His Way Of Telling You That He Loves You

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(Almost to 200 hundred scenarios! Slowly taking requests at a time! And that picture has me dying XD)
Believe it or not, but Pein's signal of letting you know he loves you is actually kind of aggressive, yet very flattering too. If you try to walk away from him without a reason, kissing him, a smile, or hugging him, Pein with grabbing your wrist and pull you back to him. He'll either pull you into his lap, into a tight hug, or just hold your wrist gently and give you a soft, yet serious look before you make the first move or before he telling you clearly that he loves you.
Actually, it's kind of a surprise that Kakuzu's way of telling you he loves you without saying it, is by doing small gestures for you. For example, tucking you in while you're asleep, running you a bath, helping you get dressed, and even brushing your hair for you. He won't do this at random times either. In fact, Kakuzu does this rather occasionally.
Call Deidara cheesy, odd, or even become questionable about him, but he will tell you he loves you by slighting rubbing his nose against yours. You'll sometimes tease him, laugh after he does, but either way that's his own way of silently telling you he loves you.
Obito will always use his words to express how much he loves you, but there are very special moments where he will muzzle his head into your neck crease. Even when hugging you, lying beside you, or just coming up behind you during those times, Obito will snuggle close to you. Of course, he'll tell you he loves you during or after doing so, but that's just his own specific way.
Sasori's way of letting you know that he loves you without having to say it is rather flattering. Sasori will take and place your hand on his heart canteen. Without having to look at you, without a reason, with his own hand or puppet string chakra, this is a way of telling you he loves you during the situations you least expect it, such as when your mad, when you're asleep, or when you are upset or scared.
Besides growing flowers for you at random moments, Zetsu has his own special way of telling you he loves you without having to say it. Believe it or not, but just the way Zetsu stares at you automatically lets you know he loves you. His gold eyes will go soft, the light-side of him will have a calm smile, and no matter what you are talking about or what you are doing, the way he stares at you causes you to stop and give him the same dazed look.
You wouldn't think that there was another way of Hidan telling you he loves you by screaming it at you and touching on you, but there is. It's rather flattering, and it leaves you speechless when he does it. Hidan will grab the back of your head and make you press his forehead to his. From there, he'll either stare into your eyes or simply close his. Either way, he won't say a word. After he does that, he'll either continue doing what he was doing as if he never did that.
During the times you are upset, scared, or beyond angry, Kisame will take your hand and press his cheek against your palm. He also does this in apology as well but also in the same situation of reminding you that he loves you. Whenever Kisame does this, he'll keep quiet and wait for you to calm down or say something first.
To be honest, it's no surprise that Itachi's way of telling you he loves you is by poking your forehead. Whatever you are rambling on about an issue or something you can over, Itachi will poke your forehead in order for you to stop talking. Same way when having to part ways with you or whenever you're trying to sleep beside him. However, it's just an example of a reminder that he loves you and that he understands.
Orochimaru's own way of telling you how much he cares and loves you is not by teasing you as you would think. It's actually by kissing you. Whether it's deeply on the lips, on the knuckles, or an ear kiss that is his own way. Most of the time he'll use this tactic when you are upset with him. Either way, it does make you smile.

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