When He Uses Pick Up Lines

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Like usual you were helping Pein with paper work before he handed you a piece of paper that was tri-folded. You gave him a confused look with your
(e/c) eyes as he stared at you will a little smirk that spread across his lips. "You know, there's a lot of things we could do in this office. Such as break your silence of yours." You started to chuckle as you looked at him. "You
come up with that yourself?" He nodded twirling the pen in his hand. "Yeah. You like it?" You couldn't help but to smile now before you looked up at him with a smirk. "Shouldn't you be focused on working Pein?" He narrowed his eyes playfully before grabbing and bringing your hand to his lips. "Don't tell a God what to do." You smiled and shook your head holding onto the note so you could read again later as he returned back to work. Or so you hoped before another folded paper was slid towards you.
You were in Kakuzu's room counting his money before your (e/c) eyes stared confused at him as you heard him chuckle when he entered the room with a briefcase full of more money. "What?" After you asked that you could of sworn you heard Hida laughing behind him but ignored it as he set his briefcase down and shutting Hidan out with a sigh."(Y/n.)" You kept your eyes on him as you raised a brow as he stared at you pulling off his mask smirking with his stitched lips. "Are you my boss? Because you just gave me a raise." You would of laughed but instead your eyes widened in shock that he used a pickup line on you, but eventually you gave in. "Good one."
You just came back from a mission and Deidara was in his room working on a clay sculpture as you walked in and greeted him with a kiss in the cheek. "Oh hey (Y/n), un." You sat on the bed as he turned and faced you with a smirk across his cheeks. "Yes Dei-Dei?" He started to chuckle to him self as he stared up into your (e/c) eyes. "I have a job for you. And it blows, un." He started to chuckle as you stood up from the bed and pulled out his ponytail, keeping the hair band as you walked out of the room leaving him confused as you tried to hold back a laugh.
You were sitting in bed drawing random things in your sketch book before Tobi barged in making you focus on him. "(Y/n)-chan! Tobi has something to tell you! Tobi don't understand!" You smiled as you closed the book listening to him. "Alright tell me!" He nodded as he stared in your direction. "Tobi wants to know do you sit on a pile of sugar?! Because you got a sweet." Tobi's voice stopped as it turned to Obito's. "Ass." Your jaw dropped as you leaned up more off the bed. "Tobi! Who told you to say that?!" "Tobi sorry (Y/n)-chan! Tobi good boy! Obito told Tobi to say it.."" "Obito." You stood up from the bed and walked over to Obito lifting up his mask a little above his lips. "You're so sly." You mumbled as you pressed your lips to his.
"Are you a camera? Because every time I see you I smile." You raised an eyebrow as you looked up from your book you were reading in Sasori's bed as he stared at you with his dark brown eyes. "What? Sasori where did that come from?" He glanced up at you as he walked over and pointed to the back of the book. "I was just reading what it said, love." You gave a slightly disappointed look as you returned back to your book before it was taken out of your hands. "No my love but, sometimes I feel like you have strings attached to me instead." You smiled as he stared into your eyes before you kissed his lips taking your book back blushing as he returned back to his puppets.
You were sitting in your bed reading a book before Zetsu popped his head out of the ground already arguing with himself. "Please don't hate me. Hate him." His light side spoke as you gave him a confused look with your (e/c) eyes. "I could never hate you or him." "Works for me. Ahem." "Please for give us my dear." You smiled as you sat and faced him. "I won't be mad now what is it?" You asked as the light side of Zetsu frowned. "(Y/n),do you have a shovel. Cause' I'm really digging that ass." You stared at Zetsu for a little bit before you started to lightly chuckle. "You're not mad my dear?" "No, it was cute." "Told you she'd  love it." The dark side of Zetsu spoke as he went back under ground still leaving you giggling.
You were in Hidan's room tidying up while he was washing blood off of him since he finished a ritual. "Hey! (Y/n)!" You didn't respond thinking that he wanted you to shower with him, which you didn't mind but his room needed cleaning. "Bitch!" "What the hell do you want Hidan?!" You yelled back as he wiped his face with a towel coming out of the bathroom shirtless, like always. "I know you like cleaning but. Let's get dirty instead." He smirked rolling up the towel popping you in the thigh with it. "Hidan. If you clean up I'll think about it." You smirked back as you saw his magenta eyes widen. "Really?!" "No you asshole!" He frowned as he walked back into the bathroom leaving you softly giggling as the smirk reappeared across his face hearing your laughter.

(Sorry if these are dirty! Author-chan good girl XD! Anyway more to come. Hoped you enjoyed! Night!)

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