When You Leave For a Long Mission

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Pein regretted sending you on this mission but you and him both knew you were the right person for it. He was in his office when you went to see him before you left. "Pein. I'm leaving." He stood up from him desk not facing you, your (e/c) eyes watched him lift up his head, he then turned and walked over to you. "I know." You gave a small smile as you opened up your arms and pulled him into a tight embrace. "I'll come back safe. I promise." He pulled away and lifted up your chin, staring his purple eyes into yours. "I know you will. I love you my Goddess." He then kissed you slowly and deeply before you pulled away and hugged him again. "I love you too my king." After that you left his office, he watched the base's door open before you stepped out, then he turned to his desk as he heard the door close, he closed his office door and went back to his paperwork with a sigh knowing that he wasn't going to be the same for a month.
You could tell Kakuzu didn't like the mission Pein assigned you, he was more affectionate to you till the day it was time for you to leave for a month. "Kakuzu, I'm leaving now." You opened the door and watched him count his money with your (e/c) eyes before he stopped and looked up at you with his red and green ones. "I know that." He stood up and took off his mask, setting it down as his threads wrapped around your wrist and pulled you close to him, which then he pulled you into a tight hug. "I love you Kakuzu, and I'll come back safe okay." "You better, cause if not, someone will be my own bounty." You smiled as you pulled back from the embrace and kissed his stitched lips. "I love you too (Y/n)." Kakuzu watched you leave his room with a smile, but instead of watching you leave the base he stayed in his room counting his money, he thought about how quiet his money counting would be with you gone. He didn't like that thought one bit.
Deidara was in his room working on his clay art. He wasn't happy at all with Leader-sama that he was making you leave for a month on a mission.
"Dei-Dei, I'm leaving now." You popped your head into his room as you stood from our side the hall. "I know, un." You gave a small smile and walked over to him hugging his arched back. "I'll be back safe." He sat up and gave you a small smile as well and pulled you into his lap and hugged you tightly. "I know you will, un. I love you beautiful, yeah." You smiled and kissed his cheek then kissed his lips deeply. "I love you too." He then released you and watched you walk out of his room. "I'll miss you." After that you left the base, he heard the base's door open and closed as he turned back to his desk and worked on his clay. "I'll miss you too, un."
Tobi was so upset when he found out you were leaving for a month on a mission. You never seen him so upset and you knew Obito was upset as well. "Tobi I have to go." Tobi had you into a tight hug he kept rocking you back and forth slowly after you told him you were leaving. "Tobi don't want
(Y/n)-chan to go!" You smiled and hugged Tobi back pressing your lips to his mask. "I love you Tobi." You then felt Obito's lips on yours when you left his soft lips, seeing his face. "I love you too Obito. I'll come back safe." He gave a small smile and stared into your (e/c) eyes. "Please do. I don't want anything to happen to you while I'm not there." He pulled you into a hug, burring his into your (h/c) hair before he put his mask back on and watched you leave. He heard the base door open and shut as he sat on the end of his bed. "I want to be the one to protect you."
Sasori didn't know how to act when he found out you were leaving for a month on your mission. He sat as his desk working in a puppet when you entered his room. "Sasori, I'm leaving now." He continued to work on his puppets for a little longer while you stood in the doorway before you walked in and rubbed his wooden back. "I'll be back soon and safe." He then sat down his tools and stood up staring into your (e/c) eyes with his dark brown ones as he held you hand and rubbed his thumbed over your soft skin. "I love you Sasori." He pulled you into a tight hug after he kissed your forehead. "I love you too (Y/n) love." You pecked his lips before you left the room but his strings stopped you. "Sasori." You looked at him with a smile before he released you. He sat at his desk as he heard the base door open and shut, then he continued to work on his puppets to hopefully pass time.
Surprisingly both sides of Zetsu were upset that you were leaving for a moth on a mission and Leader-sama knew their plan of watching you while you were on it so after you would leave he'd have to accompany Leader-sama. "Zetsu. I have to go now." You walked around Zetsu garden before you left, he sprung out of the ground, causing you to jump slightly before you smiled. "Zetsu, I'm." He cut you off by pulling you into a hug by your hand. "I know my dear." You smiled and kissed his lips deeply before you released when Zetsu placed a your (f/f) in your hair behind your ear. "Come back safe." "Yes please do my dear." "We love you." You smiled and blushed slightly as you hugged him again, he kissed your forehead before you left his garden, with him watching as he started to enter the ground. "We going to try to follow her at any chance we get right?" "Yes. Leader-sama won't stop us from getting to her."
Hidan was more of an ass than he usually was when he found out you had to leave for a mission for a whole month. "Hidan! I'm leaving!" You walked around outside of the base looking for Hidan while he was doing his ritual. Eventually you found him sitting in down with his knees up and his arms on them holding his scythe in one hand. "I fucken know that." You gave a small smile as you walked over to him bending down beside him, he glanced at you with his dark violet eyes as you stared at him with your (e/c) eyes. "I love you." He pulled you to him and hugged you tightly with a sigh he then kissed your shoulder. "I love you too. And you better come back fucken safe." You blushed and rolled your eyes as you pulled back and kissed his lips deeply. "I will." After that you stood up and started to walk away, he continued to sit, trying to stop himself from watching you walk away before he got up and walked into the base, he took one last look at you before the base door closed. "Jashin, I swear, you better bring her back to me."
Orochimaru hasn't been the same ever since he over heard you and
Leader-sama discuss you leaving for a mission for a month. "Orochimaru, I have to go now." You walked around the base looking for Orochimaru until you felt arms wrap your wait and pull you back. "I'll come back safe." "I know." You felt his lips press against yours and after you smiled and kissed him again then hugged him tighter and he stroked your (h/c) hair. "I love you (Y/n)." "I love you too." He smiled at you before you turned to walk away. His eyes watched you leave the base before the door closed shut he glanced down with his dark hair over his face. "Come back to me."

(Hello reader-chan! Hoped you enjoyed this scenario..was kinda sad when I wrote it to be honest but more to come soon!)

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