When You Walk In On Him Masturbating

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(Why?! XD My Jashin..this was requested, twice! You two know who you are. But damn..seeing Hidan..mhm sexy..*nosebleed* sorry!! XD)
Pein gave a deep sigh when rolling up a scroll, the last one at that and you were still out on your mission, which you've been one for about three days now. "I should've sent someone else. But she was the right person for it." Pein stood up in his chair, taking off his cloak and tossed it on the bed, he was about to sleep before he started to flash back on the last time he tossed his cloak to the bed. "Seems I can still get work done." You opened up the door to Pein's room with a yawn after arriving back from your mission ten minutes later. You figured Pein was on his own mission and decided to take a shower. But when you opened the door, your eyes widened seeing Pein in a peeing position only to see something other than pee come out of him. "Really Pein?" Pein smirked, he was surprised but after hearing you chuckle when walking away. "I'm busy." "Heh, yeah you have work to do alright." "You are supposed to be my assistant. You should help me then, my Goddess." You blushed, giving an eye roll when he leaned against the doorway with a smirk. You turned your back to him and crossed your arms, giving a head shake as you started to walk to the door. "I have to give a meeting about tomorrow's plans." "Good excuse." "Good excuse for you trying to me to make you relieve yourself."
"I don't question what you do on your free time." You gave a confused look with a head shake. "Free time? What? Kakuzu, what are you talking about?" While you were in Pein-sama's office, Kakuzu counted money in room like normal. He began to start getting side tracked when thinking of other ways to spend his time with you. He grunted when thinking about you tempting him with his fetish of ear mumbling. "That woman." After having seconds thoughts about the idea, Kakuzu went into the bathroom with a deep sigh. "Kuzu." You smirked towards the bathroom, holding up the bounty sheets that had prices higher than ever. But soon after you opened up the door, you placed the sheets over your eyes when seeing Kakuzu have one hand pressed up against the wall while the other held his area. "You seem busy." Shortly after it led up to you being confused along with Kakuzu, you were confused on what he was talking about while he was confused on how you didn't see him relieve himself. "Never mind. What's with papers?"
"Mhm, Deidara, stop." You pushed Deidara's chest after feeling him start to kiss at your neck soon after you woke up beside him. "What's he matter, hm? Not in the mood, hm?" You laughed a bit then removed yourself from his grip and placed your cloak over your sleepwear. "That too. But I have to talk to the Leader about my mission in the Hidden Leaf since he was out on a personal mission yesterday." Deidara gave an eye roll, then gave a light sigh when hit left the room and shut the door. "Damn, un. I'm already hard.." Deidara gave a shaking sigh then went into the bathroom. And about three minutes later, you stepped inside the room with a big smile only for it to fade. "Deidara? Are you showering?" After knocking on the door, you heard a flushing sound and you opened up the door only for you to shut your eyes when seeing Deidara quickly grab and hold up a towel when looking down at his thigh when he covered himself. "It's not what it looks like, un." "Are you going to say that liquid clay on the floor?" Deidara gave light pink cheeks, chuckling a bit before giving a deep sigh at your expression. "Okay..I'm sorry, un."
"T-Tobi didn't know how to ask you.." You blushed deeply with your hands still over your face as Tobi rubbed the back of his neck, facing the ground. "Oh my gosh.." You cracked a small laugh, then peeked through your finger at Tobi, whom chuckled. While you were still asleep, Tobi was in Pein-sama's office. "(Y/n)-cha-!" When almost pulling the sheets half away off of you, Tobi froze seeing you in your undergarments. "Uh-oh. (Y/n)-chan..Tobi...feels." Seeing you not budge after nudging your shoulder, Tobi squirmed and ran into the bathroom. Five to ten minutes later, you awoke for you needed to use the bathroom but right when you placed your hand on the door knob with a yawn. You froze in position when hearing Tobi give his flirting giggle. "Mhm.." Your lips parted and you yelped when opening the door to see Tobi in position of using the bathroom but that wasn't what he was doing. "Why Tobi?!" Which this led up to you know removing your hands from your face with a parted smile and light pink cheeks still. "Tobi..maybe you're not a good boy.." "Tobi is! Tobi good boy for not waking up beautiful (Y/n)-chan!" "Eh..well..hm? Imma go back to bed now." "Don't you need to use the bathroom?!" You gave a head shake and pulled the sheets over you as Tobi stood in the doorway. "No..please flush."
"Seems I can't concentrate." Sasori was staring at your sleeping form, seeing you stretch out your hips from side to side started to make Sasori narrow his eyes at the feeling of himself getting heated. "A shower might help. (Y/n) takes one when she's feeling stressed or not herself. This emotion has me wanting to do the same." When hearing the shower go off, you woke up only to give a confused look. "Is Sasori showering?" You then smiled, he never did unless you did. Sasori' eyes shot open when hearing the door open, he wasn't just showering. "Sas-." "Can't I shower in private Love?" You looked down with a confused look, then smirked and gave a head nod. "Okay..sorry." You were about to closer the door all the way when Sasori gave a deep sigh. "Seems pleasuring you is much more relieving than when I try to do it to myself." Your eyes widened, making your cheeks a light pink when feeling your hand being tugged back by his chakra strings. "You wanted to join me?" "I actually have to go to Pein-sama's office. I'll leave you to your shower Sasori." "Alright then."
"Too bad she isn't here so I can spray her with the water hose." The light side of Zetsu smirked with an eye roll when watering the plants while you were out on another mission with Deidara. "I know. Her laugh and the look she gives us is so cute." The dark side grunted as the light side gave a faint sigh. "Damnit. She needs to get back soon. Starting to get in the mood." "Ngh..Same here." You did so, but ten minutes later. When you stepped into the garden with a slight yawn from the long day, you ended up giving a confused look seeing Zetsu not around. You were about to call his name before you gasped and turned your back when seeing the light side of Zestu grinning when holding his area. "Zestu!" They both gasped, each blushing a bit as they placed their cloak back over. "What? It helps the plants grow." "Can't say I agree with that." "Heh, it helps us grow." You placed your hand to your ears, giving a deep groan as you stared at the grass with a head shake. "Did we scar her?" "How? We have se-." "Stop talking!"
Hidan bit his lip when watching you and Kakuzu battle for Pein-sama made each member go against each other. Seeing you focused and hearing you grunt and gasp started to make Hidan squirm. "How much longer is this gonna be huh?" You gave Hidan narrowed eyes when jumping backwards from Kakuzu's fist that was coming towards you. "The hell does he want?" You tried to keep your eyes on Kakuzu's movements but you confused on why Hidan was heading back to the base. Hidan gave a relaxing sigh when relieving himself in the bathroom, biting his lips once more. "Damn her." "Damn me what?!" You then yelped after opening up the door, causing Hidan to smirk and look at you. "Don't you know how to. Knock?!" You backed out of the bathroom wit light pink cheeks and your hands over your face. "And damn you for turning me on." "What? How is that my fault?" Hidan chuckled, trying to pull you close but you took a step back with a small laugh. "Go wash your hands." "You act like this is the first time you seen me do that. Oh wait, you're too busy with your eyes shut and looking up." You blushed deeply, slapping his chest as you tried to leave the room. "My Jashin! Damn your damn hobbies!"
"It's been four weeks." You gave a small laugh with a smirk when wiping your eyes for you had just woken up. You and Kisame had both been going on separate missions for that long of weeks, it was rare durning those days for the both you and him would join one other in bed to sleep. Kisame arrived back at the base with a small smirk when seeing you asleep in bed. "Shark bait.." Kisame kissed the side of your head, giving an eye roll with a smirk and head shake. "Guess I gotta do it myself." You sat up in bed with a stretch and a yawn. Only to smile shortly after seeing the light of the bathroom on, knowing Kisame was back. "Kisa." After opening the door, Kisame cut his groaning short and looked at your widened eye expression after you saw the movement of his hand on his area. "It has been awhile." Kisame smirked when his shorts hit the ground, you blushing and giving a shake. "Not in the shower. And maybe in the morning." "Tch."
Itachi's eyes slightly widened after you sat on his lap. The two of you, along with the rest of the Akatsuki members, were in the living room of the base for there was a meeting about capturing a tailed beast and the Leader was going to assign the task to certain members. You blushed a bit for you had to adjust on Itachi's lap and felt his grip slightly tighten around your sides. "(Y/n), Zetsu, Sasori, and Kakuzu." Itachi went back into his room after you went into Pein-sama's office after being called. But while the Leader was discussing, Itachi gave a deep sigh when in the bathroom, trying to relieve himself from being in the mood. "Itachi?" Itachi relaxed when you opened up the door, making you placed your hand over your eyes with a small laugh. "Sorry I didn't know you had to pee." "It's fine..what did he say?" You smiled, kissing his cheek before making your way past him. "I'll tell you in a second but first I have to pee." Soon after you closed the door, Itachi gave a small smirk when holding the lower part of his stomach. But as for you, you blushed and flushed the toilet with a light sigh. "I knew I should've sat beside him instead.."
"Orochimaru...did you seriously?" Orochimaru turned to you with a calm expression and a 'hm?' When seeing you standing in the doorway of the bathroom. "Did what?" You gave an eye roll, then a faint sigh when trying not to crack a smirk. "At least aim next time." After going to the bathroom when arriving back to the base, you ended up having to wait outside the bathroom door whining. Orochimaru was taking too long for you, claiming he had to pee as well but that wasn't what he was doing. While waiting for you to arrive at the base, Orochimaru started to have thoughts about you when staring at the bed. Deep thoughts, which he eventually snapped out of only to realize his hand was on his area. This made him go straight to the bathroom, only for you bang on the door ten minutes later. "Oh. My mistake, I had to go didn't I?" You smirked, then went back into the bathroom, lowering the toilet seat was an unpleasant look. "That's just gross."

(Hope you enjoyed this XD more to come soon I tried XD)

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