When You Think Perverted

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(Heh, aren't we all a bit pervy. And that pic above is so adorable XD)
"Seems this won't fit." Your eyes slightly widened but your brows furrowed in confusion after hearing that, you glanced up and over towards Pein to see him trying to fit a scroll into a scroll case holder. You looked back down with a small smirk and continued to scan over marked villages Pein asked you to do. "This might be too big." You cracked a small laugh, but tried to hide it with a deep sigh. Pein glanced up at you with a throat clear, making you look up at him. "Hm?" "Is there something you'd like to tell me?" You gave sealed lips with a head shake, looking back down from his serious expression. "No. Just. Keep trying to make it fit." You laughed in your sentence, Pein gave a deep sigh when a head shake, standing up at you watched him with sealed lips. "I need to announce a meeting. While I do so. Keep those thoughts to yourself (Y/n)."
"Kakuzu. I gotta leave for a mission." When you picked up your cloak to put on when you and Sasori, your partner for the two day mission, Kakuzu took off his mask when he placed down the bills he was counting in order for you to pecked his lips before you headed for the doorway. "Don't blow it." You glanced back him with a smirk when you stopped walking, Kakuzu then gave a deep sigh as his threads wrapped around your wrist. "You haven't been hanging around that idiot haven't you?" You gave an eye roll, facing Kakuzu with a small smile and a head shake as he stared at you with narrowed eyes. "No I haven't been around Hidan Kakuzu. But I bet you didn't think I had a dirty mind?" Kakuzu released you with a grunt, looking back down at the money he counted. "Go now. Sasori's impatient."
Since the base empty, you and Deidara were sitting on the couch in the base's living room, the boy of you eating a bowl of ramen. As you gave a small laugh when Deidara couldn't pick up the noodles with the chopsticks, he looked up at you with a grin. "You know what else I can do with these chopsticks, hm?" You gave slight widened eyes with parted lips when he pinched them together, he then smiled and pinched your nose with them. "Oh.." Deidara gave an eyebrow raise to you, making you give light pink cheeks with a small smirk, looking down with a head shake. "What, hm?" "Nothing. You're handsome is all." Deidara smirked, but when he looked down, you stood up, going into the kitchen with a small smile before Deidara gave slight widened eyes. "Beautiful girl. Messy mind, un."
You and Tobi were in the kitchen of the base, most of the members where on a mission or in their rooms. "Here." You smiled when Tobi handed you a dango, you kissed his mask as well with a small laugh. "Thank you." After taking a bite of yours, you reached for a napkin to wipe your face. "Tobi likes this sweet stuff." You gave slight widened eyes, turning your head to see Tobi's mask with bit a sauce he put on it. You then turned back around with a small giggle. "(Y/n)." You glanced back to after hearing Obito's voice, you tried to hold back your laughter with a throat clear as his mask faced you. "What?" Obito gave a deep sigh with a head shake, you smirked with an eye roll as you bit into the dango. "I wasn't thinking nasty." "(Y/n)-chan thinking nasty about Tobi?!" You placed your hands to his mask, but when you glanced to the side, you seen Deidara back out of the kitchen. "Great I'm the pervert now."
While Sasori crossed his arms while waiting for you in the base's living room with Deidara, which you were going to accompany them on a mission. You were looking for your kunai, after finding it, you ended up hitting your elbow against the desk, causing you to gasp loudly. "Are you coming Love?" You gave parted lips with slightly widened eyes when you turned your head to Sasori, whom was standing in the doorway. "What?! No I! Oh...yeah." You gave a cheesy grin, laughing to yourself a bit, when you walk past Sasori, he grabbed your wrist, making you look at him with sealed lips. "Hm?" "You didn't have to shout. I was just asking." You smiled, giving a nod, but when you stepped into the base, you seen Deidara look down with a smirk. "Something funny brat?" "Ask (Y/n), un."
"It's a fruit tree my dear." You gave an eye roll as you felt one of the leafs while Zetsu stared up at you. You were in fact in Zetsu's garden, but once you got there, he showed you to a new tree he added to the garden. "I know that. But what kind of f-." "Lemons." You gave light pink cheeks, smirking as well, but when you turned back towards Zetsu with a small snicker, the light side of him gave a confused look. "What's so funny?" "Yes I'd like to know the same my dear." You gave a head shake, walking past him as his eyes followed you, you then stopped walking when a vine wrapped around your ankle. "Nothing Zetsu." "Is it because lemon's juice." "Looks like piss?" You laughed a bit more to the light side of Zetsu's sentence, but you gave a nod, turning to him when he came up and out of the ground. "Yep. That is the reason." "Something's wrong with you." "I know." "My dear he didn't mean it like that!"
There was a meeting going on when you and Hidan stepped into the base, which you myth had to sit through after interrupting. When Hidan sat next to Kakuzu, you sat on the available chair Deidara gave up for you. Hidan gave slight narrowed eyes, he then gave confused ones after pulling a hair from his bare shoulder. "Kakuzu, you're damn hair is on me." "It's probably yours." "Ain't my damn hair! Because it's so long!" You cracked a smirk and a small laugh when Hidan said that last sentence, and he looked directly at you. When you glanced up, you seen a few of the members looking at you as well, some had a smirk, the rest had their normal, serious expression. "And you guys call me perverted?!" Pein gave a throat clear, causing everyone to become silent. When you and Hidan glanced at each other, then at Pein, you were given narrowed eyes. "The both of you. Take this meeting seriously. We aren't have a contest to see who's more that way than who. Understand?" "Yeah." "What she says..heh."
You and Kisame were both outside the base, it was late, while Kisame was swimming, you were cleaning off your katana, which you raised to his forehead when he tried to pull you in. "I'll stab you." Kisame smirked, pushing the blade to the side when you scooted back by bringing your knees up to your chest. "Well, I also have a steal sword." You gave a small smirk, lowering the katana with a chuckle as Kisame gave a deep sigh with a head shake, swimming backwards. "Of course you'd think that way." You gave an eye roll, trying to hold back your laughter with a smirk. "How did you know I was thinking that way? Hm?" You gave parted lips when he splashed you, making him smirk as he floated on his back with one eye open. "I know how your mind works at times (Y/n)."
You awoke after feeling Itachi not in bed beside you, but when you lifted up your head, you seen him sitting in the arm rest chair in the corner of the room, his eyes staring down at his headband that was off. "Itachi..are you okay?" He looked up at you and gave a head nod, shutting his eyes as you sat up in concern. "If only you knew the things that go through my mind." You gave small laugh with a smirk, causing Itachi to peek open both eyes that were still narrowed. You looked down with a blank expression and a gave a nod as you pulled the blankets close to you. Itachi gave a deep sigh, placing his hand to his forehead for you watched him do so. "That's not what I meant (Y/n)." You smiled, but when you seen Itachi stand up and walk over to you, you blushed, even after he poked your forehead, pushing you back down in bed. "Get some rest now."
After a ninja from the Hidden Leaf struck at you and Orochimaru while on your way back to the base after going into the village, Orochimaru used a jutsu to tie up the guy in vines. As you stood back with narrowed eyes, Orochimaru held a snake towards his head, opening its mouth so it could shoot venom into the victim's mouth, which he also pried open. "Aren't you thirsty?" You gave slight widened eyes with sealed lips that were holding back your smirk. Orochimaru gave a glance at you after the guy did the same. But Orochimaru gave an eye roll with a deep sigh, dropping the snack on the guy, which was screaming when it bit him. "Must you think that way in public?" You gave an eye roll when he placed an arm around your side, continuing to walk back towards the base. "You said it." "But you thought it (Y/n)."

(Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon. Sorry for slow updates and if some are a bit terrible!!)

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