When The Two Of You Get Walked In On

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(Awe!! Deidara Senpai sooo cute and just ahhhh!!! Heh, oh and ya know what I mean by that title XD)
While you were sitting at the desk rolling up scrolls, Pein kept sliding you flirty pick up lines, you giggled and blushed and did the same and that's what led up the two of you being in bed. Pein was above you, both of you without clothing material and underneath the sheets, he held himself up as held yourself to him when he grinded against you. "Pein-sama I'm back from th-." You gave a small gasp and released Pein, covering your self with the blankets as he leaned off of you, both of you with light pink cheeks as Deidara gave parted lips and backed out of the room, shutting the door in the process. You gave parted lips still as you continued to hold the sheet up to you after sitting up in bed when hearing Hidan burst out laughing, you then looked at Pein to see him give his expressionless face before his eyes shut and gave a deep sigh. "Seems we're going to have to have another meeting about knocking."
You and Kakuzu got into a small argument over money, it was more of a playful one, you ended up taking Kakuzu's mask, making you lead him over to bed with a devilish smirk. Kakuzu held himself above you, the two of you without any clothing material, you pecking under his chin with small moans as he grinded against you. The both of you looked up and over to see Kisame's parted lips that gave a open smirk as he clinched the door knob, pointing back with his thumb on his other hand. "Meeting in five." He shut the door after Kakuzu gave narrowed eyes, you held the sheets to you and leaned up with a small sigh and a head shake. "Looks like you're gonna have to buy a lock." Kakuzu then gave a deep sigh after holding the bridge of his nose. "Appears to be that way since these idiots don't understand the rules of privacy."
You gave small laughs when trying to wake up Deidara, you played with the ends of his hair, tugging at them with a fake and small frown soon after. After saying your hair wasn't as gorgeous, Deidara sprung up and over you, the both of our arguing playfully on hair before it went to flirting. You gave a small moan like laugh in Deidara's ear as he laid above you, the two of you stripped out of clothing, he kissed at your neck and up to your ear as he grinded. "Brat it's." you gave parted lips and widen eyes as Deidara did the same, leaning to the side and off of you before giving narrowed eyes just as Sasori shut his eyes. "Let's go. I'm getting impatient." After Sasori shut the door, you gave bright red cheeks as you held the covers close to you as Deidara placed both of his hands over his face. "That damn Dana, un." You giggled and leaned up, pecking his cheek, he smiled and connected his lips with yours before a knock went at the door. "Now."
You asked Tobi to remind you to lock the room door before you showered, he was getting ready to go talk to Pein-sama in his office, he then shit the door, him still on the inside, when you turned to face him, Obito was smiling at you, making you smile and flirt, he flirted back and that led the two of you under the sheets, both without clothing material. He kissed you deeply as he grinded against you before you sat up, holding the sheets to you with Obito's head laying just above your breast under the sheets. "My apologies. But this is an organization of business." After Pein shut the door, you gave a small sigh with darker sheets, you felt and heard Obito sigh as well, when he sat back up, he gave you playful narrowed eyes. "Thought you locked the door?" You blushed more and kissed his cheek, pulling him closer to you when you lifted up his chin. "Oops. Tobi's fault for not reminding me."
You were in a playful mood, you teased Sasori in a flirty mood though, even though you didn't intend to. After taking one of his puppet parts he needed to add to the model, Sasori used his strings to make you behave. That only led up to you and Sasori in bed without any clothing material, he was above you, grinding against you as you kissed at his next before the both of you pulled back after hearing the door click open. "Hey t-....I'm not even gonna question." Hidan shut the door after rubbing the back of his neck, you had bright pink cheeks as you held the sheets to you, when you looked back at Sasori, he was still facing the doorway expressionless as he leaned up off of you. "Is it because I'm a puppet I can't enjoy these things."
Zetsu tried many ideas and times to get you out of the room, saying that the garden was a better place but you didn't feel like leaving to go anywhere. The dark side of Zetsu began to take over the process, he was being dominate, making you copy in a flirty mood, which made his light side playful. After all that, it ended up with Zetsu above you, both of you stripped out of clothing material, his light side's forehead was to yours, giving you compliments as you moaned when he started to grind more. "Zetsu! We must...Ahh! Naugh-." Tobi ran out of the room after vines sprung out of the grounds to shue him away after he opened up the door, the both of you turning to see him with a sweat drop. The door was then slammed shut by the vines, you held the sheets to you as Zetsu sat beside you, his light side and you with light pink cheeksz "Told you the garden was a better place." "I agree my dear. Or at least somewhere in the forest." You gave parted lips when looking back at Zetsu, his light side smiled while his dark side grunted.
You woke up in a bad mood after a long night of Hidan tossing and mumbling in his sleep. Hidan wouldn't let you get out a bed for he knew you would be pissed all day, especially at him. After kissing at your neck and telling you flirty things in a compliment, you and Hidan stripped down. He laid above you, mumbling in your ear as he grinded against you, causing you to moan and him smirk. You then pushed him off just as the two of you looked towards the door seeing Kakuzu standing in the door way. "If Pein has to tell me to come retrieve the two one more time I'm." Kakuzu finished his sentence after he shut the door, you gave light pink cheeks as Hidan smirked. "Tch. Old fucker jealous since he can't move a fas-." You hit Hidan's chest, making him chuckle and lay his head in the crease of your neck with arms around you. "At least you're in a better mood."
Kisame was already in that type of mood when he joined you in the shower, you kept teasing him by seeming uninterested in him. After you got out still wrapped in a towel, Kisame still continued to tease you, my spraying you with the detachable shower head. As you laid in bed, under the sheets with the towel underneath you, Kisame kissed at your stomach without any clothing either, making you give a small giggle and moan before glancing at the door, sitting up as Kisame leaned up as well with an eyebrow raise, not being able to see who it was. "What?" The door just just as Kisame took off the sheets, he looked back at your red face with an confused one. "Let me guess. Itachi." You smiled with a small laugh and a head nod, Kisame gave an eye roll and a head shake. "He has a sharingon. Why couldn't he use it to see I was busy?"
After coming back from
Pein-sama's office, you were sorta in a frustrated mood seeing that you had a mission, but before you could tell
Itachi, he said he saw it coming, making you smile and flirt with him, tempting him. One thing led to another, you were under Itachi, the both of you stripped from clothing, as he kissed at your neck, you gave a soft moan till it turned into a gasp after the two of you looked up to see Orochimaru at the door. "Excuse me." Orochimaru shut the door after a chuckle, Itachi narrowed his eyes then shut them when looking back down at you, you gave bright oil cheeks and held the sheets to yourself. "Didn't see that coming huh?" Itachi poked your forehead as you smiled and rubbed up his chest. "Love you too."
When you returned from a mission to the Hidden leaf, Orochimaru was in the mood, since it's been a while for the two of you to do alone time things, he wanted to spice things up by telling you it was only you and him in the base for a couple of hours. As you gave small moans with Orochimaru above you, neither of you had any clothing, he kissed at your neck before pulling back, the two of you staring towards Zetsu, whose head was out of the ground. "Oh my." "There are others here, you know?" Zetsu went back underground as you looked away, holding the sheets closer to you, Orochimaru just smirked then gave an eyes shut sigh, pushing a strand of his hair to the side. "That should spice things up."

(So yeah this was random. No idea it just came to mind, no judge XD But hoped you enjoyed it more to come soon XD)

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