When You Slap His Butt

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(Yes XD The tables have turned. And Hidan, *drools* I'm the same way with almost everyone XD)
You and Pein had to head into the village to deliver scrolls after Pein replied back on them. You placed on your cloak after getting dressed, but when you opened up the bathroom door, you seen Pein scoop up all the scrolls from his desk, only to drop one. He gave a deep sigh, leaning over to pick it up, but when he did so. You gave him a soft but loud, pop on the butt when you walked past him. Pein leaned up with widened eyes and lips slightly parted as he stared at the ground. "We need to get those delivered quickly Pein." Pein double blinked at you, when you turned and look back, he pushed all the scrolls to you, making you give parted lips. "Then you deliver them." You smirked, giving a small laugh with a smile, but once you stepped out of the room, Pein shut the door with one hand as the other was on his upper thigh. "You will not be in control my Goddess."
You had a straight face with Kakuzu laid down his bounty right next to yours. But when Kakuzu was paid after you were paid, you gave a small smirk with narrowed eyes that followed when you seen him get more cash handed to him and that he bounty was worth more than yours. "Let's go." You followed behind Kakuzu with an eye roll as he counted his money while walking, but when you walked past him, you gave him a slap in the but lightly. "Congrats. You got twenty extra dollars than me." You stopped walking and looked back at him, seeing his eyes went with a smirk he was secretly giving before he gave an eye roll with a grunt and walked past you. "Jealous (Y/n)?" "Do you want another?"
Deidara gave a slight groan when getting out of bed, he didn't bother putting on his shirt but he placed his pants on over his boxers while mumbling to himself. You were still asleep when Deidara looked over at you, then at the door when hearing Tobi laughing. "Tobi!" Deidara opened the door only for Tobi to flinch, then wave at Deidara with a sweat drop. "Hi, Deidara!" "What are you doing, hm?!" You peeked open your eyes with a deep sigh, looking towards Deidara with a tired expression as he continued to shout. You silenced him when you went up behind him, holding the door knob with one hand as the other slapped his butt softly but loudly. "Stop yelling. I'm trying to sleeep." You popped the P with narrowed eyes that followed with your small smirk before you shut the door, and when you did, you laid back in bed. As for Deidara, his cheeks were a light pink with a blank expression when he placed his had on his butt behind him, Tobi chuckling when he did so. "Ooh. Deidara got spanks for waking (Y/n)-chan." "Shu-! Shut it Tobi, un.."
You gave a small groan after hearing knocking on your door, you seen Tobi was now laying next to you, still asleep. "Deidara?" Deidara gave you a nod then peeked behind you at Tobi's snoring and sleeping form. "Tobi and I have to go on a mission, un." You gave parted lips with a nod reminding yourself about Tobi's mission. "Tobi.." you poked him, still continued to sleep. "Tobi! Wake up!" Deidara gave slight widened eyes after hearing the loud smacking sound you made after you slapped Tobi's butt. Tobi lifted up his head with a yelp and placed his hand behind him as you kissed his masked. "You have mission Tobi. Deidara is waiting for you." Tobi hugged you tightly then crawled off the bed, and headed towards the door, you smiled with a head shake, laying in bed as you rubbed your hand. "Ow!" Deidara gave a light sigh as Tobi rubbed his butt when on the clay bird. "Deidara senpai. Tobi's bottom hurts!"
When you opened the door to Sasori's room after getting back from Pein-sama's office, Sasori looked at you then stood up from his desk. "What did he say?" "Eh, just that a have a mission in three days with Kisame and Itachi." Sasori gave a nod, he walked up to you but you walked past him, slapping his butt softly. Sasori's eyes slightly widened as you smiled with a giggle. You then gave parted lips when you were pulled back to Sasori by his puppet strings, you hands were on his chest as one of his handed lifted up your chin as the other still had his chakra. "Why did you do that Love?" You blushed when an eye roll, kissing his chin before removing yourself from him when you were released. "I was curious on how'd you act Sasori. Plus, it just shows that you're mine." As you headed back towards the desk and sat at it, Sasori looked at you then looked towards the doorway. "I see. Interesting, are you still curious on my reaction?" You gave a confused look then blushed with a head nod as he headed towards the door, shutting it before turning to you. "Nope."
You and Zetsu were on a mission together, as Zetsu walked in front of you, which you made him come out of the ground so you could talk with him. You pulled back a branch so you could pass by, but when you released it, it went forward and smacked Zetsu in the butt, making him give parted lips and turn to you. "(Y/-." "I swear that wasn't me." You wiggled the branch with a small smile and light pink cheeks, you seen the light side of Zetsu calmed his eyes and give a small smirk before looking back and walking still. You then smiled and slapped his butt soft but it echoed, when you cut in front of him with a giggle, the light side of Zetsu blushed slightly as the dark side grunted and sunk back into the ground. "That was." "Unlike you my dear." You walked backwards with a head nod and your hands behind your back as he stared at you and moved his head through the ground. "I know." "Hm, seems you wanna do something other than this mission with us?" "I agree."
You gave parted lips in a grin form after seeing Hidan's scythe swing back and behind him. You and him were both outside the base, in the forest after battling with a victim in the village. You were sitting on your knees in the grass that was speckled with blood while Hidan was chasing the guy who had gotten away. "Dammit." You out laughing after seeing that his scythe ripped through his pants like you suspected, along with his boxers. "The fuck you laughing at?" When Hidan glanced back at you with an eyebrow raise, you stood up and went over to him, that's when he looked back forward. "You have a cute butt." Hidan gave parted lips when you smacked his exposed right cheek of his butt when you walked past him. He gave and eye roll and placed his cloak back on as he followed you, you smiling trying not to laugh. "Tch. Last time I checked it was the guy smacking the girl's ass. And cute?! Seriously!"
Kisame gave a groan after he dropped his kunai into the lake, making him crouch down on his knees and lean over with a deep sigh. You smirked when you saw this happen for you had to go change into cool clothes so you could relax outside the base today. You cracked a smile and started to walk to him, quickly but quietly. Kisame gave a deep sigh, dusting the mud off his kunai before he gave slight parted lips after you smacked his butt when you lowered yourself on all fours beside him with a smile. "Find it?" Kisame smirked, he then pulled you by the wrist and into the water. You sat up with parted lips, staring at him as he chuckled and sat back on his knees. "Heh, find the water?" You gave an eye roll, he placed his hand behind him then walked into the water with you. "You know what happen-." "When you spank a shark's butt? Nope." "Well you're gonna."
You gave a light sigh through your nose as you watched Pein-sama point at villages on a map while explaining to you about your next mission. Itachi was getting ready to leave with Kisame on his mission soon, you at least wanted to tell him bye first. You gave a nod then left the office five minutes later, as you headed to the bedroom, Itachi was walking down the hall to leave. He poked your forehead as he made a gesture to walk past you. "Love you too." You smirked when you swayed your back, popping Itachi's butt before going into the bedroom. Itachi stopped in place, he was about to give a small smirk until he gave narrowed eyes towards Kisame who was smirking as he leaned against the bases doorway. "Heh, I don't even think you saw that coming." "Enough. When we get back. You'll be saying the same about her."
"I guess we have to wait here?" Orochimaru glanced around then gave a simple nod to you. "Seems so." You and Orochimaru were on a mission together to deliver scrolls in the Hidden Mist. But while doing so, there seemed to be others in the line and cutting would draw attention. Neither of you wore your cloaks, but when you seen Orochimaru dust off the side of his pants, you smirked. You then leaned over and smacked Orochimaru's butt, making him turn his head with narrowed eyes towards the guy behind him who was giving him a confused look. But when Orochimaru raised his hand up, you gave widened eyes and latched onto his arm. "No, Orochimaru that was me." Orochimaru glanced at your smiling face, he then smirked and turned back around, kissing your head as he held you close. "This is going to be a long wait for me now (Y/n)." "What?"

(Heh heh. Well I hope you enjoyed this! More to come soon sorry for slow updates. Would of published a lot sooner but had no internet at grandma's DX)

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