When You And Him Have An Awkward Staring Competition

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(This was inspired by me and a close friend having a staring competition on opposite sides of the classroom during a exam XD I'm dying at that picture XD)
After giving a light sigh when sitting at Pein's desk after a relaxing bath, Pein glanced up at you as he rolled up a scroll. "What's wrong?" You smiled at him with a head shake and took the scroll he handed to you, he then looked down and opened up another. "I'm fine just. Over relaxed." When you glanced up, Pein did the same, making you smile slightly as Pein kept his serious expression. You stared into Pein's eyes as he did the same to you, neither of you looking down or away. You studied each ring of his orbs as Pein focused on your eye color. You felt yourself about to smile more, when you did, you blushed and looked down with sealed lips trying not to laugh. "You have pretty eyes." Pein looked back down as well, scribbling down in the scroll as you gave light pink cheeks and a confused look on what just happened between the two of you. "Thanks."
You gave a small groan as you rolled off your side then sat up with a stretch after waking up. "About time." You gave an eye roll towards Kakuzu, whom was doing what he usually did, sitting in his chair in front of the bed counting money. "Morning to you too." "You do realize the leader." When you yawned, you didn't hear the rest of Kakuzu's sentence. When you glanced back at him with a light sigh through your nose, your eyes met his. You furrowed your brows just a bit instead of blinking, seeing that he was staring in your eyes doing the same. Ten more seconds it went on with you and Kakuzu frozen into position and staring in the orbs of the other. Well before you doubled blinked, gave a glance down, and looked back up at him with a smirk and small laugh. "What?" Kakuzu gave a deep sigh, blinking as well when he glanced down with a head shake and shuffled his bills. "Nevermind. You owe me five bucks." "You can't make bets in your head Kakuzu."
"Deidara. I have to leave now." You sat on the edge of the bed after coming back for the leader's office and after putting on your cloak. Deidara was hunched at his desk, making his mouth hands sculpt clay before he glanced up at you with a 'hm?'. Your eyes then met Deidara's, the both of you stared into one other's eyes without any face expression. Your cheeks turned a light pink five seconds later, as Deidara blinked but continued to stare still. You gave a throat clear and looked away with a small smile as Deidara looked back down at the clay with the edges of his lips curled. "Well..that was something. Awkward even." "A bit, yeah." You smiled as he gave a small laugh after you did the same. Deidara then smirked more after he pressed his palm to your forehead, kissing it as you blushed. "You be safe, un. I love you beautiful, yeah." You smiled, standing up and kissed the side of his head after a simple nod. "Love you too." You left the room with a confused expression as he smirked in confusion as well after giving a light sigh. "Okay then."
"(Y/n)-chan." You glanced up to see Tobi standing in front of you, you were sitting on the ground only folding your cloak but also getting your weapons ready for tomorrow's mission. "Yes?" "Wanna have a staring contest with Tobi?" When he sat crisscross in front of you, you gave slight widened eyes then smiled with a head nod. "Can I have one with Obito?" Tobi gave a nod, taking off his mask after locking the door, you smiled seeing his face, and he smiled seeing yours. Obito was about to speak but when he glanced up, you were leaned up to him, your eyes staring into his, giving a small smile. Obito leaned back at bit, giving confused and concerned eyes as you pressed your forehead to his, still staring as he stared into your eyes. "Uh...(Y/n)?" You smiled and leaned away with a small laugh after Obito blinked and looked away, then at you. "I win." Obito gave a nod, putting his mask back on, but you didn't notice till after you looked up at him with parted lips to speak. "Tobi?" Tobi's Mask was pressed against your forehead, his eye staring into your left one. "Tobi plays against the winner."
You cussed underneath your breathe after you poked yourself with a sculpting tool when sitting beside Sasori at his desk, the both of you working on a new puppet model. Sasori glanced up, you then did the same, you gave a glance down to see that your chest was covered so you glanced back up. Your eyes stared into his deep brown ones as his did the same with your (e/c) ones. Your cheeks began to get a light pink as another seven seconds went by until you double blinked and glanced to the side and back at him. "Did you say something Love?" You gave a slow head shake, Sasori then looked back down, blinking only once as he began to add details into the puppet's wrist. "Interesting." You double blinked once more, looking down while trying not to crack a smile to break the silence. "Yeah...strange."
You gave a light sigh after getting out of bed, Zetsu went on a mission so he let you sleep in your bed, of course he slept with you as well. You were planning on taking a shower, but when you lifted up your shirt with both arms and raised the ends up to your chin. You stopped after hearing Zetsu's head pop out of the ground, causing you to look over at him. Both of your eyes stared into Zetsu's, each of you froze in position. You blinked once but that didn't stop the two of you from making eye contact for the past ten seconds later. "Aren't you going to continue?" You smirked with an eye roll and lowered your shirt with light pink cheeks, looking back at Zetsu, whose light side was slightly blushing. "Not with you staring awkwardly like that at me." The rest of Zetsu came up and out of the ground, letting you give a small laugh when you pulled off your shirt. "You're the one who looked this way." "That is true my dear."
"Dammit (Y/n). Come here, I'll get it." You sat on your knees as Hidan approached you and did the same after a kunai got lodged into your shoulder before a victim of your sacrifice escaped. You weren't immortal, so the pain of it started to make your eyes teary. Hidan smirked, lifting up your chin to make your eyes meet his dark violet ones. As he slowly pulled the kunai out, your eyes continued to stare into his, making Hidan smirk and brows furrow. You gasped a bit when the rest of the blade came out but you stared into his eyes still, you then glanced away when he chuckled a bit. "Don't make me stare into your eyes when you that!" Hidan chuckled and wrapped your shoulder as you blushed deeply with a smirk. "What? Having perverted thoughts?" "That was awkward." When you stood up and walked away, Hidan smirked more and followed with a head shake. "You make everything awkward for me."
You were half asleep, it's not that you couldn't sleep it's just that you woke up for you were in Kisame's tight grip and couldn't turn. "Kisa..scoot." Kisame did with a small groan, you then turned to him but when you did, you gave a small smile seeing him smirking at you, his eyes staring into yours. You blinked once more before you ended up staring into Kisame's eyes, he gave an eyebrow raise as his eyes pierced through yours. "Staring problem?" You gave narrowed eyes with light pink cheeks and a small smirk before you gave an eye roll and turned your back to him. "You started it." Kisame smirked with a head shake and pulled you close to him, kissing the back of your head as you gave a light sigh. "I ended it."
You were sitting on the edge of your bed, cleaning up your ninja stars when Itachi came into the room after a meeting with Pein-sama. You glanced over to see Itachi giving a deep sigh with his eyes shut when he sat in the chair in front of you and placed a clinched fist to his cheek as his elbow rested on the arm rest. You were about to look away before you ended up making eye contact with him. Instead of looking down flustered from being caught, you remained to stare into his dark eyes as he did the same with your (e/c) eyes. When he removed his fist from his cheek, you blinked five seconds later and looked down with a smile as Itachi 'tch'ed with an eye roll and stood up. "Like I thought." You gave narrowed eyes and glanced up when Itachi stood in front of you. "You have a sharingan. You knew I was gonna blink!" Itachi poked your head, making you smile a bit after giving parted lips. "I also knew you were going to be the awkward one and start the staring."
You and Orochimaru hadn't spent much time together alone in the bedroom for all the missions him and Kabuto been on and along with you following Pein-sama's orders. So you were laying in bed, smiling a bit with blushing cheeks and faint giggles after Orochimaru rolled up your shirt just enough for him to wrap his arms around your lower back and kiss at your stomach to leave a mark. After giving a light sigh, you glanced down to see Orochimaru frozen in position as he stared up at you. You did the same back to him without any expression, till five seconds later but only for your brows to furrow in confusion. You seen his eyes slightly narrow and his chin head lift up at bit, making you blink. You then gave a light gulp and looked to the side with slightly pink cheeks. Orochimaru smirked to this and leaned up with a chuckle, making you look back at him to see him above you. "Your features are so hypnotizing." You blushed to that, pecking his lips with a smile as he continued to smirk lightly after you giggled a bit. "Don't stare at me like you were mad at me though. It made me feel weird." Orochimaru kissed your cheek, pushing your head to the side with a chuckle. "I'll stare at you however I like."

(So sorry for slow updates. More to come soon hope you enjoy this! Sorry if it was a bit suckish)

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