Special Scenario: Easter

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(My Jashin that is too adorable!!)
You gave a frustrated groan mixed in with a sigh. You were in Pein's room, at his desk writing a scroll for Deidara to deliver in the next ten minutes. Pein was giving a meeting at the time, making you try to rush before he finds out you forgot to write it. But just as you rolled it up after making the ink dry, you glanced to the side only to see a plate of cookies in the shapes of bunny heads. You watched Pein take the scroll from you, he then lifted up your chin as you gave a surprised expression. "Relax (Y/n)." You smiled, and when he left the room, you began to eat the cookies that were surprisingly delicious. "(Y/n)-sama!! Those are Tobi's!!" You looked at Tobi with sealed lips before giving narrowed eyes when Pein shut the door on him and walked over to you. "Pein." "He'll get over it, it's Easter. He doesn't need sugar."
You gave a deep sigh when coming back from a mission you were assigned to yesterday. It was the afternoon when you arrived back at the base, only to smile when seeing Kakuzu enter the living room. "Kakuzu." You hugged him, he gave you an one arm hug, you handed him your cloak, you had to do since you try to hide your wounds but you didn't have any. "Do you know what today is?" You gave a confused look, you were about to step in the room before he shut the door. "Besides it being Sunday?" "It's Easter." You gave parted lips, about to question him before he started to walk towards Pein-sama's office. "There's a plastic egg in the room that contains eight hundred dollars. Find it, you can keep it. You have one hour." When he stepped into the office, you immediately when into the room only to see plastic eggs everywhere, as if Tobi came in the room and threw them but after picking up one, it was empty. "Damnit Kakuzu."
You smiled at Tobi as he rubbed the back of his head after handing you an egg carton. "Thank you so much." You walked slowly to Deidara's room after Tobi ran off, you peeked your head in the doorway to see him hunched over at his desk, working on clay birds. "Dei-Dei." You leaned over and kissed his ear, making him smirk as he continued to focus. "Hm?" "Happy Easter." After smashing two confetti eggs on his head, you ran out of the room. Deidara gave parted lips seeing the colorful construction paper drop onto the desk before getting up and chasing you into the living room. From there he tackled you onto the couch, taking an egg and doing the same to you as he held you to his chest. You both smiled and giggled as you laid in confetti. "Happy Easter to you too, un." Just before you could peck his lips, you both watch Pein head to his office after coming inside. "Celebrate in private. And clean up."
"Yes. I'll leave first thing tomorrow. Thank you Leader." You gave a bow to Pein before spending out of his office, but only to collide with Tobi. "Hey great new-." "Tobi has a surprise for you." You gave a confused look, you then gave parted lips when he placed his hands over your eyes, pushing you along as he walked towards his room. "Tobi. Where are w-." You watched him open up his room door only to gasp with widened eyes seeing baby chicks run around, some escaping into the hall. "Happy Easter!" You hugged him tightly, giggling before sitting in the middle of the room, watching the chicks run around. "They're so fluf-." "Why the hell are there fucking chickens in the living room?!" Tobi slammed the door after grabbing them, you giggled as he began to chuckle before Pein's voice made you both go silent. "Tobi. Get them out."
You were finishing the last touches in the puppet you've been working on for the past three weeks, Sasori sat next to you after coming back from Pein-sama's office at that time. "Love." You gave a small 'hm?' and looked up at him as he began to mess with his carving tools. "What is Easter?" You doubled blinking, remembering that today was in fact Easter Sunday. "Um. It's just a colorful holiday with desserts, bunnies, eggs. That's stuff." You looked back down, only to glance up after seeing Sasori stand up, his hand reaching for yours. "Let's go." You took his hand, he helped you up the started to walk towards the base entrance with you. "Sasori?" "This is our first Easter. Shouldn't we make it rememberable?"  You blushed, not knowing what to say, you hugged his arm, making him look over at you. "So where are we going?" "To get puppet parts for I have an interesting idea."
You awoke with a smile, it was Easter Sunday, meaning that the park in the Hidden Leaf was going to host a festival for it and you wanted to go. "Zetsu?" After stepping into his garden, you seen he wasn't near by, but after walking into the open area when you and him are mostly at. You blushed with parted lips seeing the garden was scattered with different colored Easter eggs. "Do you like it?" "Yes, but." "Decoration only." He pulled you close by your waist, you smiled looking up at him, before he took your hand and led you to the coy fish pond. You gave parted lips seeing waterlilies float around in that water with your favorite pieces of chocolate in the middle. "Zetsu.." "To be honest my dear. We didn't exactly." "Want to go to the village. Instead we are going to stay here." "I like it anyways."
After waking up in Hidan's grip, you had one thing on your mind, causing you to give a small, holding back grin and laugh. It was Easter Sunday, you and Hidan had plans for today to sacrifice but that was later on. You popped open a sharpie, you rolled him only his back and began to draw three whiskers on each cheek, then a heart shaped nose. You laughed the entire time and while going to Tobi's room, count back into the room to see Hidan out of bed and in the bathroom doorway with narrowed eyes. "You." "Wait." You placed a pair of bunny ears on his head, making him pull you to the bed, you facing him as you sat in his lap, blushing and laughing as he smirked with an eye roll. "You should be the damn rabbit. Cause I have a carrot for yo-." You placed your hand over his mouth as you gave light chuckles and a head shake. "Glad to see you're in the Easter spirit." "Heh. Only because I love you, now about that carrot." "Shut the hell up."
You were sitting on the bed in Kisame's room, hand painting raw eggs while him and Itachi were out on a mission. Or do they were before arriving back, Kisame stepping inside his room only to see you sitting crisscross with a serious expression towards an egg you were decorating. "(Y/n). Explain to me what are you doing." You smiled, looking up at him as he stared in confusion while taking off his cloak. "It's Easter." "And?" You looked at the egg then threw it, he dodged it only for it to splatter on the wall, making him chuckle and go over to you. "Kisame you left your fish eggs in the hall." You and Kisame both gave parted lips after hearing Hidan laugh when Itachi said that, causing Kisame to smirk with narrowed eyes and pick up the eggs you painted. "Easter. Well then, let's help the base get into the spirit."
You woke up in Itachi's arms, you smiled seeing him still on his back as he slept. You glanced over and grabbed a pair of bunny ears you had hidden under your pillow for this moment. You  were about to place them on Itachi after you rolled into him, laying on your stomach on his chest. But your wrist was grabbed, making you freeze in position only for Itachi to use his other hand and place the ears on your head, making you giggle. "Come on Itachi. It's Easter." "Go back to sleep (Y/n)." You gave a quick sigh, then smirked while pushing his bangs to the side. "The village gives away free dangos on easter." You smiled when Itachi's eyes peeked open, staring at you before they shut and he gave a deep sigh through his nose. "Alright. Well head out in an hour."
You and Orochimaru were both walking along the path of the forest that led to the Hidden Leaf village so you and him could deliver a scroll. You held his hand while doing so, as you talked about what today was, known as Easter Sunday, Orochimaru shut his eyes and listened. "In that case. Would you like a rabbit?" You stopped walking and looked at him in confusion, about to give an open smile before he released your hand and made a jutsu. "What do you me-." You gasped after seeing a rabbit run and jump into your arms, you then gave Orochimaru narrowed eyes after seeing three snakes slither from where the rabbit came from. "That's not right Orochimaru." "At least I'm not making you feed the snakes. Happy Easter."

(So sorry for slow updates!!! And if some are iffy but. Just oh my Jashin. It's unreal on how I've been lacking.  Hope you enjoy this more to come soon.)

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