When He Wants Attention

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Ever since you were sick and Pein spent a lot of time trying to get you healthy again you got behind paperwork and Pein was to busy getting missions ready for the other members to help you. You were sitting at your desk with your
(e/c) eyes glued to your paperwork, as Pein was sitting beside you, trying to make small talk. "(Y/n), what do you think?" "Hm? Oh, I don't know." He looked up at you with his purple eyes as he nudged your shoulder. "(Y/n) you don't have to be so busy." "Pein I have a lot to catch up on." He glanced back down as you pulled another sheet closer to you, marking villages before he nudged your shoulder again. "(Y/n) I." You cut him in the middle of your sentence as you turned and looked at him. "What Pein? I'm busy." He looked back down then up at you. "I'm sorry. I love you." "I love you too." You gave a small smile as he did the same as the both of you returned back to work in silence until he spoke two minutes later. "(Y/n) which village should we go for next my Goddess."
You and Kakuzu were walking back to the Akatsuki's base after the both of you finished bounty together. As the two of you were walking in silence you were counting while Kakuzu held the briefcase, glancing at you from time to time with his green and red eyes. "How much money did we get?" You ignored him, not that you mean too, as he gave a small groan. "(Y/n)." "Huh, um not sure yet." He narrowed his eyes and grabbed the money from your hand as you stared wide eyed with your (e/c) eyes. "Hey?!" "You're gonna to listen when I speak (Y/n)." You rolled your eyes and sighed an 'okay.' before he wrapped your hand around your waist and continued to walk with you. "Don't be upset I took your money. It's mine anyways." You chuckled the smiled as Kakuzu handed you two dollars. "Don't ignore me again." You nodded and took the money from his hands. "Okays!" A few minutes later into the walk Kakuzu spoke again as you shuffled the two bills. "(Y/n), did you hear me?"
You've been working in a clay sculpture for about to days now, and today was the day you finally we're going to add the details into it. Deidara came back from Leader-sama's office later on while you were still working he kept trying to get got attention. "(Y/n), un. How's your sculpture going, hm?" You didn't speak, you (e/c) eyes were glued on the small clay statue as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Princess, un. I love you." "I love you too." "Come lay here with me, un." You didn't respond you kept working as your (h/c) hair dangled in your face. "Hang on." Seconds later you were picked up from the desk chair and dropped onto the bed with Deidara's arms wrapped around you. "Deidara!" He nuzzled into your shoulder after he kissed you multiple times in the cheek. "I love you, un." "Deidara I love you too but." He silenced you with a kiss, you fell for it and kissed him back then smiled as he smiled. "Just three minutes, un." You giggled as you pulled him close, running your fingers through his blonde bangs. "Can I go back to my sculpture?" "Mhm, no."
You were playing around with the two cute stuff animals Tobi and Obito got you while Tobi was pestering Deidara. As Tobi ran into the room he coward behind you as Deidara glanced and the room seeing it was only you then walked off. "Phew, Deidara-senpai almost caught Tobi. Thank you
(Y/n)-chan!" You gave a small smile as you played with the Angel's wings. "You're welcome Tobi." Tobi smiled and pressed his mask to your cheek then you felt Obito's lips. "I love you." "I love you too." You said not taking your (e/c) eyes off the Angel.
"(Y/n)-chan! Watch Tobi!" You glanced up at Tobi then back down as he started to poke your cheek, repeated your name repeatedly before you gave in. "Yes Tobi?" He took the angel and pulled you close. "Please pay attention to me and Tobi (Y/n)." You rolled your eyes as you hugged him back, kissing his mask then his lips. "I'm sorry." Tobi giggled then held you tighter. "Tobi got you (Y/n)-chan!!"
You were working on a small puppet figurine while Sassori was working on his, his dark brown eyes kept glancing at you seeing you were focused lon yours more than him. "(Y/n) love, do you mind if I held you in my lap to work?" You glanced up at him with a smile then back down at your puppet as he stared at you. "Of course, just hang on a second." He gave a simple nodded, he waited and watched you then he poked your arm. "Love." You gave a 'hm' sound before his chakra strings wrapped around your wrist pulling him to you. "Love, don't ignore me please." You smiled as he released the strings and pressed his forehead to yours. "I'm sorry, I just really want to get this puppet finished." He kissed your forehead and pulled you closer to him. "You will soon. But focus on me please." You giggled as you nodded, then he let you go back to work on your puppet. "Love." No response and that's when he took your puppet. "Sassori!" "Yes love."
You were working in Zetsu's garden since he wasn't feeling his normal self today, he watched you pull out weeds that surrounded the roses. "My dear, look at this one here." You glanced your (e/c) eyes for a second then back at the plants. "I like it." "You didn't even look." You rolled your eyes as you mumbled. "I'm busy Zetsu. Just hold on." "Okay, my dear." "No. Look at me." You didn't look at him you just started to giggled before his dark side grabbed your wrist. "(Y/n)." You then pressed his lips to yours with a smile. "What?" "My dear, we're about to leave for a mission." "At least give us attent." You cut him off with another kiss then a hug. "Fine." After you spoke he held you in his arms tightly. "Zetsu!" He didn't let go only smiled as you did the same. "Okay okay. What flowers should we pick next again?"
"(Y/n)!" You heard Hidan's voice from down the hall as you were cleaning up blood stains from the carpet. "Hey! I called your damn name!" You glanced your (e/c) eyes up seeing Hidan leaning against the door way with his dark violet eyes narrowed. "What?" He smirked and chuckled. "You wouldn't fucken believe that." "Not now Hidan." You cut him off and his smirked disappeared before he lifted you up off the ground and laid on the bed with you. "Hidan what the fuck!" "Pay fucken attention to me! You did it when I was chibi why can't you do that now?!" You rolled your eyes with a smirk before you removed yourself from his grip. "Hidan I have to clean up your." "Whatever!" He laid face down in the bed twirling his necklace, you knew he was complaining in his mind. He then turned to look at you while your lips planted on his cheek and started to peck him multiple times. "That's what I fucken thought." He pulled you into his arms and held you close to him. "You don't have to be a baby about it. I thought I was annoying." "Shut the hell up!" He then kissed your cheek then fell asleep. When he woke up you were gone. "Damnit (Y/n)!"

(Hello there! Sorry if these were ehh I kinda ran out of ideas. I do take requests. More to come soon hoped you enjoyed!)

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