Your First Time

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(Okay so! This is not a lemon, lets just make things clear. Lol so um I didn't know how to write this but. Enjoy)
You were in Pein's office working on paperwork while he was in the shower. Your (e/c) eyes glanced up only to see Pein in the door way with only a towel of his waist. You blushed slightly as you glanced back down after seeing his pale, pierced body. "(Y/n)." "Pein I can't join you now I'm." He cut you off by kissing your cheek and pulling you up by your hand. "I-I wasn't going to ask you to. I love you and I want to show you how much I love you." Your eyes stared into his purple ones and pulled you close then kissed your lips. "Let me be your first ." You froze in shock as your cheeks turned a bright red. You stared back into Pein's eyes before he looked away. "I'm sorry. I didn't." You cut him off by pressing his lips to yours. "I'm ready if you're ready." He gave a small smile and pulled you close kissing you deeply before he walked backwards towards the bed, never taking his lips off of yours. The next morning you woke up to Pein, you were surprised to find him sleeping still. You smiled as you ran his fingers through his orange locks before his eyes met yours. "Morning Pein." "My Goddess." You smile more as he pulled you close to him and kissed you're forehead before he place his on it. "I love you." "I love you too Pein."
You were in bed counting money while Kakuzu did the same. You were getting bored and when Kakuzu noticed he then smirked. "(Y/n). You still owe me." Your eyes narrowed in confusion as you remembered when he told you that. "What do I owe you? You have enough money." He smirked before he took the money out of your hands and took yours into his. "Don't play dumb." He then kissed your lips and you kissed back before he could slide his tongue into your mouth you stopped him. "Kakuzu." "(Y/n). Let me be your first." Your (e/c) eyes widened slightly before you smiled as you saw him smile then you blushed pulling him close. "Okay." He smiled with a small grunt as he pulled you close to him kissing you more and deeply as he intertwined his fingers with yours. The next morning you woke up with Kakuzu's arms around you, you couldn't help but to smile before you felt Kakuzu finger tips pull your chin to him. "I told you, you owed me." You smiled and rolled your eyes as you turned and faced him, running your fingers over his stitches. "I love you." "And I love you (Y/n). Now how much for another round." You punched his chest as you smirked and shook your head while he started to chuckle more than usual.
You and Deidara were sitting on top of the Akatsuki's base watching clay bombs blow up into the sky, we'll he didn't, he just stared at you with his blue eyes before you noticed. "You're beautiful, un." You smiled and blushed before you wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled you above him. "I love you." He smiled and kissed your lips. "I love you too my princess, un." You smiled before your eyes (e/c) eyes slightly widened after Deidara started to kiss on your neck with his mouth hand slight biting your side. "Deidara?" He lifted himself off of you and looked away with red cheeks. "I'm sorry, un." "Deidara. I'm ready." He looked back at you with his eyes widened and his cheeks fading into a pink. "I-I am too, yeah." You smiled as you pulled him back to you, he was over you again, his eyes staring into yours as his lips lowered to you before whispering. 'Katsu.' Making the rest of the small fire works blow up. The next morning you two woke up still on top of the base but with both of your cloaks shielding you. Your eyes fluttered open to see his blonde hair covering his face, as you pushed it to the side, a smile formed on his face as his eyes stared into yours. "Hey gorgeous." "Hey beautiful, un." You two stared at each other before the both of your head lifted up seeing Tobi outside the base on the ground waving his arms. "Deidara-senpai! (Y/n)-chan! Tobi wants to camp out too!" The both of you lowered your heads back down laughing as he pulled you close knowing that Tobi couldn't get up there anyways.
You and Tobi were both playing a bored game in his room since it was raining out. "Yay! I win!" You yelled as Tobi cheered with you and pulled into a hug. "Good job." You heard Obito's voice and that made you lift up your head to see his face uncovered as he smiled. He then kissed your lips and started you pull you closer to him, you kissed him more before he stopped and looked away with his eyes shut. "Obito? What's wrong?" Your (e/c) eyes watched him as his eyes met yours. "I love you. And I want you to be my first." Your eyes widened as Obito turned his head back to the side before both of your hands rested on his cheeks, making him turn back towards you. "And I want you to be mine. I'm ready if you are." Obito smiled as he pulled you closer kissing you deeply. "I am." You smiled as the both of you stood up, he locked the door before crawling in bed and hovering over you then kissing you deeply as you held your arms on the back of his neck. The next morning you woke up to Obito still sleeping, his arm over you while you crested his scared cheek, before his eyes fluttered open pulling your hand to his lips. "Hello my miracle." He smiled and pulled you closer to him. "Morning my angel." The both of you smiled and stared into each other's eyes before he put his mask back on once he heard Deidara bang on the door. "Deidara! Go away!" "Okay fine, un." Obito took his mask back off and smiled at you as you kissed his forehead and laid your head back on his chest after kissing one of his scars.
You were in Sasori's room laying on the bed watching him make puppets before your (e/c) eyes narrowed in confusion after seeing that Sasori stopped working. "Love." "Yes?" His dark brown eyes stared at you as you sat up in bed making eyes contact with him. "I want to feel all of your skin pressed against me." Your eyes widened as your moth slightly dropping realizing what he meant. "Sasori I." "Be my first." He cut you off as he stood up from his desk taking his hand and placing it underneath your chin as he pulled you up to his lips, you smiled after you broke the kiss. "I'm ready." He then kissed you again as you stood up on your knees  and wrapped your arms around his neck as he did the same to your lower back, leaning you down on the he'd still not breaking the kiss. The next morning you woke up to only see Sasori's dark brown eyes staring at you with a small smile and he rubbed up and down your bare back. "I love you, love." You smiled and pulled him closer kissing his wooden chest. "I love you too." He lifted up your chin and watched your eyes start to flutter close as he pulled you closer to him. "Your skin is amazing love." He then kissed your forehead and watched you sleep as you listened to his heart.
You and Zetsu were working in the garden late a night together like always, while you were pulled he watered the plants. "Hey (Y/n)." You looked towards him with a small smile but before you could speak he sprayed you with the water hose. "Zetsu! What the hell!?" His dark side started to chuckle before he sprayed you again, but when you tried to back away you fell onto your back and when you opened your eyes Zetsu's face was in front of yours. "It was his idea my dear." "Looks like you have to get out of your clothes now." "My dear we just don't how to explain it but." Your (e/c) eyes suddenly widened before you shut them and started to laugh as Zetsu looked at you, his light side blushing in embarrassment. "Zetsu I'm ready if you are." He looked back at you then gave a small smile as you did the same wrapping your arms around his neck. "I am." Zetsu leaned down and kissed you deeply as you did the same back. The next morning you woke up only to see Zetsu staring at you, you couldn't tell if he was asleep or not so you continued to lay you head on the dark side of his chest as his light side pushed your (h/c) hair to the side. "Morning my dear." "Same." You smiled as you hugged Zetsu tighter and snuggled more underneath his cloak. "Morning Zetsu." He smiled as he pulled you closer and stoked your hair until you fell back asleep. "Maybe we should spray her more often." "Shut up will you."
You and Hidan were out doing rituals before the both of you came into the base all bloody once more and yet again Leader-sama wanted you two to go wash up before covering the base in blood. As you entered the bathroom he laid on the bed and waited for you to get out, but when he looked up he seen you wrapped in the towel still not rinsed off yet then smirked and raised his eyebrows. "Hey there." You smiled as you grabbed a shirt from your dresser before he started to chuckle as he made his way over to you. "You know, I still have to get something in return." You smiled more as your (e/c) eyes stared into his as he pulled you close by the waist kissing up your neck. "Hidan." "Shut up and let me be your first." Your eyes widened slightly before he pulled away and smirked. "Come on." You smirked and wrapped your arms around his neck and placed your forehead to his. "I'm ready if you are." His eyes widened as he smirked. "Hell yes!" Then he lifted you up and took you to the bed while kissing your neck. The next morning you woke to Hidan on top of you with his snoring face in the crease of  your neck. You couldn't help but smile and chuckled until he groaned as you kissed his forehead. "You're so cute." His growled as he buried his face deeper into your neck kissing it softly. "Don't fucken start." You chuckled before his forehead was placed on yours. "But I can start round two." You chuckled as you tried to push him off but then Kakuzu slammed open the room door. "Hidan lets go we have a mission." "Fuck!"
You were laying in bed reading while Orochimaru was in Leader-sama's office, ten minutes later you lifted up your head and smiled seeing he has came back. "Hey." He then smiled and made his away over to you, pushing back your (h/c) hair as he stared into your (e/c) eyes. "(Y/n), I have to leave for a five day mission tomorrow morning." Your smile then turned into a frown seeing how you just got back from one and he has to leave now. Orochimaru held your cheeks and pulled you close to his lips kissing you deeply. "Before I go. I want to do something first." Your cheeks turned a light pink as he lucked up to your ear. "Let me be your first (Y/n)." Your eyes widened as you met his eyes, seeing him smile calmly before you did the same and nodded. "I'm ready." You smiled and pulled you into a deep kiss as your arms wrapped around his neck underneath his long, dark hair. The next morning you woke up with a smiling seeing Orochimaru hasn't left yet, instead he was laying in bed with you in his arms as his eyes fluttered opening. "Hello dear." You smiled more as he planted a kiss in your forehead and pulled you closer. "Don't you have to leave soon?" His eyes continued to stay shut as he spoke. "It can delay for another five minutes." You smiled as your eyes started to flutter back shut as Orochimaru stroked your (h/c) hair.

(Alright! That went better than I thought hope you enjoyed it more to come!)

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