How He Is In Bed

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(You know what it? Jashin it! Imma do this Scenario anyways XD aren't we all a little curious? XD pic above though..heh..)
Pein will start off slow to get you into the mood, he'll also let you be dominant in the beginning with the affection and with you wanting him to do. But after getting reactions out of you, or when he starts to feel lacking on the dominance, he'll take it back and be a bit rough, even with his kissing. He'll tell you sweet things, but out of mumble during kissing on you, he'll even be a bit playful with actions to hear you laugh at bit, even though you may think he doesn't know his, each action he gives tells you how much you mean to him.
Kakuzu is dominant throughout, he starts off gentle but will eventually get rough, he'll show you more affection through words and actions. He'll be more relaxed to make you the same way. And when you try to take over the role through kissing and flirty words, he'll take the led and be rough, doing things his own way when you ask.
At first, Deidara starts off a bit rough but he'll be gentle as soon as you show a sign that he was. Instead of being playful like he usually is with you, Deidara's more serious. He'll be playful and flirty, with teases in the beginning, like with kisses and sweet words to get you in a flirty mood but during it, he becomes dominant. You'll take over the position every now and then, but he'll soon take it back after giving you a tease of any kind.
I'm the beginning, Obito will be gentle and let you take the dominant role with your wantings. And he'll also let you do most of the kissing and flirt talking. . But he'll be a bit rough and start to take the position back but will be gentle, still with him being the lead. He'll tell you sweet things and show you more affection and playful than he'll usually does, through words and actions.
Sasori starts out rough surprisingly, he'll ease his paste when you tell him to or at least give him hints. He takes the dominant role half of the time, but when you're the one in the mood, then you'll take that position over. When he starts to feel you're giving him more attention, he'll take the lead and show you more affection with kisses and sweet words, but still takes your request on what you want him to do but he'll do it his own way.
You're mainly the dominant one between the two with the kissing, flirting, and when telling them what you want them to do. Zetsu will start off slow and gentle, telling you sweet things and kissing on you more than usual out of affection and to get you into the mood and try to take the lead. The dark side of Zetsu will be the one telling you, in his own way and tone, sweet things while the light side of him will the one kissing you throughout.
Hidan starts out slow, just for you to get more in the mood and to be playful to you. But he'll pick up his paste soon after, he's more dominant and won't give up his dominant role, when you try to take it over, he'll let you for a bit but take it back quickly. He'll show you affection and tell you sweet things he'll usually wouldn't say to you out of random, he waits for the special moments to express himself through words.
In the beginning, Kisame will be gentle, but will get a bit rough when he's dominant. You'll take the role half of the time and that's when he'll be gentle and do what you tell him to do, but he'll take the dominance back when he starts doing things his way. He'll be playful and tease you throughout, saying things that are supposed to be 'sweet' but more in a rude way, but only for the two of you to enjoy the moment.
Itachi keeps the dominant role, he'll be gentle in the beginning and throughout. He's less serious and more relaxed than usual, he'll tell you sweet things he usually never says and show you more affection, but when you attempt to try to be dominant and show him more affection, then that's when he'll be a bit rough but soon go back to being gentle for the two of you to can calm and romantic during the moment.
Orochimaru will be more rough than gentle, he'll be more affectionate than usual with his actions instead of words. He's more dominant, he'll let you take the role at least once but he'll soon take it back when you give a reaction of him doing so. He'll mumble things but only after you tell him sweet or flirty things. He'll kiss on you throughout the moment, never taking his lips off of you, but only to show you his affectionate side since he hardly does and he enjoys you doing most of the talking when you do.

(Sooo sooo sorry for slow updates on any of my books!! This was just a little something, something I'd throw together. Sorry if it's iffy. Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon XD)

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