Author Note

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Reader-chans I am very sorry for slow updates on all of my books. I'm working on new books and such but another reason why I'm lacking is because I'm going through hard times now. I don't know how to explain it, it's not boy problems (ew 3D guys) or friends problems (don't put up with that shit) or family problems (well..parents just say 'The reason you don't have an energy is because you're lazy')'s hard to explain. I feel so drained, mentally and physically. I don't feel like the usual me. I'm starting to diagnose myself with a Paranoia Disorder regarding the flashbacks of the paranormal that went on at my old house. The paranormal is real. I am mentally scarred from it. It's hard to explain I'm sorry for slow updates. Author-chan won't stop writing!! Promise!! Love you all Chans!!

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