When You Can't Sleep

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(Yeah so long story short. It's two in the morning where I'm at and I have to get up at five to get on the bus so. Why the heck not? XD)
It's been ten minutes after convincing Pein to go to sleep, unfortunately for you he was able to fall asleep. You sat up in bed with Pein's arm still around you, you gave a sigh and got up out of bed, you were thinking about going to visit Nagato but you didn't want to wake him so you just went to Pein's desk and sat in his spot. It was cold but you wanted to get colder so you can lay in bed and fall asleep trying to get warm. You laid your head on Pein's desk with a sigh, seconds later you lifted up your head to see Pein next to you. "My Goddess, why are yo-." "I couldn't sleep. I though paperwork might put me to sleep but." You finished your sentence with a sigh, he then rubbed your back and pulled you up and sat you into his lap at his desk. "I'm sorry my Goddess. Do you want to visit Nagato?" You smiled with a nod, Pein then gave you his hoodie and once you put it on he took your hand and led you out of the base.
You tossed and turned with a groan, it's been thirty minutes done you decided to go to bed, you probably only got less then six minutes of it. You sat up only to see Kakuzu still in his chair counting money, his green and red eyes glanced up at you then back down. "Can't sleep?" "No." He gave a nod as you gave a sigh and got up out of bed, he smirked seeing you in his hoodie with shorts that barely showed underneath. "Maybe if you lay still." "Kakuzu I can't." He smirked hearing the frustrated tone in your voice as you approached him, he then pulled you into his lap and you laid against him. "Well. We're not going out to by anything." You gave a sigh through your nose then looked up at him, he looked back down at you and smirked, making you smile. "I just want to sleep but I can't." You watched him place down his money and pull you close to him, resting a hand on your thigh then the other lifting your chin. "Just sit in silence." He pecked your lips then took his money back as you laid and watched him with fluttering eyes.
You and Deidara went to bed at the same time, unlike you, he fell asleep in less than twenty minutes while you laid awake in his arms. You gave a sigh and removed yourself from him and went into the bathroom. "Ugh." You held your sleepy looking face before getting undressed and into the shower. Deidara woke up about fifteen minutes later after feeling you weren't in bed and after the bathroom light shined at him underneath the door. "Beautiful, um?" He opened the door only to yawn and shut his eyes more before peeking into the shower at you. "Sorry if I woke you." He then sat on the ground next to the shower and continued to look in it at you with a yawn. "What are you doing up, hm?" "I couldn't sleep." He gave a nod then shut his eyes again, you smiled covering your chest with your elbows when you glanced over to look ok at him. "Deidara you can go back to bed." "No, it's okay, un. I'll just join you, yeah." You smiled and turned back to the shower, you then smiled more after feeling his arms wrap around you and him pull you into his chest, resting his chin on your shoulder. "I love you, yeah." "I love you too."
You kicked off your blankets before sitting up in bed, you fell asleep before Obito did but only for about like ten minutes. You rubbed your face seeing it was around one, you tried to go back asleep but you just couldn't get comfortable so you got up and went into the base's living room. "(Y/n)?" Obits lifted up his head after feeling around you weren't in bed, he saw the door was slightly cracked and put on his mask and cloak before seeing you on the couch. "(Y/n)?" You lifted up your head from the arm rest with a small smile. "I couldn't sleep. Still can't." He gave a nod and looked at the blue tv screen before looking back at you. "Do you want to go for a walk? If you get tired I'll carry you." You smiled and sat up off the couch with a nod, he grabbed your hand and led you out of the base and took of his mask. "Any reason you couldn't sleep?" You shook your head and looked at him with three eyes and a smile. "To much sugar I guess?"
You actually got Sasori to lay with you will you sleep but it's been around forty minutes and you still couldn't sleep no matter how comfortable you got and Sasori began to noticed but didn't say anything and continued to rub your skin on your lower back. "Sasori?" "Love." You faced him with a sigh then sat up and laid your head on his shoulder. "I can't sleep...can you give me something that'll put me to sleep?" You looked up at him, he gave a head tilt slightly before cupping your cheek. "Love I will not do that. Why can't you sleep?" You gave shrug shoulders, he then gave a nod. "Do you want to make puppets until you sleep?" You gave another exhale then followed him, you sat on his lap and watched him instead of helping him, he gave you small kisses every you'd yawn then tighten his grip around you softly.
Instead of sleeping in the garden with Zetsu, you and him both slept in your room, he laid on his back with you on top of him and both arms around your skin since you didn't wear a shirt to bed. You gave a groan after trying to wiggle out of his arms then leaned up and stared at him, his eyes were open but you knew he was asleep. "Zetsu." You rubbed up and down the middle of his chest until you head his dark side groan. "What's wrong my dear?" "I can't sleep." "And." "Be quiet." You sat up and off of him as he leaned up, his light side gave a small smile and bring your chin to face him. "Is something troubling you my dear?" "No I just can't sleep." "Heh. Told you the garden was better." You gave a nod then looked into his eyes and gave a small smile. "Can we go back?" Both sides pecked your forehead then lips. "Of course." "Good." He helped you out of bed then gave you his hoodie to put over, he threw of his cloak before his light side took your hand and led you out of the base. "Do you want to be carried my dear?" "I'm okay."
You laid in bed for thirty minutes still awake after you and Hidan called it a night. You laid on your side using your hands as a cheek pillow while Hidan laid on his stomach with one arm around you, looking the opposite direction. You gave a sigh and sat up, you couldn't figure out on why you couldn't fall asleep. "Hidan." You nudged his shoulder after turning towards him, he continued to snore softly. "Hidan." You shook him again, you then sighed and rolled him onto his back. "Baby." He gave a groan as he felt for you. "What?" "I can't sleep." "What the fuck do you want me to do about it?" You gave an eye roll then a sigh as you scooted closer to him, he then pulled you onto him where you sat on his stomach. "Try to go back to sleep." "I can't dumbass." He gave a sigh and still had his eyes shut before sitting up and pulling you close to him. "What do you wanna do then?" "Sacrificing?" He gave another sigh then pecked your forehead before getting up off the bed with you. "Alright. Fuck."
You sat up in bed to see Kisame not in bed, you gave a sigh like groan then put  over his hoodie and went to the lake. You gave a confused look seeing him not there but just gave a sigh and sat in front of the lake anyways. "There you are." You turned around to see Kisame coming to you before laying your chin back on your knees as he sat by you. "What are y-." "I couldn't sleep." He gave a nod and a smirk before going into the lake. "Yeah I figured. You were moving a lot." You gave a nod then watched him swim around. "Where were you?" "In the bathroom." You gave a small smirk before he swam up to the edge of the lake and extended out his hand. "No I don't want to." "At least skinny dip?" You gave a head shake as he smirked. "Kisame. It's cold." He chuckled then pecked your hand before going back into the water. "It will help you sleep." "Uh huh."
You gave a deep sigh then smiled seeing Orochimaru sleep next to you but gave another groan and got up out of bed, before you made it to the door Orochimaru stoped you. "What are you doing my precious snake?" You turned to face him and he pushed your hair to the side and lifted up your chin. "I just couldn't sleep." He gave you a small smile then took your hand and placed his fingers between yours. "And why not?" You gave a shoulder shrug then a yawn, causing him to chuckle. "I guess it's because I've been sleeping in too much." He pecked your forehead then your hand. "Do you want to go walk in the village?" You gave another shoulder shrug, he just chuckled and led you out of the room anyways. "I'll take that as a 'why not'."

(Anyways hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon. I was able to fall back asleep at three so I had to finish this during class XD)

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