When He Saw Another Member Kiss You

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(Please don't be angry at Author-chan for the last chapter XD .Dun dun dun! Hidan you so sexy oh my gosh! (I sung that in rhythm XD) and this will be in his P.O.V)
After Zetsu took (Y/n) back to the base, I did what he told her. I took some time to cool off. I decided to take the long way back to the base in order for me to do so. I began to get angry, not just with myself and my actions towards (Y/n), but with Zetsu. 'What are you going to do now Zetsu?' After thinking that to myself I headed towards the base. It was quiet when I arrived there, I checked my office first. (Y/n) wasn't in there, next I checked what would of been her room if her and I didn't share. But after cracking open the door to what would of been Zetsu's room, my eyes widened. When Zetsu pulled back from (Y/n)'s lips, he made eye contact with me. I was about to barge in the room, he knew it too, he even saw my hand was raised up to 'Almighty Push'. But before I could do anything besides stare, Zetsu sunk back into the ground, making me close the door only to hear (Y/n) start to sob before it faded when I headed back out the base.
When Hidan drug (Y/n) off back to the base, all I did after that was sit on top of a tree I punched down in anger. I took off my mask and rubbed my eyes with a deep groan thinking about what I have just done. "If that idiot touched her in anyway, I'll find a way to kill that bastard." After mumbling that to myself, I began to flashback on Hidan stepping in his way for her. I placed my mask and cloak back on and graded towards the base as quickly as I could. She wasn't in my room, which wasn't a surprise, I knew that she wasn't in the Leader's office either. But after hearing Hidan's loud mumbling, I found where she was. The door was wide open, I peeked in side only to see Hidan pull her into his chest. Just my seeing that, my threads exploded from my wrist when my fist clinched. But when seeing Hidan kiss her, even though she did push him off. Hidan made eye contact with me then quickly looked away. All I did was give a deep sigh and left, instead of going back into my room, I decided to leave the base.
Just when Tobi left with (Y/n) to take her back to the base, I laid on my back and cussed myself out, un. There was no doubt seeing her like that with Tobi made me cry, yeah. But soon after thinking about Tobi and how he acted and how this was the perfect opportunity for him to take (Y/n) from me, un. I got onto a clay bird and flew to the base, I tried to find the two heading there but once I arrived, they stepped into the base. I checked my room, I was shocked seeing her not there. But after peeking into Tobi's room, I felt myself tear up out of anger all over again, yeah. When Tobi kissed (Y/n)'s hand, I watched as if I didn't mind, un. But when he hugged her and pecked her lips, I clinched clay in my hands ready to attack him, yeah. But when Tobi looked at me, staring at me for about two seconds, I felt as if I couldn't do anything. I watched Tobi slowly make his way to the door, and from there, un. I ran back out of the base and onto a clay bird, tearing in my eyes that I tried to hold back, un.
When watching (Y/n) be led into Sasori's room, I didn't know what else to do besides close my room door and sit back against it. I even took off my mask, putting both palms to my face, groaning in anger. I wasn't as mad when Sasori took (Y/n) away. I wasn't mad at what she said to me. I was mad that I tried to harm her and for what I said. "I promised to protect her from anyone...I can't even protect her from my words or actions let alone." I placed my mask back on and with out hesitation, I used my justu to appear in Sasori's room. I listened to his questions and her responses, I was about to go up to that puppet boy as well. But when seeing him kiss her, even watched her push him back just for Sasori to make eye contact with me. When he looked away, then started to head my direction, I vanished outside the base. "I'm so sorry..."
After hearing the base door slam shut, I fell to my knees. My hand was still over my canteen, I stared blankly at the ground. The feeling of pain started to cause me confusion. I felt as if I was becoming...empty again. I didn't know what else to do in this situation besides sit and stare at my wrist. Flashbacks of (Y/n) started to make my fist clinch. I stood up with my eyes slightly narrowed, I felt angry. I didn't know why or to who I felt that emotion to but I needed to get to (Y/n) quickly before that snake did anything to her. I used my puppet Hikuro to take me into the forest. But when I arrived there, I seen Orochimaru press his lips against her soft ones. At that moment...I felt myself become empty. Even before Orochimaru stared up at me, he even smirked. When Orochimaru walked away, so did I, but not towards the base. Feeling this much emptiness in myself reminded me that I was nothing more than a puppet.
I didn't know what to do. Or to think. When watching Pein take (Y/n) back to the base. I webtvto the garden minutes later, in hope she broke free from Pein's grip and went there to comfort herself. I was mad not seeing her there. But wasn't surprised either, I knew she didn't want to look at either one of us at the moment. Out of anger to Pein, I headed back to the base to apologize to her only. But when she wasn't in her room, I felt sadness drown me to the point I wanted to leave. When peeking into Pein's office. I was ready to attack him. His lips were to hers, causing my eyes to water, then narrowed when Pein made eye contact with us. We sunk back into the ground before he could approach us. We gave another look at him as he did the same to us just before he traveled underneath the base, not going to the garden either.
After that bastard rushed her back to the base in his arms, I stabbed my self in the chest about five fucking times. I cussed each time I did so, just thinking about what I did caused me wanting to slice my own throat out. But seeing the tears in her eyes, well I sliced through the blonde's clay ring he tried to keep me in from killing him, I rushed back to the base as well, I figured she was in my room waiting for me to walk in just to have a blade shoved through my eye or some shit. But she wasn't in there, I followed her sobs only to find out she was in Deidara's room. Her head was on his shoulder, I felt pity for her. I felt like an asshole. I was about to walk in and actually apologize before I seen that fucking idiot kiss her. He made eye contact with me too, he acted like he didn't and  looked away. To that, I left the base. Seeing her would of caused me to kill him right then and there and I didn't want to hurt her more than I already did.
I headed towards the base soon after Itachi and (Y/n) were out of my sight. I didn't catch up to the two for knowing how quickly Itachi was, it wouldn't be a shock to me if he wasn't already at the base. I groaned in anger. I didn't know how else to take my mind off of what I did to her so I started to cut everything in my path with my sword. I reached the base soon after, (Y/n) wasn't at the lake like I knew she wouldn't be. I checked my room, it was shut so I figured she locked it. But after hearing mumbling, I peeked into Itachi's room just to see him force her to his lips. I clinched my sword's handle, but before I could attack, I found myself staring into Itachi's eyes until he looked away. From there, I left the base, it was the only thing left I could do.
When Kisame took (Y/n) back to the base, I remained sitting on the grass. My hand was to me cheek, still felling the sensation of her slap. That didn't matter to me. What mattered to me was that I raised my hand to a women I loved deeply. It brought of memories on how I hurt my brother for the actions I did. I walked back to the base, thinking of different ways to prove how sorry I was to her. But when arriving there, next to the lake I seen (Y/n) and Kisame talking. I figured Kisame was trying to comfort her in a way, but a way I, myself, didn't expect. Kisame looked directly at me before and after kissing her. She pushed him off just to make him get up and walk away. I waited for Kisame to walk up to me but he went inside the base. And as for me, I gave another look at (Y/n), then headed back the way I came from.
I sat in the ground holding my neck for a good while, I was still trying to regain my breathing pattern while thinking about what I just did. I gave a deep sigh and stood up, I hesitated to enter the base for I was debating on whether or not to go back to the hideout of my experiments. But I went inside, I was heading to my room before going to go check in with Pein. But I backed up after seeing (Y/n) in Kakuzu's room. I peeked inside, I didn't want to ignore and walk away. But when hearing Kakuzu speak of me, I peeked inside only to watch Kakuzu pull back from (Y/n)'s lips. I did as I did before, I debated on whether or not to step in the room but when seeing Kakuzu stare at me. I decided to leave the base just as he did the same but to leave the room, his door shut just as the base door did the same.

(The answer on why the other member left after kissing you was for he was caught doing so XD just in case the message wasn't clear XD and sorry to keep you hanging like that XD more to come soon hoped you enjoyed this. Yes there's more to follow.)

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