When He Plays With Your Hair

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You gave another groan, this was the second time you did so, Pein looked up once again to see you with your head down on the desk, you were starting to get aggravated since you couldn't locate a specific location in the map. "What's wrong." "Nothing." Pein the got up and stood behind you and moved your hair from your face after you leaned back up. "I'm just stressed." Pein gave a small sigh when you turned your back to him, you then gave a confused look after feeling your hair getting pull back. "Pein I." "Relax my Goddess." You did so, you then blushed with a small smile feeling Pein rub his fingers through your hair and when he reached the ends, he repeated. You gave a relieving sigh, Pein then smirked and used both hands, picking up and dropping your hair, twirling it between his fingertips and so on. "Better." You gave a nod, he then kissed your cheek and went to go sit back down at his desk, you then started to play with your hair, making him give a shake still smirking.
You groaned loudly, Kakuzu was in the room while you were in the bathroom, he didn't bother looking up knowing that you would storm out at anytime and he was right. "Hm?" "I hate my hair." Kakuzu sighed, he looked up at you seeing you come over to him with crossed arms, he then chuckled once you sat in his lap and picked up the bills. "You're not using that excuse to play with my hair. Never again will that happen after what you did." You smirked, you then sighed and went through the bills. "Yeah..I know." Kakuzu gave an eye roll, he then noticed how quiet you were being then gave a sigh. You felt the ends of your hair being played with, stroked through Kakuzu's finger tips, you blushed and turned to look at him. "What are you doing?" "What does it look like?" You smiled and leaned more back, he grunted then started to run his fingers through your hair, watching you count money, forgetting that he was doing so to your hair.
Deidara smiled as he sat at his desk, sculpting clay spiders as you played with his ponytail. "You're hair is so gorgeous Dei-Dei." He smiled then looked over and up at you, seeing you smile and drop his blonde locks before you went and laid in bed, on your stomach and your arms as a pillow with your eyes shut. When you peeked open your eyes, Deidara was smiling at you, making you blush and cover your face with all your hair. "My hair is..blugh." You smirked after hearing Deidara chuckle, you turned your head and when you did, your (h/c) hair was stroked, making you give a confused look as his fingers ran through your hair. "Sit up, un." You gave a small groan and did so, he smirked and began to run his fingers down to the ends of your hair, he then held your hair back and started to mess around with it. You blushed and smiled as he did so, after a couple minutes of playing with your hair, you stayed to fall asleep for your cheek was resting on your knees when you raised them up. Deidara saw this and smiled, pushing your hair to the side, he then kissed at your neck making you smile more as he continued to play with your hair, making you fall asleep.
"(Y/n)-chan!" You went back into the room, you were going to talk to Pein-sama but decided not to. "Hm?" Tobi waved the brush, you gave narrowed, but playful eyes and shut the door behind you. "Tobi I don't want to." "Can Tobi?!" "My hair is. No." You groaned and grabbed the ends of your hair, then sat on the bed and let go of it with a small sigh, Tobi took off his mask and scooted closer. "May I?" You gave a confused look but with a smile with a nod. "Fine. Whatever." Obito then parted your hair into two, feeling his soft your hair was to him, making him give a small smirk. You felt relaxed, his fingers then twirled through the strands down to your ends, he then released it and started to put in back to your style and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to his lap after he kissed your shoulder. "Beautiful no matter what." You blushed and leaned back on him, making his smile after you kissed his scared cheek. "Handsome no matter what."
"Love, time to get up." You gave a small groan and got out of bed, knowing it's best to get up now instead of going back to sleep. You gave yawn and went over to the bathroom, you glanced back to see Sasori at his desk already in his cloak waiting for you. "Something wrong?" You shook your head and started to brush your hair, when you did so, Sasori approached you and looked at you, making you blush and look at him. "Yes?" "Let me see." You gave a confused look with a smile once he took the brush from your hands and started to brush your hair. He then placed down the brush and ran his fingers through the ends of your hair, you smiled and gave a small giggle. "Sasori." "I can see why you enjoyed messing with my hair. It's soothing." You blushed and look down, still feeling him fiddle with you hair, when you looked up it stopped and you watched Sasori walk away. "Still find your skin more soothing. Now come, I'm starting to get impatient love." You gave a small eye roll and followed him, grabbing your cloak and putting it on, he then took your hand and rubbed his thumb over your front hand as he pulled you out of the base.
"What's wrong with you." "Nothing. Just my hair is. Ugh." After walking into the garden since you and Zetsu were going to go into the village, with crossed arms and a small frown. When you looked back up, Zetsu was staring down at you, his light side was smiling before he started to chuckle. "Why are you so worried my dear? Your hair is lovely." You gave an eye roll, his dark side grunted, his light side then gave widened eyes as if he had an idea. "Sit." You gave a confused look but before you could speak, vines came up and out of the ground, wrapping around your wrist and making you sit. "Zetsu?" He walked behind you and sat down, you still had a confused look after your wrist was free and when his fingers started to run through your hair. "Just trust us. And stop complaining." "Just sit tight my dear." You smiled feeling his fingers twirl through your hair, both sides of him started to mumble but you didn't hear, you played with bits of grass until you felt Zetsu release your hair. "There." You smiled and went to the pond, when you looked into it, you smiled seeing your reflection, you had your favorite flower twirled into the strands of your hair, when you looked back at Zetsu's smiling face, you kissed him deeply. "I love it." "Glad you think so." "It was his idea. But my dear, you will always be beautiful in my eyes." He pulled you into a hug, standing back up with you before taking your hand and leading you out of the garden.
After the meeting, which lasted for more than a hour, you and Hidan went to bed. You both were half asleep, you laying your head on his shoulder with one hand on his chest and the other behind his neck. "Fuck." Hidan groaned with a sigh when he couldn't sleep, he glanced down at you with a smirk, even though the room was dark. His hand moved from your back up into the ends of your (h/c) hair. "Damn, soft." He stroked his hand down it then raised it with your hair sliding through his fingers. You woke up ten minutes later feeling him play with your hair, you smiled with a bit of blush on your cheeks as he continued. After another five minutes of him doing so, you gave a small tug on the end of his silver hair with a giggle. "Having fun there?" He 'Tch'ed and pulled you closer, holding his hand to the back of your head. "Couldn't fucken sleep so. Thought this would help me since you fall asleep with your fingers in my damn hair." He pecked your head then continued, you smiled and pecked his chest, making him smirk and stroke your hair as the both of you shut your eyes.
"No. I don't want to get my hair wet." Kisame gave a small sigh after you rejected doing any water training with him, then gave an eye roll after watching you sit in bed and stroke your hair with a calm smile. "Let me see." You gave a confused look when he sat next to you, then scooted back behind you, he removed your hands from your hair in place of his. "Kisa?" He gave a smirk and didn't say anything, his fingers ran through your hair, he then started to mess up your hair with a small chuckle as you gave parted lips with your eyes shut. "Really?" He chuckled and gave you a kiss on the shoulder as he took both hands and frizzled up your hair. "What? What are you going to do about it shark bait?" You giggled as he continued to kiss your shoulder, letting go of your hair, you faced him as he smirked and chuckled, making you do the same before getting up with a sigh. "Ugh." He then gave you a grin when you walked to the bathroom and started to brush your hair in the mirror, giving him narrowed eyes at his reflection with yours, the both of you ended up smirking until he fell back on the bed, you giving a head shake as you fixed your hair.
Surprisingly, you woke up before Itachi, the both of you were in your undergarments since the two of you had some time together, after putting on a shirt and shorts, you went to the bathroom, you fixed your hair in the mirror with a groan seeing how it wasn't cooperating with you, when you came out, Itachi was up, sitting back against the bed, making you blush. "Is something a matter (Y/n)?" "My hair. It's pissing me off." "Calm down." You gave an eye roll then sat on the bed, arms crossed and in front of him. "Tch." Itachi then gave a head shake with his eyes shut and scooted closer. "I see nothing wrong. You worry about the little things too much." You gave a small smile and an eye roll knowing he was right, you then gave a small sigh as his fingers ran down the ends of your (h/l) hair, then twirled them through his fingertips with a small head tilt and a small smirk, you blushed after he pulled a strand of your bangs behind your ear, you looked back at him and he poked your forehead before getting up and off the bed and left the room after putting on his cloak, making you fix your hair the way you like with a giggle.
Orochimaru constantly has to push a strand of your hair out of your face you just mess with it in general so it didn't surprise you when you woke up to find him push a strand behind your ear. "Up already my precious snake?" You smiled and shut your eyes, you were sleeping on your stomach with your arms crossed underneath you, you gave a groan as a response when his fingers ran through your hair to where it ended. "My hair is ew." When you peeked open your eyes, Orochimaru gave you narrowed ones before smirking then chuckling, he then used both hands and tried to braid with any strands he got but combed it back. "Now, there's no need to say that." You giggled knowing he didn't like you saying anything bad that had to do with your appearance, you wiggled next to him, placing your head in his chest and he continued to run his fingers through your (h/c) hair, smirking as you fell back to sleep.

(Sorry for slow updates! Sorry if some are a bit iffy! More to come soon hoped you enjoyed this!!)

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