then walked over to the door and waited for guy after putting on his cloak and you did the same. He took your hand and led you out of the base Tobi waved you by and you smiled and waved back as the door shut. "We're taking a bird?" "Yeah just come on, un." You smiled and held him from behind, he gave a chuckle as you tried to get where you were going out of him. "Look down, un." You looked down after giving an eye roll, he looked at you then kissed your cheek. "Do you remember this place, hm?" You narrowed your eyes then smiled with a giggle. "Yeah I do. I tried with other ninjas here all the time. And it was the place I met you." He smiled after you poked his cheek then kissed it, he then turned your chin back down as he bird started to slow down speed. "Katsu!" You gave narrowed eyes as the bombs went off. "Will you marry me?" You gasped as you looked back at him to see him facing you as he held open a small black box with a silver ring with a light pink diamond. "Deidara!" He smiled and continued to look at you before you hugged him tightly with a giggle. "Yes!" He pulled back for you to kiss him, he then placed his hand on your cheek. "The best moment of my life happened here, un. Meeting you, yeah. Just like now you were so beautiful, un. Now, this place will have more great memories, yeah." He slipped on the ring then pulled you in for another hug as you smiled with small tears. "I love you!" "I love you too beautiful, un."
"Okay Tobi you can put me down!" After Tobi carried you around the base he finally put you down. "(Y/n)-chan go?!" You gave a nod with a giggle as he pressed his mask to your cheek, he took your hand and led you out of the base. Once he did he took of his mask, you smiled seeing his face and blushed. "Why are you leaving your mask off?" Obito chuckle then put his mask back on but above his lips. "No leave it off!" "My angel. I will if you can remember this place." You gave a smile as the two of you walked through the village, you gave a confused look seeing Obito smile before he lowered down his mask, he let go of your hand and you didn't realize it until you tried to ask him a question. "Tobi?" You looked around only to hear Tobi giggle, you saw him peeking at you behind a wall until you laughed. "Awe! I remember this place now!" Tobi then ran up to you and spun you around pressing his mask to your face. "(Y/n)-chan! Since Tobi made the first impression on you! It's Obito's turn!" You smiled as he set you down, you then smiled seeing him take off his mask, he then got down on one knee and your eyes widened. "(Y/n). I'm glad Tobi and I met you. I wished and still do to this day you would of met me first. But I know now you love me for me and love the both of us. (Y/n). Will you marry me?" You held your hands to your mouth as you stared at the multi color, silver ring, you then nodded and tackled him to the ground with small tears in your eyes. "Yes. I will." He hugged you tightly as others 'awe'd when they walked by, he then put his mask on when he stood up and slipped on the ring. "(Y/n)-chan. You make us very happy!" He picked you up and spun you around then then lifted you up bridal style and carried you back to the base. "I love you." "I love you too my angel."
You smiled as Sasori kissed your shoulder then neck as he worked on puppets and you tried to do the same, you pecked his lips back as he held you tightly and sighed. You gave a confused look then cupped his cheeks. "You okay?" His dark brown eyes stared into yours before glancing away. "I believe so. I'm trying to find away to ask this question, 'Will you marry me?' My love." You blushed as your hands left his cheeks with parted lips. He then pressed his lips to your forehead then pulled out a small puppet, you watched it open up as it was controlled by Sasori's chakra strings. "Sasori." You took the small ring that was bronze with silver diamonds. "Love. I prefer to stay in my room most of the time for many reasons and they're all because of you." He lifted up your chin and wiped a tear from your eye as he made you look up at him. He gave you a smile then pecked your forehead before it faded. "Love." "Yes Sasori yes I will." You hugged him tightly, he hugged you tightly back, he then slipped on the ring and cupped your cheek bringing you to his lips.
You walked to the village after finding a note tied on a flower in Zetsu's garden. You gave a smile and a confused look at the same time as you stepped through the entrance. "Zetsu if I walk in on you eating people." You stopped speaking once a flower came out of the ground with another note card, you gave a smile and read it. "Zetsu?" You walked into the garden seeing it was better than the last time you been there. "Zetsuuuu." You then saw a flower with a note card and went to go read it. "(Y/n) my dear at this moment we fell in love with you." You smiled, once you stood back up off your knees still reading the card Zetsu tapped on your shoulder. "My dear." "We stalked you that day you tried to fix the garden while you were on a jog." You gave a confused look but smiled. "We saw you and." "Didn't want to eat you." Zetsu then handed you the head of (y/f/f), you smiled with gapped lips seeing a black and silver ring. "Will you marry me?" You smiled with a head nod putting on the ring and screamed 'yes' as you hugged him, he hugged tightly back. "Which one?" You pulled back with a confused but sad look before he pulled you back chuckling. "We're kidding my dear."
"Fine dammit!" You got up off the bed and followed behind Hidan as he gave a groan with a smirk. "You're bitchy today." You narrowed your eyes as you stepped out of the base with crossed arms. "Don't worry. Sacrificing will make it all fucken better." your bit cheek multiple times as you smiled and chuckled, he grabbed your waist and walked with you into the woods. You looked around still with crossed arms, he looked at you and smirked then looked around, cursing under his breath. "What?" You looked at him with a confused look then smile, he grabbed your hand and led you through the woods. "Hah. Hell yeah!" He let go of your hand, leaving you confused as you looked around. "What? Don't fucken remember this place?" You smiled and gave a nod with an eye roll shortly after. "I do dummy. It's were I met you." He smirked and gave a nod, he then pointed over at a specific tree, you smiled seeing your and Hidan's name sill carved into it when you both had y'all first date. "Don't turn around yet." You gave a confused look as you stood still you then heard Hidan give a deep sigh. "(Y/n). I know I'm an asshole and all that other shit but. I never felt this away before about any bitch, but you're not a bitch, you're my one and only. And I. Fuck. Turn around." You smiled as you crossed your arms and turned around but when you did your jaw dropped seeing Hidan holding open a small black box with a red and silver ring. "Will you marry me and become more stuck with me?" You smiled then hugged him tightly. "Yes!" He hugged back then slipped on the ring before kissing you deeply. "I love you." "I love you too Hidan." He kissed you again before you pulled away cupping his cheeks. "Can we sacrifice now?" "Hell yeah."
You giggled as Kisame lifted you up off the bed. "Alright fine." He chuckled as you pecked his cheek once he set you down, you were going to grabbed your cloak but he stopped you. "You're not going to need it." You smiled then followed him outside of the base, you were going to walk to the lake but he pulled your hand to him. "We're going to go swim some where else." You gave a confused look then shrugged your shoulders and held his hand. "Why are we going to the village?" Just before he could walk through the entrance he then pulled you to the lake. "We're not unless you want to later." You smiled, he then lifted you up but just before you could squeal he set you down on the water and walked with you on it. "Kisame?" "(Y/n). When I first saw you I fell in love with you. Even though I nearly drowned you." You smiled with a chuckle he then held up a blue diamond ring. Your lips parted as you stared at it then at him. "Will you marry me?" You smiled then hugged him tightly with a small giggle. "Yes!" He chuckled then lifted you up and set you down and pecked your lips, he then bring the ring up to you and grabbed your hand and held it. "You can have it. If you can swim for it." You gave a shocked face as he held it away from you, he then chuckle and poked your cheek and slipped it on your finger. "I'm just kidding."
You smiled as you and Orochimaru were coming back to the base after going to the village to pick up a scroll for Pein-sama. "You're such a snake Orochi." He kissed your hand as he chuckled, knowing you were right for calling him that. "Well, he did deserve it." Just as the go of you approached the base he stopped you before the door opened all the way. "Hm?" He smirked and pulled you back to him and pushed your hair to the side with his fingertips. "(Y/n). I'm only going to ask this once." You stared into his eyes, he took a step back as a snake slid up his arm, and its mouth opened with a silver diamond ring. "Will you be my precious snake? Permanently." You gasped more then smiled and nodded, he brung you in for a hug and you hugged him tightly. "I love you!" He chuckled and pulled back kissing your forehead. "The first time I saw you I found beauty in you. My precious snake.
(Anyways hopped you enjoyed this more to come soon. Rings are below! Well the next scenarios..if you want to keep considering him as a boyfriend or something like that go ahead I'm not gonna tell ya what to do XD no Scenarios will change x3)

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