When The Two Of You Embarrassingly Get Interrupted

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(Soooo this is supposed to be like, 'when the two of you get walked in on' but funnier in a way??? I don't know, just a random thought XD And UGH!!! Is it just me or is Zetsu just sooooooooo fuuuucking hooooot.)
It Pein
Before you could moan, you ended up stopping yourself out of shock. Your eyes stared into Pein's, but you were the only one trying not to laugh after covering your mouth. "Oh my gosh Pein," you whispered. Since no one was at the base, which Pein purposely made empty, the two of you decided to use this opportunity to mess around. Pein was pinning you down and kissing roughly at your neck while thrusting between your thighs. Unfortunately, that came to an end after hearing a loud creaking sound. Not to mention the mattress sinking into the hole. When you faintly laughed, Pein smirked and sighed faintly. "At least it was the bed and not you," he whispered. You started to laugh when he rolled off of you and even helped you scoot to the edge of the bed. "Almighty thruster broke the bed," you said while laughing. Pein sighed and wrapped himself in his cloak. "Let's just go trade beds before someone gets back."
Each time you moaned and gently scratched at his back, Kakuzu thrusting began to increase. It was late at the base, but you and Kakuzu were the only ones there, so it didn't matter that the two of you were lovemaking at this hour. Since you couldn't fall asleep, you woke up Kakuzu by making kissing sounds in his ear. That, however, not only woke him up but put him in a lustful mood. "Ow," you whined while laughing. "Wait, wait, wait!" Kakuzu stopped kissing on you and moving when you pushed him up. "Hm?" "My hair is stuck," you whispered. Soon after Kakuzu clicked on the lantern next to the bed, he sighed heavily. You were holding the ends of your hair that had gotten tangled between the headboard and the mattress of the bed. Your face was red, but you couldn't stop laughing out of embarrassment. "Help me," you mumbled. Kakuzu sighed, but he ended up helping you detangle your hair.
"I love the sounds you make, yeah," Deidara whispered. He kissed at your neck as he hovered above you. The both of you were bare from clothing, underneath the sheets, and in a session of pleasing one another. "Be a louder princess, mhm," Deidara mumbled into your neck crease. As his lips smothered you with kisses, Deidara kept his right, hand-mouth between your thighs, and used his left, hand-mouth to remain on your breast of the same side. It was late and neither could sleep. The two of you had a long day, and even getting up to shower was too much. So, the sane talk and the gentle kisses got more heated and intense when Deidara began to tease you with his hand mouths. You moaned Deidara's name louder each time as you tugged at his hair. Just before you could reach your climax, they both ended up pausing in motion after a triple pound of the door echoed throughout the base. "Will you two shut up?!" Kakuzu shouted. "Or go somewhere else!" Even though it was dark, you and Deidara both knew that the two of you had embarrassed expressions.
A moan slipped from your lips as you tugged at Obito's hair and scratched at his back. He was panting in your neck crease and smothering you with soft kisses while hovering above you. The two of you were in the middle of lovemaking now. Before this all started, the two of you had just woken up. It was still early, but it wasn't earlier enough for your sweet compliments to turn into flirty ones. Surprisingly, it didn't take long for a session to start up between the two of you. Just like you, you could tell that Obito was close to climaxing as he thrust. When he lifted up his head, you stared at him with a dazed look. You hardly saw his face expression during moments like this. Unfortunately, that wasn't an expression of satisfaction. "I'm so sorry," Obito whispered. "I tried not to." Obito ended up sneezing all over you, but you started to laugh while rubbing your face. "Eww. Obito," you whined as you laughed. After he crawled off of you, you sat up and wiped your face with the pillow beside you. "Sorry," he awkwardly laughed. When you have seen his embarrassed expression, you couldn't help but laugh even more.
"Love. Now isn't the time," Sasori mumbled. You continued to kiss at Sasori's neck as you rubbed his shoulders in order to make his cloak slide off of him. "Why? This could get. Interesting," you whispered. After Sasori's cloak hit the ground, you grabbed his hands and made them slide underneath your shirt. His eyes widened, and you eventually backed him towards the bed too. Once he sat down, you pushed him back and climbed over him. "Prove what true art really is," you whispered. Shortly after that, you and Sasori began a heated make-out. The positions changed and Sasori was above you and making you constantly moan. Soon after he released your wrist and placed his palms to your breast, the bedroom door opened. "What the hell, un?!" Deidara yelled. You blushed deeply out of embarrassment while covering yourself with your cloak. Although, this was your fault. You and Sasori were in Deidara's room. After finding out that Deidara took some of his crafting tools, Sasori went to retrieve them once Deidara left. Sasori stared at Deidara, then smirked when looking back towards you. "True art," Sasori mumbled. "Doesn't have patience on being created."
"Something wrong?" "Are we being too rough, my dear?" You shook your head and adjusted yourself once more. "I think it's just the way the cloaks are laid. Just continue Zetsu," you whispered with a smile. Like most days, you and Zetsu were in his secret garden. At first, the two of you were just lying beside one another and making small talk. Then the light-side of Zetsu started to get over flattered by your compliments, and that just made you want to smother him in kisses. You did so, but then things got heated, which led to you and his lovemaking. Zetsu nodded, then began to kiss at your lips and held you by the waist as he continued to rock his hips back and forth. Shortly after feeling a slight pain, your eyes widened and you gasped within the kiss. "Already?" "My dear, yo-." Your cheeks went red and you covered your face after seeing Zetsu's eyes widened when he stopped speaking. That pain you kept feeling was known as cramps, and you had started your period during your and Zetsu's lovemaking. "Oh my." "No wonder you were so affectionate."
Hidan bit his bottom lip when pulling you into his lap after you pulled off your shirt and tossed it to the side. You then cupped his cheeks and started to kiss him roughly as he did the same back. You had gotten back to the base just in time to see Hidan step out of the shower, which is why he still had a towel wrapped around his waist. For some reason, you were just in one of those moods where you couldn't stop staring at his 'package'. Of course, Hidan caught you doing so and that's why he roughly pulled you to him. When Hidan slipped his tongue into your mouth and after he squeezed your rear, you faintly gasped and it turned into a moan. This caused Hidan to smirk, and he leaned up more and lied you on your back. However, when he tried to hover above you, his knee ended up slipping off the edge of the bed. So now you were laughing while he laid beside you trying not to do the same. "You know what this means, right?" Hidan sighed. When you looked at him out of confusion, you ended up gasping all over again. "Guess we're fucking on the floor!" Hidan shouted when rolling above you again.
"Ow, Kisa, not so rough," you whined. Kisame only nodded, but he proceeded to softly bite and suck at your neck crease. You were sitting on his lap and gently tugging at his hair while his hands rubbed up and down your bare body. Before all this happened, you and Kisame had gotten into an argument. However, bad-mouthing him just turned him on even more. It didn't take long for your words to turn into moans, your pushing turn into pulling him closer, and your glaring eyes to turn dazed. After Kisame softly but again, you ended up gasping out of pain. "Kisame!" you shouted. When Kisame pulled back, his eyes widened towards your neck crease that was dampened with blood. You couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or concerned, but you groaned and held your neck. "I told him not to be rough," you whispered. You were hiding your embarrassed face from Kakuzu, who was stitching up your neck and in his own room at that. "This is why you don't sleep with a man who's half fish," Kakuzu grunted.
"Mhm, stop," you whispered. "I just want to sleep," Itachi said nothing and didn't stop rubbing his hand up your chest while kissing at the back of your neck. It was late, and you just wanted to call it a day from spending a long mission with Pein-same. Itachi, however, wasn't going to let that happen. "Itachi," you faintly laughed. After turning to face him, you cupped Itachi's cheeks and began to kiss at his lips deeply. When the kissing turned into a make-out, Itachi rolled above you and pinned your wrist to the bed. From there, he moved his lips to your neck and started to roughly leave a love mark on yours. Just as you moaned, a gasp slipped from your and Itachi's lips. "Ooo, I'm so sorry," you mumbled. You accidentally kneed Itachi in his area when you propped up your knees, which you were going to slip around his waist. Itachi quickly released your hands and held himself, and he did that after resting his face on your chest. "Oops. Um. Guess you didn't see that one coming. Guess you won't be coming at all either," you laughed awkwardly as Itachi sighed deeply.
"It's not that funny," Orochimaru sighed. You were holding a pillow to your face to keep yourself from screaming out of laughter. You had tears in your eyes, red cheeks, and you were nearly wheezing too. As for Orochimaru, who continued to sigh to himself, didn't find the situation as hilarious as you did. Before all this happened, you and Orochimaru were in the middle of love-making. The two of you haven't seen one another for a week due to him constantly on a mission with Kabuto. So after he returned a few hours ago, he had no hesitation to take you in a lustful way. However, it didn't last long for a popping sound caused both of you to stop. Not to mention Orochimaru's leg gave out since he was standing at the edge of the bed. "You dislocated your knee," you laughed. When you wheezing and wiped the tears from your face, Orochimaru shook his head and stood up. He placed on his pants and started to get dress again, and you remained bare and wrapped in blankets. "Tell Kabuto to massage you some time!" you yelled while laughing.

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