When He's Being Affectionate

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Pein never was really the type to show affection to you around anyone, including when the both of you are doing paperwork together, so you found it quite odd when he was holding your hand during a meeting with the fellow Akatsuki members. "Pein. You can let go now." You said as you were trying to release your hand from his grip."Oh, we're almost to my office." Even as you approach his office he still wouldn't let go, so you just shrugged it off not minding that he's giving you some affection ever now and then.
Now Kakuzu, he never showed you and little affection to you in public or even when in private counting money. But that day you had to leave for a mission for three or so days and that sparked up a light in Kakuzu. "Kakuzu, can you please give me some space, I can't get ready for my mission like this." Kakuzu just stared at you as you pack for your mission as he hovered over you, holding you from behind. Eventually you just rolled your (e/c) eyes and gave in with a smile as Kakuzu tugged you slightly closer to him.
Deidara was always affectionate, he didn't care what others thought he only thought about finding out ways to prove you're his in public. As the Leader held out a meeting in the Akatsuki base living room, Deidara just couldn't keep his hands off of you. He'd hug you from behind, pulling you closer to him every now and then and give you a couple of pecks in the cheek and shoulder. But of course the Leader grew tired of your small giggles and shortened the meeting, causing the both of you two to go cuddle the rest of the day.
Of course Tobi was affectionate, all he ever showed you was affection. Obito would show you affection every now and then but you didn't mind. And today was one of those days, you and Obito basically laid in bed all day, resting for your mission the next day, you would almost fall asleep every now and then but a face load of kisses would flutter across your cheeks. Of course you'd smile which caused him to kiss you more till eventually it was Tobi's turn to give you love.
Sasori would hardly ever show you affection but of course you didn't mind, you knew how busy he was but still, a little showing of love wouldn't hurt. Sassori noticed this and came up with a little idea of how he could work and give you affection. You sat on Sasori's lap as he rested his chin on you shoulder and continued to work on his puppets, planting small kisses on you shoulder every now and then. You couldn't help but smile, filling his soft lips press against your skin.
Zetsu would always show you affection every now and then, he would hold your hand and give you small forward kisses every once and a while but today his dark side what more affectionate then his light side, which is a surprise. "(Y/n), are you alright?" You smiled as Zetsu held you close to him, resting his chin on your head. "Yes I'm a fine my love." He smiled as each side gave you small pecks on the cheek.
You were laying in bed resting for a mission you had to complete the day after day, well you were resting until your loud boyfriend busted through the bedroom door smirking at you. "Hey baby." You glanced your (e/c) eyes up at Hidan who was crawling on the bed over you. "Can I help you?" "Tch. Maybe." He then started to kiss your neck up to your cheeks and switch positions with you so now you where laying on top of him. "Hidan, what the hell are." You were cut off by his lips pressing deeply into yours before you buried your head into his bare chest as he smirked.

(Alright another scenario finished. More to come, updates constantly. Luv ya hoped you enjoyed.)

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