When He Beats Another Member/Forgives

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(You didn't think Author-chan was just gonna let another member kiss you and let him get away with it huh? XD I adore that picture, Hidan looks so kawaii for once XD)
You smiled at Pein as he waited outside the base for you since you and him were going to go visit Nagato after you requested last night since he claimed he recovered well enough. "Ready?" You gave a nod and held onto Pein's arm, but he removed it from you half way into the walk soon after seeing Zetsu. "Pe-." "I'll be back....Zetsu." Zetsu turned his head only to receive his throat clinched by Pein's fist. You gave parted lips and ran up to Pein, trying to pull him off as he repeatedly punched Zetsu when holding him against a tree. "Zetsu, that was your punishment for kissing her. But I do forgive and hope things will go back on good terms." You looked down, watching Zetsu struggle to break free as you latched onto Pein's arm soon after he dropped him. "But if you do so as if even touch her. I won't hesitate to kill you." You looked away and pulled Pein to the side as he watched Zetsu sink back into the ground. "I'm sor-." You placed your hand over his mouth when looking into his eyes, he then removed your hand and kissed it before interlocking his fingers with yours. "Can we go visit Nagato now?" "Come on."
"Kuzu. I spotted two ninjas listed as high bounties." You smirked as stood in the doorway with your marks crossed and holding a kunai in each hand. Kakuzu looked at you, smirking, it's been a day since you tended to him. He then stood up from the chair and placed on his mask, grabbing his suitcase with a chuckle. "Let's go then." Kakuzu followed behind you, but as soon as the base door opened, you bumped into Hidan. Unlike you, Kakuzu blocked Hidan from passing by, his threads wrapped around his throat after exploding from his wrist. "Ka-." "There will not be a day will I ever realize I lost a diamond to worthless stones like you for I was too careless." You watched Kakuzu slam Hidan into the ground, then started to punch his stomach. "But. I can't deny that I don't forgive for being there for (Y/n)." Hidan rolled onto his side after coughing up blood. Kakuzu then took your hand and tugged you out of the base, you giving a light sigh as he grunted. "Let's just hope his God finds a way to kill him before I do." "I saw the ninjas over there."
You were holding onto Deidara while he clay bird landed at the entrance of a village for you to drop off a few scrolls. But as you did so and while Deidara waited, he gave slight narrowed eyes towards Tobi whom came out of the village entrance. "Tobi!" Just as Tobi looked his direction, and just as you gave a confused expression towards the two. Deidara punched Tobi's chest and surprisingly, Tobi didn't let him go through. "Deidara?!" You tugged Deidara's arm as Tobi held his ches. "That's for putting your lips on her, un. But if it wasn't for you, I would of hurt her and would have never met her, un." You gave parted lips when seeing Deidara hug Tobi, then quickly let him go and pull you away and onto a clay bird. "D-." "I know, un." "Deidara." You hugged him when the bird took off, then kissed his cheek. "I love you." "I love you too, yeah."
"Sasori." You and Tobi were playing hide and seek with him. When you were walking down the base hall, you ended up bumping into Sasori, whom was going into his room. Right when you and Sasori made eye contact, Tobi ended up tackling him to the ground. "Tobi!" You took multiple steps back, when watching a Tobi punch hard enough to where his cheek cracked. Sasori grabbed Tobi's wrist, holding it tightly and pushed Tobi off. "Tobi saw you kiss (Y/n). You stay away from my cutie-chan. Sasori did save (Y/n). And with that...Tobi thanks you." You looked down when Tobi stepped over Sasori, walking over you only to hug you and spin you around. "Tobi loves (Y/n)-chan." "I love you too Tobi. Can we continue the game now?" "Yes!"
"Seems we have to make a trip to the village." Sasori gave a glance up at you then looked back down his the puppet wrist he was adding detail in. He had recovered from the coma quicker than expected but it was no surprise to you. "And why is that, love?" You stood up from your chair and showed him the box of puppet parts that were scraps, making him give you a slight head tilt. "We need more crafting material." Sasori gave a light sigh, after that, the two of you headed out the base. Only to stop soon after Orochimaru passed the both of you. "Orochimaru." You gave a confused look only to see Sasori strike at Orochimaru, grabbing his head then slamming his knee against his nose. "S-." When Sasori looked at you, you looked away, the watched Sasori's foot hold Orochimaru's head to the ground. "Your body will rot one day. And while it does. I'll still have her heart. Her lips. And her in my arms. You aren't worth my little patience in forgiving you. But I shall do so anyways." Sasori removed his foot then pulled you along, holding your arm after he interlocked his arm with yours. "Have you thought of any material you'd like to craft from?" "Oak wood maybe."
"Will you hurry up?" "Don't rush her." "Yeah don't rush me." You smirked as you placed on your cloak while Zetsu waited for you outside the base so you and him could go into the closet village, the Hidden Mist, so you can buy more flower pots since you broke three in one week. The light side of Zetsu smiled when taking and holding your hand, making you smile as well before you looked down when Pein-sama walked past the two of you. Not even a two seconds after stopping when Zetsu did so, you moved to the sides after vines shot from the ground, wrapping around Pein just as Zetsu went underground then shot back up with his fly trap. You gave parted lips when watching Pein accept a punch in the cheek for dark side of Zetsu's when being wrapped in vines. "If (Y/n) could forgive us.." "Then well do the same to you. But one thing out of this consideration." Zetsu dropped Pein on his knees, Pein stared up at him with narrowed eyes as Zetsu did the same back down as him. "We'll be watching your every move around her." You looked down when making eye contact with Pein when he glanced at you, then did the same with Zetsu. "Shall we continue my dear?" You interlocked your arm with Zetsu's light side, he gave a calm smile as you did the same. "Hopefully they have cement pots." "It wasn't my fault they broke!" "Now not even I will agree with you on that." "Hah."
"Hey, wake up. We gotta leave with Kakuzu." You gave a small groan and sat up in bed, at times you wished Hidan didn't recover as quickly as he did so he was dragging you everywhere. "Okay, okay." Hidan pecked your cheek, but as you got dressed, he waited outside the room to speak with Kakuzu but only bump into Deidara. "Don't you think about you having a chance with her you fucking bastard." Deidara turned his head only to have Hidan tackle him to the ground, swing his fist left to right. "Hidan!" You tried to pull Hidan off only for him to pull Deidara's head to him by his bangs, the both staring at with narrowed eyes. "She's crazy as fuck for even choosing to love me, but as long she keeps choosing me and being fucking mine." Hidan pushed his to the ground, standing up and spat to the side as Deidara held his bloody nose. "I'm not going to show it but. I have to give ya some credit for protecting her." Hidan grabbed your hand and pulled you along, down the hall, you gave a glanced forward then back at Hidan. "You saw didn't you?" "Tch, yeah. Let's not worry about that shit. Now where the hell is Kakuzu?!"
Kisame stare pierced into Itachi's eyes as he held up by the neck again the wall. But before all this, you and Kisame came back from a village after delivering scrolls together. You decided to report back to the Leader's office but as for Kisame, he decided to head back to the room. You stepped out of the office just in time and to watch Kisame slam Itachi against the wall by his throat. "Kisame?!" "Stay away from her Itachi." You watched with gasped lips after watching Itachi accept a punch from Kisame as he clinched his throat. "She's mine. Look at her, touch her, think about her. You'll be wishing you'd died along with your clan. I hope we can push this aside, you are the own who saved her." Kisame dropped Itachi before going back over to you, causing you to look away only for a Kisame to lift up your chin. "You seen disturbed. How about going for a swim?" You smiled, you then gave a light sigh as Kisame chuckled. "No throwing me." "How about a soft toss?"
You were waiting in the living room for Itachi to get back. It's been two days since his recovery and his fury thing to do was accept Pein-sama's mission. Kisame was in the room too, but you avoided eye contact with him. "It-." "Step aside." Your smile faded when Itachi pushed past you and in front of Kisame. And when making eye contact, Itachi stabbed Kisame's hand with a kunai, then held his throat when punching him once. "I'm not going to kill you Kisame. You did stop me from raising my hand to her. To that I forgive you. But when you pressed your lips to hers. My respect was soon lost for you." Itachi released Kisame, causing him to hold his throat with one hand as the other pulled out the blade from his hand. You looked away, soon after you did so, Itachi pulled you to the side and into the hall. "I'm so sorry." Itachi hugged you tightly, kissing your head. "Don't think about it. Now h-." "Dangos?" "If that's what you want."
"Orochi! Are we leaving or not?!" Kabuto pushed up his glasses when givingba glance at you with narrowed eyes as Orochimaru turned towards you with a smirk. You were waiting for him to get finished talking with his server about experiment body plans as you leaned against the Hidden Leaf village entrance post with crossed arms. "Well, I should be going then." Kabuto gave a nod then looked at you, the both of you having a stare down before cracking a smirk as he did the same when walking away. "So what did he say?" "I would of found out if you haven't had rushed me." You gave an eye roll with a head shake and a light sigh as Orochimaru smirked, about to grab your hand before making eye contact towards Kakuzu that was walking past with Hidan blabbing by his side. "Kakuzu." You and both Hidan glanced at each other in confusion when the two stopped side by side, but only Kakuzu was wrapped in a snake. "You didn't think I would unsee what I saw." Hidan cussed and took a step back after Orochimaru punched Kakuzu in the cheek as the snake tighten his grip. "What th-." "Shut it Hidan. I'm taking care of my own business." You looked away, along with Hidan after Orochimaru gave him narrowed eyes. "But, I'll forgive you. Don't touch her or look at her. Or you'll have your eyes stitched shut next." When Kakuzu was released, you and Orochimaru were then standing on top of a summoning snake. "Did I take too long this time?" You gave an eye roll and held Orochimaru's hand when he pulled you close to guide you onto the snake's head as it rushed across the grass. "We would be at the base by now."

(Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon! Sorry to keep you waiting and this is the last part of it XD the coma was still a continuation. But yeah!)

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