When He Meets Your Ex

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You and Pein had to make a quick run to the near by village to received scrolls, once again he went inside while you stayed out and on guard this time. "(Y/n)?" You leaned off against the column to see a familiar boy with black spiky hair. "What do you want?" He stared at you, he was about to speak till Pein placed a hand on your shoulder. "Tch. I see you must be her new boyfriend." "Yes. I am." Pein pulled you close to him and stepped in front of you, slowly raising up his hand. "Hnt. Good luck with her." Your (e/c) eyes watched Pein's hand open as the boy walked away with a smirk. "Almighty." "No Pein, he isn't worth it." Pein stared at you as you smiled and hugged his arm. "Next time. You're just staying at the base."
Kakuzu decided to bring you on another bounty collection, well you begged him until he had not choice but to give in. "(Y/n)? How's is going gorgeous?" You turned around from sitting on the step to see a familiar boy with spiky brown hair and sharp fangs. "What do you want?" "Nothing just saw you alone and thought I could bring up some memories we had." You stood up and rolled your (e/c) eyes and started to walk away before he grabbed your wrist. "Let go of her." Kakuzu's threads slithered out of him as the boy and you turned around. "Fine. Have fun with her annoying mouth." The boy walked away as you stood by Kakuzu. "Who was that?" "My ex." Seconds later you watched Kakuzu's threads latched on his feet and tossed him a couple of feet in the air before walking away with you. "Next time. You're coming in the office with me." "Eww."
Deidara needed more clay so you went to the near by village with him to pick some of your own clay out. As Deidara was off on his own you did the same. "I take it your still doing art (y/n)." You turned around to see a familiar face with sea foam green eyes and red hair. "Yeah." "I see. Not much has changed." You narrowed your (e/c) eyes before Deidara walked up with a smile before it faded. "You must." "Who the hell are you, un?" "He's my ex." The boy nodded and walked away as Deidara's blue eyes narrowed. "Sand castles don't have a big of an explosion as my art, un. Hn!" Deidara grabbed your arm and started to run as you laughed he started to smile.
You and Tobi went to the near by village to get more snacks since Hidan ate it all. Tobi was chasing a dangos cart while you tried to catch up to him but gave up. "Still chasing after guys
(Y/n)?" Your (e/c) eyes narrowed as you faced a familiar boy with pale skin and dark hair and eyes. "Shut up." "Why? It's funny." He laughed with his eyes shut. But when he opened them Tobi's eye was staring into his. "Hm, since you're her ex. I'm not going to go easy on you." Obito's deep voice made you pull him back to you, making him look at you while the boy ran off. "Just let him go, he's not worth it." "Come (Y/n)-chan!" He stared to run with your hand in his after he gave a nod.
Sasori kept a close eye on you ever since the last time he brung you along to the near by village he got protective, as you were next to him looking through different puppet parts a tap touched his shoulder. "So you're her new boyfriend. Hah. She really down graded like herself." Sasori's dark brown eyes stared at a boy with long brown hair chuckling as his clear eyes stared at you. Sasori didn't say anything, you felt bad that he heard that but then again he didn't care. "Let's go." Sasori's chakra strings finally let go of the boy who was on the ground half beaten. "He'll make a good puppet." You pulled Sasori back to you and held onto his arm. "Soon."
Zetsu and you had to make a quick eran in the village to pick up more plants, Zetsu was arguing with himself once again as you stood behind him giggling before it disappeared after turning around to see a familiar boy with blonde hair and blue eyes slurping ramen. "Hey you. How's it going?" "What do you want?" "Nothing just came to see you." "See who?" The both of you looked up at Zetsu who was staring down at him and started to walk to him. "He seems to be an Ex." "You mean our dinner." You giggled watching Zetsu pop in and out of the ground trying to eat your ex.
Kakuzu sent you and Hidan to the village to pick up some things, Kakuzu trusted you for some reason and Hidan just came along with you once more. You were looking for Hidan getting ready to go back to the base before you bumped into a familiar boy. "Hah. Have you come crawling back?" The guy pushed up his glasses as he smirked. "Shut up. And watch were you're going you ass." "I see. So you're still mad at me?" As you narrowed your (e/c) eyes Hidan pulled you by the waist to him. "This guy fucken bothering you." "No but your bitch is doing the same to me." "What the fuck did you just say!" "Hidan stop..he's my ex." Hidan smirked as he pulled you behind time watching the guy walk away as he licked his lips and started to chase him with he's scythe. "Jashin! Take this fucken sacrifice!" You smiled as you watch Hidan try to be head your ex. "Ah, I love him." "I fucken love you too!"
Pein sent you and Orochimaru on a mission into the village, as the to of you were walking side by side hand in each other's a boy stepped in the middle of the boy of you. "I see you haven't changed much!" You both turned around to see a muscular guy with a bowl cut. "Who are you?" "I'm (Y/n)'s ex!" "I see." Orochimaru pulled you close and behind him as his dark hair hung over his face he smirked. "Sensei!" The two of you were walking away with a giggle and smile as your ex laid on the ground groaning. "You're such a snake." "I know."

(Hello there I went ahead and made a scenario and will add more as well! Hope you enjoyed this one!)

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