When He Has A Nightmare

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You finally convinced Pein to get some rest since he's been working so hard. After the two of you laid in bed in each other's arms you both ended up falling asleep, well that was until your (e/c) eyes fluttered open after Pein's desk lamp light brightened the room. "Pein? You need to." Pein spoke cutting you off as his hands held up his head. "I..had a nightmare, (Y/n)." You frowned slightly as you got off the bed and went over to him trying to get him to look up at you. "Pein. It's okay. It's over now." He looked up at you with his purple eyes pulling into a tight hug, stroking your (h/c) hair. "I-I caused you so much pain. I'm sorry. I don't mean to hurt you. I would never even think to." Your eyes softened as you hugged him tighter. "I know you wouldn't. I love you. Just so much." "I love you too my Goddess." You released yourself from the hug and pulled him back over to the bed, sitting down beside him as you rubbed his bare back. "Go back to sleep. Just for a little bit. Please." He nodded as he pecked your lips deeper than usual before leaning against you and slowly falling back to sleep as you ran your fingers through his hair.
You and Kakuzu finally got finished counting a days worth of money, well he did you fell asleep during half the count, so Kakuzu decided to join you. You woke up to the sound of grunting and the feeling of the bed getting moved from Kakuzu tossing and turning. "Kakuzu? Are you alright?" Kakuzu eyes shot open as your (e/c) eyes widened after he pulled you into his bare stitched chest. "Kakuzu..?" "I'm sorry I woke you. And..I'm sorry about focusing on money more than you." You slowly hugged him back with a confused look till it hit you that he must've had a bad dream or memory. "No, no it's okay. I love you." "I love you." After he had relaxed and so did you, you both fell back to sleep with him holding you in his arms tightly until you had to give yourself some space to breathe.
You and Deidara basically spent the whole day in bed resting since the both of you came back from a mission recently and had to go on another the next day. You were all wrapped up in Deidara's arms with his long blonde hair tangled up in your (h/c) hair until you heard the sound of sniffling in your ear. "Dei? Deidara?" You asked lightly shaking him watching a tear or two drip down from his blue eyes. "Deidara are you okay? You're crying." He sat up on the bed and pulled you into his lap burying his face into your shoulder. "I'm sorry. I just had a bad dream, un." You wrapped your arms around his bare back and rubbed up and down from his shoulders. "Do you want to talk about it?" He shook his head and placed a kiss on your forehead. "No..I killed you with one of my bombs and." He started to sniffle again until you cut him off kissing his lips deeply, pulling him down with you, snuggling closer to his chest. "I'm like Tobi. You can't get rid of me." He smiled and kissed your forehead until he fell back to sleep.
You and Obito had a relaxing day, one of those rare days, so you two spent the day cuddling in bed together till y'all eventually fell asleep. "(Y/n)-chan! Tobi had a bad dream! And so did Obito." He whispered the last part as you sat up in in bed rubbing your (e/c) eyes at Tobi, who had his mask right in front of your face. "Obito?" You reached for his mask and slid it off. Surprisingly he let you, you could see his tears streaming down both of cheeks as he looked up at you with sad eyes. "Obito? It's okay." You pulled him into a hug as he rested his chin on your shoulder pulling you tightly towards him. "I promise to protect you no matter what. I love you so so much my angel." You couldn't help but to lightly smile at him before you kissed his scared cheek and stared into his eyes. "I know you will. And I love you so much too Obito." He gave a small smile before you slid down his mask before he pulled you into a tight hug. "Tobi loves (Y/n)-chan too!" You giggled as you laid back down with him stroking his hair as you heard Obito sigh of relief.
Sasori was a puppet meaning he didn't sleep but you on the other hand couldn't keep up with his schedule so you went to bed earlier than usual while he continued to work on his puppets. You slept peacefully until you woke up feeling watched and sure enough, you were right. Sasori's dark brown eyes were staring into your (e/c) eyes from his desk. "Sasori?" He didn't respond only studied you. "Sassori, my soul mate?" He regained focused and gave a small 'hmm' for a response. "Are you okay?" "(Y/n), why did you choose to stay with me after I told you I was a puppet?" Your eyes widened at his words but then you smiled slightly and got out of bed and cupped his cheeks with your hands. "Because. Your different from everyone else. You're..unique." He glanced down then up to your eyes after you asked why he would ask something like that. "I..it was just a thought I've been wondering  for a while now." You kissed his forehead before he turned back to his work, holding you in his lap as you watched him till you fell back asleep.
Zetsu decided to sleep with you instead of his garden,which you were fine with that. You cuddled Zetsu tightly in your sleep as he did the same before removing himself from your grip. A couple of minutes later you woke up shivering noticing Zetsu wasn't in bed. You went to go check the garden to see if he didn't leave for his mission without telling you bye. "Zetsu?" Thankfully you saw Zetsu sitting in his garden staring into a small pond where the water plants grew not responding as you sat beside him. "Zetsu? Are you okay?" "(Y/n). Why the hell would you date someone like me." "We had a nightmare my dear." You gave a small fake smile as you nodded before Zetsu stared into your (e/c) eyes which made you smile for real. "Because I love you. Both of you very much. No matter what." His light side smiled, hoping his dark side the did same as the both spoke. "We love you so much too." You kissed Zetsu deeply and then leaned on his shoulder staring into the pond till you fell back to sleep.
Hidan told you to wait for him in his room when you two got back from your mission late that night for Leader wanted to talk to him. When he came back he found you sacked out in bed as he smirked a little and went over to you. "Tch. What a lazy ass." He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer burying himself into your neck with a smirk till he fell asleep with you. You woke up to the sound of yelling seeing Hidan was no where in sight but you could hear his yelling coming from outside the base. "Hidan!" You stared at Hidan with your (e/c) eyes as he had his fist against the giant rock after he stopped punching it. "Hidan, what's wrong?" He stared at his feet as he turned his head away from you. "Nothing damnit!" You walked up to him making him look at you. You eyes suddenly widened seeing Hidan's eyes tear up. "Baby?" He sighed and un clinched his fist pulling you into a tight embrace. "I had a fucken nightmare alright. Jashin was going to take you away from me. And I failed to stop him." You couldn't believe what you heard you tried not to blush but you couldn't help it. "Hidan. No one can take me away from you. I love you." You kissed him deeply for about a minute or so until you broke the kiss before he gave a small smile. "I love you too. And I wouldn't let anyone fucken take you." You smiled as you leaned against his chest falling back asleep.

(Alright finished another scenario! Sorry if these are kinda long but oh wells. Hoped you enjoyed. More updates coming soon)

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